Palestinians To Sue USA Over Jerusalem

Yeah, good luck with that ...

Here is yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality at its very best to keep Palestinians constant losers.

Palestinians to Sue US at International Criminal Court over Jerusalem Recognition

Ridiculous. Recognition is an individual declaration of intent by a particular State. Recognition does not formulate law. But it does tend to guide law. Any State can recognize anything. It doesn't make the recognized thing *true*. At least not until the recognition becomes so universal that denying it as *untrue* becomes impossible. (As example, Israel *IS* actually a State. That many other States don't *recognize* it as a State doesn't make it not a a State.)

There are limited logical legal arguments to be made against the recognition of (part of) Jerusalem to be under Israeli sovereignty:

1. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and is (unrecognized) "Palestinian land".

2. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and falls under the sovereignty of Israel.

3. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible; sovereignty is disputed; and sovereignty can only be assigned to one political entity, either the existing State of Israel or an imagined and as yet unrealized State of Palestine.

None of these three are lasting, valid legal arguments. The first -- that a territory can be held indefinitely for a future government of the conceived "correct" type -- is unconscionable (and just a bit silly). The second is arguably and legally true, but neglects the self-determination of the Arab Palestinian people. The third holds to legal precepts entirely unheard of in history -- that there is such a thing a land which is indivisible.

So, we move on to the second set of arguments:

4. Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division have NOT been determined, in law.

5 Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division HAVE been determined, in law..

The law is ABSOLUTELY DARN CLEAR that the parameters for division have not been determined (despite widespread inaccurate propaganda to the contrary). The law is absolutely clear that the division can only happen within the scope of a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab Palestinian people and their recognized, effective government (waiting.....still waiting....why are we waiting?). Therefore, any recognition by third parties is completely and utterly immaterial to the eventual peace treaty because the peace treaty will set the parameters.


The division has already been determined that West Jerusalem will be Israel and East Jerusalem will be in Palestine. (Totally bogus and utterly insupportable in law -- but I'll go with it). In which case, there is no space to argue that the US Embassy CAN'T be in West Jerusalem. Its already determined, right? So what you arguing?

Seriously. There is no possible valid space to argue that Israel can't have its seat of government in Jerusalem.
Here is yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality at its very best to keep Palestinians constant losers.

Palestinians to Sue US at International Criminal Court over Jerusalem Recognition

Ridiculous. Recognition is an individual declaration of intent by a particular State. Recognition does not formulate law. But it does tend to guide law. Any State can recognize anything. It doesn't make the recognized thing *true*. At least not until the recognition becomes so universal that denying it as *untrue* becomes impossible. (As example, Israel *IS* actually a State. That many other States don't *recognize* it as a State doesn't make it not a a State.)

There are limited logical legal arguments to be made against the recognition of (part of) Jerusalem to be under Israeli sovereignty:

1. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and is (unrecognized) "Palestinian land".

2. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and falls under the sovereignty of Israel.

3. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible; sovereignty is disputed; and sovereignty can only be assigned to one political entity, either the existing State of Israel or an imagined and as yet unrealized State of Palestine.

None of these three are lasting, valid legal arguments. The first -- that a territory can be held indefinitely for a future government of the conceived "correct" type -- is unconscionable (and just a bit silly). The second is arguably and legally true, but neglects the self-determination of the Arab Palestinian people. The third holds to legal precepts entirely unheard of in history -- that there is such a thing a land which is indivisible.

So, we move on to the second set of arguments:

4. Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division have NOT been determined, in law.

5 Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division HAVE been determined, in law..

The law is ABSOLUTELY DARN CLEAR that the parameters for division have not been determined (despite widespread inaccurate propaganda to the contrary). The law is absolutely clear that the division can only happen within the scope of a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab Palestinian people and their recognized, effective government (waiting.....still waiting....why are we waiting?). Therefore, any recognition by third parties is completely and utterly immaterial to the eventual peace treaty because the peace treaty will set the parameters.


The division has already been determined that West Jerusalem will be Israel and East Jerusalem will be in Palestine. (Totally bogus and utterly insupportable in law -- but I'll go with it). In which case, there is no space to argue that the US Embassy CAN'T be in West Jerusalem. Its already determined, right? So what you arguing?

Seriously. There is no possible valid space to argue that Israel can't have its seat of government in Jerusalem.

Doesn’t matter whereIsrael’s Capital is. The important thing is the Palestinians will never have control of E. Jerusalem.
Here is yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality at its very best to keep Palestinians constant losers.

Palestinians to Sue US at International Criminal Court over Jerusalem Recognition

Ridiculous. Recognition is an individual declaration of intent by a particular State. Recognition does not formulate law. But it does tend to guide law. Any State can recognize anything. It doesn't make the recognized thing *true*. At least not until the recognition becomes so universal that denying it as *untrue* becomes impossible. (As example, Israel *IS* actually a State. That many other States don't *recognize* it as a State doesn't make it not a a State.)

There are limited logical legal arguments to be made against the recognition of (part of) Jerusalem to be under Israeli sovereignty:

1. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and is (unrecognized) "Palestinian land".

2. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible and falls under the sovereignty of Israel.

3. Jerusalem in its entirety is indivisible; sovereignty is disputed; and sovereignty can only be assigned to one political entity, either the existing State of Israel or an imagined and as yet unrealized State of Palestine.

None of these three are lasting, valid legal arguments. The first -- that a territory can be held indefinitely for a future government of the conceived "correct" type -- is unconscionable (and just a bit silly). The second is arguably and legally true, but neglects the self-determination of the Arab Palestinian people. The third holds to legal precepts entirely unheard of in history -- that there is such a thing a land which is indivisible.

So, we move on to the second set of arguments:

4. Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division have NOT been determined, in law.

5 Jerusalem is divisible and the parameters for its division HAVE been determined, in law..

The law is ABSOLUTELY DARN CLEAR that the parameters for division have not been determined (despite widespread inaccurate propaganda to the contrary). The law is absolutely clear that the division can only happen within the scope of a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab Palestinian people and their recognized, effective government (waiting.....still waiting....why are we waiting?). Therefore, any recognition by third parties is completely and utterly immaterial to the eventual peace treaty because the peace treaty will set the parameters.


The division has already been determined that West Jerusalem will be Israel and East Jerusalem will be in Palestine. (Totally bogus and utterly insupportable in law -- but I'll go with it). In which case, there is no space to argue that the US Embassy CAN'T be in West Jerusalem. Its already determined, right? So what you arguing?

Seriously. There is no possible valid space to argue that Israel can't have its seat of government in Jerusalem.

Doesn’t matter whereIsrael’s Capital is. The important thing is the Palestinians will never have control of E. Jerusalem.

And especially not the Old City part of East Jerusalem.
Here is yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality at its very best to keep Palestinians constant losers.

Palestinians to Sue US at International Criminal Court over Jerusalem Recognition

In typical “Pal’istanian Mentality”™️, we hear the basis of the lawsuit from another of the critical thinkers representing the Arab-Moslems parading around as so-called “Pal’Istanians”.

“Trump’s historic recognition has “violated all international laws and resolutions,” Rafat claimed, without giving further details about the legal basis for the complaint.”

I suppose with a seemingly unlimited welfare fraud account to draw against, the Arabs-Moslems have no issue with wasting time and other people’s welfare money to file pointless lawsuits.

Seems a shame, though. All that money wasted could have been used for ski masks, phony military style uniforms and fuel for the caravan of cars and trucks for another goofy Hamas sponsored fashion parade.

Here is yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality at its very best to keep Palestinians constant losers.

Palestinians to Sue US at International Criminal Court over Jerusalem Recognition
So,unitedwithisrael. org says so it must be true, no way is it a strawman

This deflection is probably due to the apparent stupidity of the PLO rats.
Which seems to be Your single argument everywhere. Inadequate.

By Qais Abu Samra


The Palestinian Authority plans to file a complaint against U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the International Criminal Court (ICC), according to a Palestinian official.

Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki will fly to The Hague soon to sue the U.S. administration over Trump’s recent decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Saleh Rafat, an executive committee member of the umbrella Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), told the official Voice of Palestine radio."

Palestine to sue Trump, Netanyahu at ICC
So, an Israeli news paper says the Voice of Palestine radio says Saleh Rafat says Riyad al-Maliki may fly to Holland to complain about the opinion expressed by Trump that He sees The capitol of israel no longer being Tel Aviv"

"without giving further details about the complaint".

So, an Israeli news paper says the Voice of Palestine radio says Saleh Rafat says Riyad al-Maliki may fly to Holland to complain about the opinion expressed by Trump that He sees The capitol of israel no longer being Tel Aviv"

"without giving further details about the complaint".


Nice, even #BDS-holes understand the idiocy of PA.
Is their anyone who disagrees that Palestinians are their own worst enemy with their Palestinian mentality?
you have expressed before, your belief that Palestine and Palestinians don't exist,

You sir are either a liar or an imbecile. Post just once where I said what you accuse me of & I will leave this board forever. And if you don't do that, let all others see what a jerk you are. Fair enough? Hit it Dopey. 'Atta boy!
So, an Israeli news paper says the Voice of Palestine radio says Saleh Rafat says Riyad al-Maliki may fly to Holland to complain about the opinion expressed by Trump that He sees The capitol of israel no longer being Tel Aviv"

"without giving further details about the complaint".


Good ! Let the Arab complain. :badgrin:

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