Palin Look a Like book: Even I think this is low.

I think all this is happening because there is a real fear of Sarah Palin and her potential in the political arena. If she was a "non-threat" we would have quit hearing about her long ago after the election. For example, you rarely hear comments about McCain these days. Sure, you see him on the news now and then but not as often as some other politicians. The idea is to turn Sarah Palin into a laughing stock so she won't be taken so seriously. Trouble is, none of the liberal cheap moves seem to be having much of an impact on her popularity. I believe you are going to hear more from Sarah Palin as the national elections near - that's my guess anyway. I could be wrong but I don't think so. She hasn't exactly rode her horse off into the sunset like many politicians do when they say they are hanging it up. I think she has a long term plan that is going to simply blow the liberal's minds when she releases it.

Most "Liberals" I know that keep talking about her hope she makes a run at it. Liberals feel about Sarah the same way Conservatives feel about Hillary.
Why Traveler? It isn't as if she wrote her book.. She got someone to do all the legwork for her, trying to make a fast buck.

In a way, she is ripping off Republicans who are dumb enough to buy the book only because it has her picture on it. They need to be more informed.

Sarah's a laughable enough figure anyways, do we really need to sink to this?

It just feels like a particularly scuzzy thing to do. Let Sarah have her day. There's no need to try to make a quick buck off her book. This is exactly the kind of thing we'd be incensed about if the GOP had done this to Obama.
I think all this is happening because there is a real fear of Sarah Palin and her potential in the political arena. If she was a "non-threat" we would have quit hearing about her long ago after the election. For example, you rarely hear comments about McCain these days. Sure, you see him on the news now and then but not as often as some other politicians. The idea is to turn Sarah Palin into a laughing stock so she won't be taken so seriously. Trouble is, none of the liberal cheap moves seem to be having much of an impact on her popularity. I believe you are going to hear more from Sarah Palin as the national elections near - that's my guess anyway. I could be wrong but I don't think so. She hasn't exactly rode her horse off into the sunset like many politicians do when they say they are hanging it up. I think she has a long term plan that is going to simply blow the liberal's minds when she releases it.

It is beginning to look that way. They must be really worried about Sarah to keep slinging mud at her the way they are. You'd think they'd actually just STFU about her but the constant whining by the left is becoming laughable.

Personally, as a potential Presidential candidate she wouldn't get my vote but then I can't think of anyone currently on the political scene that would. I rate them all as equal on the 'corrupt idiots I would like to kick out of Washington' scale.

Its just a game of political whack-a-mole with Palin the only conservative sticking her head up.

Liberals would love to have Palin as the republican candidate just like the republicans wanted Hillary to be the Democratic candidate. Looks like neither will come to fruition
Why Traveler? It isn't as if she wrote her book.. She got someone to do all the legwork for her, trying to make a fast buck.

In a way, she is ripping off Republicans who are dumb enough to buy the book only because it has her picture on it. They need to be more informed.

Sarah's a laughable enough figure anyways, do we really need to sink to this?

It just feels like a particularly scuzzy thing to do. Let Sarah have her day. There's no need to try to make a quick buck off her book. This is exactly the kind of thing we'd be incensed about if the GOP had done this to Obama.

Fair enough. Still, the fraudulent copy does say An American Nightmare on the cover.. :razz:
Liberals would love to have Palin as the republican candidate just like the republicans wanted Hillary to be the Democratic candidate. Looks like neither will come to fruition
Only hitch in that one is that Palin is, at the very least, marginally likable outside her party, where Hillary is not.
Liberals would love to have Palin as the republican candidate just like the republicans wanted Hillary to be the Democratic candidate. Looks like neither will come to fruition
Only hitch in that one is that Palin is, at the very least, marginally likable outside her party, where Hillary is not.

I don't see that.
I see Palin as intensely disliked outside of her 25% right wing constituency

The wild card with Hillary is how she does as Secretary of State. If she manages to hit a home run with Iran, N Korea, Cuba or Palestine she could be a factor
Liberals would love to have Palin as the republican candidate just like the republicans wanted Hillary to be the Democratic candidate. Looks like neither will come to fruition
Only hitch in that one is that Palin is, at the very least, marginally likable outside her party, where Hillary is not.

No, she's not. I've seen/heard a lot of ancedotal evidence to that effect. Neither is very likable, and for that reason both are dream candidates.... for the other side.
Translation: My anecdotal evidence can beat up your anecdotal evidence! :lol:

I think it is more than anechdotal evidence.

Hillary had a 65% approval rating in a poll released yesterday.

Palin does not poll well outside her 25% conservative base
Translation: My anecdotal evidence can beat up your anecdotal evidence! :lol:

Yeah, I acknowledge the weakness of ancedotal evidence online. Its pretty easy to make crap up. I'll just say this, and you can take it or leave it because it is ancedotal:

I grew up in Indiana. You'd be hard pressed to find a more "Red" state outside of the South. On election night, when Indiana went Blue I was floored. Next morning I call up my family and friends still in the state to ask what happened. Keep in mind, I'll freely admit I've changed to "D" since 2000. However, these are folks that never once in their lives pulled the lever for a "D". To a man (and woman), they'd voted for Obama not because they liked Obama, but because Palin scared the crap out of them.

I'd love to see a poll or something to back that up, but so far none exists. It is just ancedotal and can be easily dismissed. But it sure makes me feel confident about Obama's shot versus Palin if it comes down to that in 2012.
There were also a lot of people who pulled the lever for Boyking because they thought it said something more about them being comfortable voting for a mulatto, less than Palin being kind of kooky.

Not that her backwoods folksy routine is enough to persuade me break my pledge to never -with one exception- vote for anyone with an (R) by their name ever again....I'm just sayin'.
There were also a lot of people who pulled the lever for Boyking because they thought it said something more about them being comfortable voting for a mulatto, less than Palin being kind of kooky.

Not that her backwoods folksy routine is enough to persuade me break my pledge to never -with one exception- vote for anyone with an (R) by their name ever again....I'm just sayin'.

I'm sure there was some of that in 2008. There was also a rising "Anti-Bush" sentiment that carried him through.
Million of KOScos and MOVEONs will buy this book thinking it's Sarah's, and will quote it over and over again convinced she wrote it.

Afterall, the bulk of them still believe Palin said the things Tina fey said in a comedy skit.
The right wing constitutency if by that you mean actual conservatives as opposed to neo cons is a lot closer to a majority according to Gallup than are self identified liberals.
Wow, two books about Sarah Palin and not a single word written by Sarah Palin.
It's a very low and telling tactic of the Left's mentality. But, negative, childish behavior from the Left will serve Palin well. I hadn't planned on buying her book, but will now pick up a few copies for Christmas presents.
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In a years time, both books will line the shelves at the local Goodwill Stores. And in ten years, it will be Sarah who?

It is interesting how many people that Palin totally turned off.

Going Rouge is Coming

We know that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can hunt, and even field-dress a moose, but how will she take to poachers on her book sales? Start-up publisher OR Books has announced plans to publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, a collection of essays about the maverick Republican with a title — and cover design — remarkably similar to Palin’s upcoming memoir. What’s more, OR’s paperback tome will be released on Nov. 17, the same day that Palin’s own Going Rogue: An American Life hits shelves — and one day after Palin’s just-announced, first-ever appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show. (A shout-out to Ron Hogan at GalleyCat for the tip.)

Going Rouge is compiled by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, two top editors of the left-leaning weekly The Nation, and includes essays by Nation regulars like Katrina vanden Heuvel, Naomi Klein, and Katha Pollitt. It’s the first release from OR Books, a fledgling outfit founded earlier this year by publishing veterans John Oakes and Colin Robinson that “embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business,” according to its website.


(continued at link above).

This actually seems like a pretty cheap stunt. Its no secret I'm not a Palin fan, but c'mon. Does it have to come to this?

EDIT: Also releasing the same day:


Why Traveler? It isn't as if she wrote her book.. She got someone to do all the legwork for her, trying to make a fast buck.

In a way, she is ripping off Republicans who are dumb enough to buy the book only because it has her picture on it. They need to be more informed.

I assume she had a ghostwriter - they all do. Even the Chosen One used a ghost - even though he denies it.
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