Palin rewrites the midnight ride of Paul Revere

In talking about Paul Revere and his historic ride from Boston to Lexington — you know, the midnight ride where he warned of the advancing British — the half-term governor of Alaska, best-selling author and reality television star, said this:

He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. . . .

You can’t make this stuff up. Well, actually, Palin proves, once again, you can.

Sarah Palin claims Paul Revere warned the British -

She's almost as smart as her pal Batshit Bachmann..


Not quite as bad as Miss Teen South Carolina, but close and about on level with Obama's recollection of how many states are in the union.

Good Lord, what was she smoking before that camera got stuck in her face?


If she is going to be a serious politician, she will have to learn to prepare. She is on a bus trip of historic American sights. She should know something about the site before she steps off the bus

That ad-lib was pathetic

Seriously. She was visiting sites related to Paul Revere and she didn't study one single bit beforehand? That's sheer stupidity and laziness.

Everything was written on her hand but someone shook it and smeared the words. All the words were there, just in the wrong order.
Seems to me that, at the time of Revere's ride, we were all British...

And is anyone else tired of Revere getting all the credit? Poor William Dawes...

Oh, and Ravi, Benedict Arnold was a hero, right up until the time he decided he was slighted, passed over for promotion, and falsely accused of corruption. That's when he decided to surrender West Point to the British.

Dear god, anytime this woman tries to answer something unscripted she comes off sounding like a drunk person with tourettes.

"He rode through FREEDOM the town at midnight GUNS to warn about the British LIPSTICK invasion PIG!"

She reminds me of Miss South Carolina answering a question about maps
OMG, yes ... and such as ...
Seems to me that, at the time of Revere's ride, we were all British...

And is anyone else tired of Revere getting all the credit? Poor William Dawes...

Oh, and Ravi, Benedict Arnold was a hero, right up until the time he decided he was slighted, passed over for promotion, and falsely accused of corruption. That's when he decided to surrender West Point to the British.

Good spin. Anyone believe it?
Seems to me that, at the time of Revere's ride, we were all British...

And is anyone else tired of Revere getting all the credit? Poor William Dawes...

Oh, and Ravi, Benedict Arnold was a hero, right up until the time he decided he was slighted, passed over for promotion, and falsely accused of corruption. That's when he decided to surrender West Point to the British.

Good spin. Anyone believe it?

No spin, just the truth.

Personally, I'd very much like it if Palin would just fade away. As far as I'm concerned, she brings nothing to the table and would not be missed should she decide to quietly slip away to her new home in Scottsdale never to be heard from again...
Personally, I'd very much like it if Palin would just fade away. As far as I'm concerned, she brings nothing to the table and would not be missed should she decide to quietly slip away to her new home in Scottsdale never to be heard from again...

Some on the right may wish that but it’s not going to happen.
In talking about Paul Revere and his historic ride from Boston to Lexington — you know, the midnight ride where he warned of the advancing British — the half-term governor of Alaska, best-selling author and reality television star, said this:

He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. . . .

You can’t make this stuff up. Well, actually, Palin proves, once again, you can.

Sarah Palin claims Paul Revere warned the British -

w/o googling

Describe what was done in vast detail right now, on the spot.

fucking bunch of lying hypocrites.
In talking about Paul Revere and his historic ride from Boston to Lexington — you know, the midnight ride where he warned of the advancing British — the half-term governor of Alaska, best-selling author and reality television star, said this:

He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. . . .

You can’t make this stuff up. Well, actually, Palin proves, once again, you can.

Sarah Palin claims Paul Revere warned the British -

w/o googling

Describe what was done in vast detail right now, on the spot.

fucking bunch of lying hypocrites.

nice deflection idiot
In talking about Paul Revere and his historic ride from Boston to Lexington — you know, the midnight ride where he warned of the advancing British — the half-term governor of Alaska, best-selling author and reality television star, said this:

He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. . . .

You can’t make this stuff up. Well, actually, Palin proves, once again, you can.

Sarah Palin claims Paul Revere warned the British -

w/o googling

Describe what was done in vast detail right now, on the spot.

fucking bunch of lying hypocrites.

nice deflection idiot

In other words you couldn't answer the question on the spot either and you're not man enough to admit it.

thanks, but it was a rhetorical question anyway.
w/o googling

Describe what was done in vast detail right now, on the spot.

fucking bunch of lying hypocrites.

In other words you couldn't answer the question on the spot either and you're not man enough to admit it.

thanks, but it was a rhetorical question anyway.
Um, no – if you’re a politician and don’t know anything about something, you either research the subject or keep your mouth shut.

Needless to say, in this, Palin is not unique amongst politicians.
Seems to me that, at the time of Revere's ride, we were all British...

And is anyone else tired of Revere getting all the credit? Poor William Dawes...

Oh, and Ravi, Benedict Arnold was a hero, right up until the time he decided he was slighted, passed over for promotion, and falsely accused of corruption. That's when he decided to surrender West Point to the British.

Good spin. Anyone believe it?

only the educated, deanie

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