Pal'istanian Mentality

No, not at all.

Then why are you picking a fight with ME on this thread and on that point? That was a great opportunity for you to agree with me that Gaza and Palestine need to do more than just lob rockets over the fence. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate, in the context of this thread, that the Palestinian/Gazan mentality needs an adjustment.

It needs an adjustment, but somehow, I suspect the starters of this thread aren't really interested in that. I also wonder, if the pushing of this meme "Palistinian mentality" doesn't create an atmosphere that ignores real attempts by Palestinians to improve the situation?

Just for example, one of the "little stories" that become road kill in the face of the dominant stereotypes:

On Gaza's border, potato farmers hope to lay groundwork for peace
No, not at all.

Then why are you picking a fight with ME on this thread and on that point? That was a great opportunity for you to agree with me that Gaza and Palestine need to do more than just lob rockets over the fence. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate, in the context of this thread, that the Palestinian/Gazan mentality needs an adjustment.

Sorry....I was just playing around, I do apologize.

No need to apologize. I'm not actually offended. (Sheesh, if I can toss the balls back and forth with Billo and C.Al, you are a vacay in Belize!)

It needs an adjustment, but somehow, I suspect the starters of this thread aren't really interested in that. I also wonder, if the pushing of this meme "Palistinian mentality" doesn't create an atmosphere that ignores real attempts by Palestinians to improve the situation?

Its difficult for the more reasonable of us to discuss the "mentality" (ideology) of either side without the less reasonable chiming in. Its difficult to weigh the need to discuss these ideologies with, as you said, the atmosphere of respect and mutual acceptance.
It needs an adjustment, but somehow, I suspect the starters of this thread aren't really interested in that. I also wonder, if the pushing of this meme "Palistinian mentality" doesn't create an atmosphere that ignores real attempts by Palestinians to improve the situation?

Its difficult for the more reasonable of us to discuss the "mentality" (ideology) of either side without the less reasonable chiming in. Its difficult to weigh the need to discuss these ideologies with, as you said, the atmosphere of respect and mutual acceptance.

You do an awesome job :)
It needs an adjustment, but somehow, I suspect the starters of this thread aren't really interested in that. I also wonder, if the pushing of this meme "Palistinian mentality" doesn't create an atmosphere that ignores real attempts by Palestinians to improve the situation?

Its difficult for the more reasonable of us to discuss the "mentality" (ideology) of either side without the less reasonable chiming in. Its difficult to weigh the need to discuss these ideologies with, as you said, the atmosphere of respect and mutual acceptance.

You do an awesome job :)

Yeah but you can't ignore the fact that the terrorists are busily trying to blow up children while the Israeli's are working on collecting guns from the terrorists.

There's a whopping huge difference in mentalities going on here and it needs to be addressed.

You simply can't draw a false equivalence and pretend it must be accepted in order to be having a reasonable conversation

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It needs an adjustment, but somehow, I suspect the starters of this thread aren't really interested in that. I also wonder, if the pushing of this meme "Palistinian mentality" doesn't create an atmosphere that ignores real attempts by Palestinians to improve the situation?

Its difficult for the more reasonable of us to discuss the "mentality" (ideology) of either side without the less reasonable chiming in. Its difficult to weigh the need to discuss these ideologies with, as you said, the atmosphere of respect and mutual acceptance.

You do an awesome job :)

Yeah but you can't ignore the fact that the terrorists are busily trying to blow up children while the Israeli's are working on collecting guns from the terrorists.

There's a whopping huge difference in mentalities going on here and it needs to be addressed.

You simply can't draw a false equivalence and pretend it must be accepted in order to be having a reasonable conversation

There is a lot of propoganda out there when it comes to "mentalities".
Make all the excuses for Islamic terrorism you wish but when you drill down on this, you're left with nothing but flaccid excuses for the inability of the Pal'istanian Arabs to cobble together a working society.

What you can't address is why many, many other cultures and societies have risen above circumstances faced by the falsely labeled Pal'istanian Arabs and managed to take control of their destinies. It is true that those other cultures and societies were not under the bootheel of an all consuming, theocratic totalitarian code that is fascistic to its core. This is what prevents them from becoming a relevant, first world economy and as we witness every day, theocratic totalitarianism of the Islamist variety is a globe-girdling disaster.
A population under an occupation of a foreign force, has no control over their lives, until said occupation ends.

Part of the Palesinian mentality, is wondering how racist, pieces of shit, such as yourself, can ask why they don't have a working economy, when Israel restricts all their imports and exports, their freedom of movement and withholds tax revenues, that are legally theirs?

How can you possibly do business in an environment like that?

Your mentality is the problem, not theirs.
Make all the excuses for Islamic terrorism you wish but when you drill down on this, you're left with nothing but flaccid excuses for the inability of the Pal'istanian Arabs to cobble together a working society.

What you can't address is why many, many other cultures and societies have risen above circumstances faced by the falsely labeled Pal'istanian Arabs and managed to take control of their destinies. It is true that those other cultures and societies were not under the bootheel of an all consuming, theocratic totalitarian code that is fascistic to its core. This is what prevents them from becoming a relevant, first world economy and as we witness every day, theocratic totalitarianism of the Islamist variety is a globe-girdling disaster.
A population under an occupation of a foreign force, has no control over their lives, until said occupation ends.

Part of the Palesinian mentality, is wondering how racist, pieces of shit, such as yourself, can ask why they don't have a working economy, when Israel restricts all their imports and exports, their freedom of movement and withholds tax revenues, that are legally theirs?

How can you possibly do business in an environment like that?

Your mentality is the problem, not theirs.
All the usual slogans, excuses and cliche's, I'm afraid. When Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, it was yet another opportunity for the so-called Pal'istanians to join the relevant first world. But of course, they would not. It took no time at all before the two competing Islamic terrorist franchises (Hamas and Fatah), waged a war of attrition against each other that left the Hamas tribe in control of Gaza. It was only a matter of a short time before Islamic terrorists do what they do and attacks aimed at Israel began.

Folks that worship a 7th century Arab warlord and see no passage of time between the 7th century and now are going to have adapting and surviving. That's exactly the dynamic we see across the muhammedan world as Islamist societies are continued failures.
Make all the excuses for Islamic terrorism you wish but when you drill down on this, you're left with nothing but flaccid excuses for the inability of the Pal'istanian Arabs to cobble together a working society.

What you can't address is why many, many other cultures and societies have risen above circumstances faced by the falsely labeled Pal'istanian Arabs and managed to take control of their destinies. It is true that those other cultures and societies were not under the bootheel of an all consuming, theocratic totalitarian code that is fascistic to its core. This is what prevents them from becoming a relevant, first world economy and as we witness every day, theocratic totalitarianism of the Islamist variety is a globe-girdling disaster.
A population under an occupation of a foreign force, has no control over their lives, until said occupation ends.

Part of the Palesinian mentality, is wondering how racist, pieces of shit, such as yourself, can ask why they don't have a working economy, when Israel restricts all their imports and exports, their freedom of movement and withholds tax revenues, that are legally theirs?

How can you possibly do business in an environment like that?

Your mentality is the problem, not theirs.


If you can smuggle in like, 800 million tons of concrete, surely smuggling a few cases of the best whiskey in the world won't be a problem.
The fact that they have to be "smuggled", is the problem.

More nonsense

And off topic, the fact that the Arab Muslims in Israel, mentality is based on learned racism and bigotry, and worse yet learned from the UNRWA an internationally funded organization is the real tragedy.
The fact that they have to be "smuggled", is the problem.

Nope. The problem is in what they choose to smuggle in. Its a black market -- by definition they can smuggle in anything they want: concrete to build homes, medicines and medical supplies, schoolbooks, Canadian whiskey, Lady Gaga, anything. What's more, if they smuggled in stuff like that they would find the borders with both Egypt and Israel much more open and conducive to trade and building an economy.

The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the Palestinian mentality that nothing matters except destroying the Jewish people and/or driving the Jewish people out. Not their children. Not their people. Nothing. The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the mentality that they have no other choices; that there are no other choices. Its a mentality that you share.
Nope. The problem is in what they choose to smuggle in. Its a black market -- by definition they can smuggle in anything they want: concrete to build homes, medicines and medical supplies, schoolbooks, Canadian whiskey, Lady Gaga, anything. What's more, if they smuggled in stuff like that they would find the borders with both Egypt and Israel much more open and conducive to trade and building an economy.

The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the Palestinian mentality that nothing matters except destroying the Jewish people and/or driving the Jewish people out. Not their children. Not their people. Nothing. The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the mentality that they have no other choices; that there are no other choices. Its a mentality that you share.
Whatever they bring into Gaza, is none of Israel's god-damn business! You do not have any right, telling others how to live their lives.

You have no right questioning their mentality, when yours is this fucked! To think, you can tell someone what to do, on their own property, is disgusting. Come on over to my house and try to pull that shit with me and see what happens next? You're not the king of the planet.

More nonsense

And off topic, the fact that the Arab Muslims in Israel, mentality is based on learned racism and bigotry, and worse yet learned from the UNRWA an internationally funded organization is the real tragedy.
Shove that little off topic mantra up your ass, prick!

You bomb them back to the stone-age, then claim they get their hatred from some book? Their whole neighborhoods are obliterated, families completely wiped out, but you say that doesn't bother them. They get their hatred from some dumbass book?

You are one sick puppy.
Nope. The problem is in what they choose to smuggle in. Its a black market -- by definition they can smuggle in anything they want: concrete to build homes, medicines and medical supplies, schoolbooks, Canadian whiskey, Lady Gaga, anything. What's more, if they smuggled in stuff like that they would find the borders with both Egypt and Israel much more open and conducive to trade and building an economy.

The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the Palestinian mentality that nothing matters except destroying the Jewish people and/or driving the Jewish people out. Not their children. Not their people. Nothing. The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the mentality that they have no other choices; that there are no other choices. Its a mentality that you share.
Whatever they bring into Gaza, is none of Israel's god-damn business! You do not have any right, telling others how to live their lives.

You have no right questioning their mentality, when yours is this fucked! To think, you can tell someone what to do, on their own property, is disgusting. Come on over to my house and try to pull that shit with me and see what happens next? You're not the king of the planet.

Temper temper, you're going to have to learn to be a better loser than this, you've got a lot of losing in your future and how you handle it is indicative of your level of education. Thus far you don't seem real bright.

The international embargo against Gaza is fully legal whether you like it or not.

Your mentality as well as that of the Arab Muslims in general seems rather unstable and volatile. It also appears to be dealing with some psychosis issues that preclude the consideration of reality.

See article 67a

ICRC service

Also see


If the conflict between Israel and Hamas is an international armed conflict (IAC), there is no question that Israel has the right to blockade Gaza. (Which is not to say that the manner in which Israel is blockading Gaza is legal. That’s a different question.) The 1909 Declaration Concerning the Laws of Naval War (the London Declaration), the first international instrument to acknowledge the legality of blockades, specifically recognized the right of belligerents to blockade their enemy during time of war. Article 97 of the San Remo Manual does likewise. And there is certainly no shortage of state practice supporting the legitimacy of blockades during IAC (the US blockade of Cuba, for example).

End Quote

More nonsense

And off topic, the fact that the Arab Muslims in Israel, mentality is based on learned racism and bigotry, and worse yet learned from the UNRWA an internationally funded organization is the real tragedy.
Shove that little off topic mantra up your ass, prick!

You bomb them back to the stone-age, then claim they get their hatred from some book? Their whole neighborhoods are obliterated, families completely wiped out, but you say that doesn't bother them. They get their hatred from some dumbass book?

You are one sick puppy.

Normally I'd just let you lie there and kick and scream but some of the adult tantrums are the best.

The simple reality is that the Gazans have brought it all on themselves. Had they made any attempt to get along with their neighbors, both Arab Muslim and otherwise, they'd not find themselves facing an international embargo. But I guess denial is part of that mentality as well.

And knocking them back to the stone age was the intended goal. Let them live in an open sewer for a while and then see if they want to play nice.

The simple reality is that the mentality of the Gazans demands they let their children starve if it means building one more tunnel into Israel.

Next time Israel might not play so nice.
Temper temper, you're going to have to learn to be a better loser than this, you've got a lot of losing in your future and how you handle it is indicative of your level of education. Thus far you don't seem real bright.

The international embargo against Gaza is fully legal whether you like it or not.

Your mentality as well as that of the Arab Muslims in general seems rather unstable and volatile. It also appears to be dealing with some psychosis issues that preclude the consideration of reality.

See article 67a

ICRC service

Also see


If the conflict between Israel and Hamas is an international armed conflict (IAC), there is no question that Israel has the right to blockade Gaza. (Which is not to say that the manner in which Israel is blockading Gaza is legal. That’s a different question.) The 1909 Declaration Concerning the Laws of Naval War (the London Declaration), the first international instrument to acknowledge the legality of blockades, specifically recognized the right of belligerents to blockade their enemy during time of war. Article 97 of the San Remo Manual does likewise. And there is certainly no shortage of state practice supporting the legitimacy of blockades during IAC (the US blockade of Cuba, for example).

End Quote
Your entire post is off topic, yet well within the rules.
Normally I'd just let you lie there and kick and scream but some of the adult tantrums are the best.

The simple reality is that the Gazans have brought it all on themselves. Had they made any attempt to get along with their neighbors, both Arab Muslim and otherwise, they'd not find themselves facing an international embargo. But I guess denial is part of that mentality as well.

And knocking them back to the stone age was the intended goal. Let them live in an open sewer for a while and then see if they want to play nice.

The simple reality is that the mentality of the Gazans demands they let their children starve if it means building one more tunnel into Israel.

Next time Israel might not play so nice.
The mentality of the Gazans is wondering why they're not allowed to have weapons to defend themselves, yet Israel can give weapons to Islamic terrorists in Syria?

Syrian Ceasefire: Israel’s Collusion with the “Moderate Terrorists” Exposed…
On Wednesday, militias allied with the Syrian Army ambushed a convoy of terrorists in the Sweida province, confiscating the weapons they were attempting to transfer to terrorists in the Eastern al-Badiya desert. Among the weapons left behind after the battle were mortar shells, land mines, RPG shells, ammunition of machineguns and Israeli-made LAU missiles.

At this time, I should paraphrase the OP in order not to lose my on topic status, but fuck it, I ain't gonna!

Nothing happens in a vacuum.
Temper temper, you're going to have to learn to be a better loser than this, you've got a lot of losing in your future and how you handle it is indicative of your level of education. Thus far you don't seem real bright.

The international embargo against Gaza is fully legal whether you like it or not.

Your mentality as well as that of the Arab Muslims in general seems rather unstable and volatile. It also appears to be dealing with some psychosis issues that preclude the consideration of reality.

See article 67a

ICRC service

Also see


If the conflict between Israel and Hamas is an international armed conflict (IAC), there is no question that Israel has the right to blockade Gaza. (Which is not to say that the manner in which Israel is blockading Gaza is legal. That’s a different question.) The 1909 Declaration Concerning the Laws of Naval War (the London Declaration), the first international instrument to acknowledge the legality of blockades, specifically recognized the right of belligerents to blockade their enemy during time of war. Article 97 of the San Remo Manual does likewise. And there is certainly no shortage of state practice supporting the legitimacy of blockades during IAC (the US blockade of Cuba, for example).

End Quote
Your entire post is off topic, yet well within the rules.

Well you are a perfect example of the Arab Muslim mentality. Lie until you get exposed for doing so and then kick and scream like a five year old because you didn't get your way.

The fact that I discuss mentality in the mentality thread isn't off topic, its prudent posting. Which seems to go right over your head but again, thats a great example of the Arab Muslim mentality. Refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't fit their diatribe.

The simple fact is that the Arab Muslims of Israel or Gaza couldn't put together a functioning government if their lives depend on it, and they do.

In the mean time Israel will continue the restrictions as necessary. If you can't figure out the cause and effect of it all well, thats just again indicative of the Arab Muslim mentality you seem so enamored with.
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Nope. The problem is in what they choose to smuggle in. Its a black market -- by definition they can smuggle in anything they want: concrete to build homes, medicines and medical supplies, schoolbooks, Canadian whiskey, Lady Gaga, anything. What's more, if they smuggled in stuff like that they would find the borders with both Egypt and Israel much more open and conducive to trade and building an economy.

The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the Palestinian mentality that nothing matters except destroying the Jewish people and/or driving the Jewish people out. Not their children. Not their people. Nothing. The problem -- the thing which prevents this -- is the mentality that they have no other choices; that there are no other choices. Its a mentality that you share.
Whatever they bring into Gaza, is none of Israel's god-damn business! You do not have any right, telling others how to live their lives.

You have no right questioning their mentality, when yours is this fucked! To think, you can tell someone what to do, on their own property, is disgusting. Come on over to my house and try to pull that shit with me and see what happens next? You're not the king of the planet.

You can't have bomb-making materials in your garage (although in practice -- EVERYONE virtually has "bomb-making" materials in their home... :ack-1: --- if you have a corrupt prosecutor.

You also can't buy 1000lbs of Fava beans without being suspected of manufacturing ricin. And when your leadership are experts at this sort of thing --- IT IS a concern for your entire neighborhood. They had over 800 missiles last time. And they USED THEM pre-emptively. Did Allah send them on invisible camels?

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