Panetta: Obama never called back to check on Benghazi


Nov 13, 2012
February 8, 2013

We didn’t get to this yesterday, but it’s definitely worth watching — especially for the skill shown by Lindsey Graham in his examination of Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey. The headline takeaway will be what is remembered most: the revelation that Barack Obama never bothered to keep in touch with his chair of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense after being informed that an American consulate was under attack from terrorists. But if that’s all you hear from this, you’re missing the big picture. Graham managed to elicit a number of damaging statements from the two. Not one...

Graham then circles back to the lack of action from the White House once the attack was under way: (Panetta can't explain why Obama never called back during Benghazi attack [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller)
[ame=]Lindsey Graham Hammers Leon Panetta & Gen Dempsey on Benghazi and not getting troops there - YouTube[/ame]​


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Panetta: Obama never called back to check on Benghazi « Hot Air
Absolutely amazing! Any other job he would be fired for incompetence. It's either that or apathy. Either way he fucked up big time and his top people are paying the price for his incompetency.
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Viva Las Vegas bitches.

You're right. Maobama's priorities are screwed up. While Americans were attacked and dying in Benghazi Maobama was not around or ready to take on responsibility. He was preparing for his trip to LV and more than likely asleep while this happened. Could you imagine if something like this occurred unde Bush?
Viva Las Vegas bitches.

You're right. Maobama's priorities are screwed up. While Americans were attacked and dying in Benghazi Maobama was not around or ready to take on responsibility. He was preparing for his trip to LV and more than likely asleep while this happened. Could you imagine if something like this occurred unde Bush?

That's funny...

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Absolutely amazing! Any other job he would be fired for incompetence. It's either that or apathy. Either way he fucked up big time and his top people are paying the price for his incompetency.

What can you expect from a Community Organizer? We all can see his results with ACORN, they no longer exisit. TYVM.
Lathota repeats the liberal story line. No mention of if they were Americans killed. No mention as if they were planned organized attacks such as Benghazi. No mention if the ambassador was killed. No the liberal left makes up a story line and that lie becomes their truth. Benghazi is just another case of liberals not giving a crap about gay men.

Any way from this site: List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of attacks on diplomatic missions

2001 to 2008 9 attacks

2009 to 2012 7 attacks

Once again Obama shows that he is a fail by the left's own standard.

That isn't even counting Obama war in Afghanistan where he had a surge, yes a surge in our men dying.

8 years of Bush 630

4 years of Obama 1540..
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It must really bug the righties that no one is paying attention to their nutty conspiracy theories.

They fell hard for the Fast & Furious faux-scandal, and ended up looking stupid.

They fell hard for the Beghazi faux-scandal, and ended up looking stupid again.

But don't worry, righties. You may feel empty now, but FOX and Drudge will soon find a new faux-scandal for you to fall hard for, and you will be happy and complete again.
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Viva Las Vegas bitches.

You're right. Maobama's priorities are screwed up. While Americans were attacked and dying in Benghazi Maobama was not around or ready to take on responsibility. He was preparing for his trip to LV and more than likely asleep while this happened. Could you imagine if something like this occurred unde Bush?

That's funny...


Especially since Maobama is supposed to be above the fray and untouchable.

Seen any lately?
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That's funny...


None of the 53 attacks was refused military intervetion and rescue nor lied about and blamed on a piss poor excuse for a Youtube movie.

Do you have "credible" proof that Benghazi was...?

Will you take the word of the author of the debacle in Benghazi????? You really need to go to the article and read what Obama said over the course of two weeks. How many may have been injuryed in riots because of Obama's remarks blaming what was clearly not protest on a video that no one watched?

I took the libertry to underline and bold the words so you don't miss them.

OBAMA: Well, we’re still doing an investigation. There’s no doubt the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action. Now, we don’t have all the information yet, and so we’re still gathering it. But what’s clear is that around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there.

What the President Said About Benghazi | RealClearPolitics
None of the 53 attacks was refused military intervetion and rescue nor lied about and blamed on a piss poor excuse for a Youtube movie.

Do you have "credible" proof that Benghazi was...?

Will you take the word of the author of the debacle in Benghazi????? You really need to go to the article and read what Obama said over the course of two weeks. How many may have been injuryed in riots because of Obama's remarks blaming what was clearly not protest on a video that no one watched?

I took the libertry to underline and bold the words so you don't miss them.

OBAMA: Well, we’re still doing an investigation. There’s no doubt the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action. Now, we don’t have all the information yet, and so we’re still gathering it. But what’s clear is that around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there.

What the President Said About Benghazi | RealClearPolitics

I thought Hillary cleared up all that conspiracy nonsense in the hearing.
President Obama's policy is to lead from behind. It seems that embassy procedure was to protect from afar. So far there hasn't been anything said about the future changes and I suppose that they can't set that out without admitting to their errors.

Now it's time to await the next one and see if the lessons were learned. The other side has learned the US response quite well and long ago. It's why they continue to repeat their attacks with the same methods.
President Obama's policy is to lead from behind. It seems that embassy procedure was to protect from afar. So far there hasn't been anything said about the future changes and I suppose that they can't set that out without admitting to their errors.

Now it's time to await the next one and see if the lessons were learned. The other side has learned the US response quite well and long ago. It's why they continue to repeat their attacks with the same methods.

They learned well from Bush...
Lathota repeats the liberal story line. No mention of if they were Americans killed. No mention as if they were planned organized attacks such as Benghazi. No mention if the ambassador was killed. No the liberal left makes up a story line and that lie becomes their truth. Benghazi is just another case of liberals not giving a crap about gay men.

Any way from this site: List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of attacks on diplomatic missions

2001 to 2008 9 attacks

2009 to 2012 7 attacks

Once again Obama shows that he is a fail by the left's own standard.

That isn't even counting Obama war in Afghanistan where he had a surge, yes a surge in our men dying.

8 years of Bush 630

4 years of Obama 1540..

iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

Your 8 years of Bush completely leaves out Iraq. Funny how that changes ones impression of "fail".
President Obama's policy is to lead from behind. It seems that embassy procedure was to protect from afar. So far there hasn't been anything said about the future changes and I suppose that they can't set that out without admitting to their errors.

Now it's time to await the next one and see if the lessons were learned. The other side has learned the US response quite well and long ago. It's why they continue to repeat their attacks with the same methods.

They learned well from Bush...

No, it's a different policy and President Obama defers to history.

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