Panhandling veteran gets up out of his wheelchair and walks.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Not exactly the car of a truly needy person.

A local reporter here in Vegas made it a point of watching so-called homeless people when they left their corners. Most of them joined their partners, got into fairly new vehicles, and drove to upper middle class homes. Some of these people make hundreds of dollars every day and don’t report a single penny for taxes.

The entire article w/videos is @ Video captures panhandler get up out of his wheelchair and walk to his CAR after begging for money | Daily Mail Online
It’s a well established fact that the vast majority o panhandlers are not the destitute street people they pretend to be. I have never giving a cent to a beggar, and I chuckle at the fools who do.

Not exactly the car of a truly needy person.

A local reporter here in Vegas made it a point of watching so-called homeless people when they left their corners. Most of them joined their partners, got into fairly new vehicles, and drove to upper middle class homes. Some of these people make hundreds of dollars every day and don’t report a single penny for taxes.

The entire article w/videos is @ Video captures panhandler get up out of his wheelchair and walk to his CAR after begging for money | Daily Mail Online

Which is why you don't give money to homeless people. Give it to a charity if you will.
I believe at least 50% of people in wheelchairs are faking it. Every wheelchair victim I've personally ever seen is such a gargantuan, morbidly-obese hungry hungry hippo, I swear it looks like they were poured into their wheelchairs and with their gelatinous fat rolls oozing around the wheelchair, it looks like their bodies are somehow absorbing the chair through osmosis. I think a lot of "cripples" are just gluttonous fatasses who are too lazy to move under their own power and want sympathy. If you have an intact spinal cord and your legs aren't seriously damaged, you CAN WALK. It defies statistical credulity that soooo many people in a 1st world society are too physically spine-damaged to stand up and walk.

Yes, I've also seen these blubbery, "island unto himself" wheelchair hippos get up and walk around a bit myself. A wheelchair gets more sympathy than those mobility scooters I occasionally see these 400-pound physical abominations riding.
Which is why you don't give money to homeless people. Give it to a charity if you will.

If you are homeless, you do not really want to accept cash, either. You just get robbed, and you don't exactly want to sleep on the street or in a homeless shelter anywhere with cash on you. And I'm talking about a dollar or two, never mind twenties or hundreds. The cash ends up being blown on alcohol, marijuana, and drugs.

those mobility scooters

For "consumers" at the grocery store.


A veteran, or someone claiming to be a veteran, panhandling, may be alarming. Please contact Office of Security and Law Enforcement - Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Which is why you don't give money to homeless people. Give it to a charity if you will.

If you are homeless, you do not really want to accept cash, either. You just get robbed, and you don't exactly want to sleep on the street or in a homeless shelter anywhere with cash on you. And I'm talking about a dollar or two, never mind twenties or hundreds. The cash ends up being blown on alcohol, marijuana, and drugs.

those mobility scooters

For "consumers" at the grocery store.


A veteran, or someone claiming to be a veteran, panhandling, may be alarming. Please contact Office of Security and Law Enforcement - Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Do you know what's interesting? Every time I'm in a grocery store and I encounter a 350-pound semi-solid lard formation blocking the aisle, every single one of them has always had no less than a gallon of ice cream in their shopping cart. There has never been an exception. These blubbery fatties simply can't live without their precious ice cream, while they commit slow suicide with a knife and fork.
Childish as it may sound, you know what would be hilarious? Pushing these obese, phony wheelchair victims down a flight of no less than 30-40 stairs. Because as they cartwheeled their way down the stairs to their "destiny" I'll bet their land-whale bodies would do the most acrobatic, flopping, head-over-heels circus stunts that their food-disfigured bodies have ever achieved!
If you have an intact spinal cord and your legs aren't seriously damaged, you CAN WALK. It defies statistical credulity that soooo many people in a 1st world society are too physically spine-damaged to stand up and walk.

Too many doctors belong to Satanic cults, and they have devious ways to destroy spinal cord function by drugs and other means in otherwise healthy individuals.

These doctors work too hard to disable their patients and enable all sorts of abuse and fraud. They close off all routes of escape for their patients, and all avenues of redress and livelihood.

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