Panthers owner David Tepper: 'Dead wrong' to call NFL players' protests unpatriotic

It is absolutely unpatriotic, it’s not wrong according to our constitution, but it IS unpatriotic.
Bullshit. Protesting is absolutely patriotic. How do you think the US came about?

You don’t know the definition of “patriotic”. But then, you never did know much.
There is phony patriotism and real patriotism

Wrapping yourself up in the flag is phony patriotism
Fighting against injustice is real patriotism

You don’t know the definition of patriotism.
Seems I do
Prove me wrong
When standing is done to show respect and loyalty, those who kneel are purposefully and actively showing disrespect and disloyalty.


Do you consider yourself a Patriot?

Peaceful protest is not disloyal

If a man were to stand, peacefully, on a street corner with a sign, that stated, "I am disloyal to America. Abolish America".

Would that be a loyal protest?

You moron.
But if he held a sign that said “Justice for all” he would be patriotic
That is what NFL players are doing

So, before we move on, you are admitting that a peaceful protest CAN be disloyal?
Your ridiculous point?
Disloyal protest can be disloyal

Not the sharpest crayon in the box are you?

You are the one that made a blanket statement that peaceful protests were not disloyal.

Now you are acting like that is a stupid thing to even discuss, when it was you that said it, and I am replying to YOU about YOUR claim, trying to get a straight answer.

You are an asshole.

Peaceful protests can be disloyal, and kneeling when standing is called for to show respect and loyalty,

is showing disrespect and disloyalty.
We had these same discussions of loyalty in the 60s

Hippies protesting an unnecessary war were disloyal. My country right or wrong was the chant against them

Meanwhile, those who wrapped themselves in the flag and supported slaughtering tens of thousands of soldiers to fight for “freedom” were called patriots

REAL Patriots fight for what they think is right. When their country is wrong, they tell them
These players have the right to peacefully protest and are doing so. No on gives a damn what racists think about them doing so. As you can see they are not stopping. Nobody has to be grateful and ignore injustice because some white racists want to continue doing it. Whites have been given everything by this government for 242 years. You be grateful and stop whining about the government that has given you so much.

Call everyone who disagrees with you a racist, but it’s getting old. The boy who called wolf ring a bell?

I call racists racist. You are opposing a protest about racial injustice. So what does that make you?

What if I disagree with you on the racial injustice thing? Does that make me a racist? I think not

I would think so because there is too much evidence showing that your disagreement has no merit.

Supply me with some of this evidence in that case, because I see quite the contrary
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
I worked with many black engineers. Highly educated, law abiding, polite and articulate

They complained about getting pulled over by police all the time
I have not been pulled over in over 30 years
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
I worked with many black engineers. Highly educated, law abiding, polite and articulate

They complained about getting pulled over by police all the time
I have not been pulled over in over 30 years

I would say they’re full of shit. I know a lot of cops and have cops in my family, and no one I know would harass someone because of their skin color. I had a black partner once. He used to drive a lambo. He never complained about the police pulling him over. I’m fact me and him used to spend happy hour together at a cop bar every week. It takes courage for a black person to go against the grain and reject victim status that’s been handed to you on a silver platter
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.

All of your post is bullshit, but I’ll adress one thing. 40% or whites voted for someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Why? Because they wanted a black president. Doesn’t seem like racism to me
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
I worked with many black engineers. Highly educated, law abiding, polite and articulate

They complained about getting pulled over by police all the time
I have not been pulled over in over 30 years

I would say they’re full of shit. I know a lot of cops and have cops in my family, and no one I know would harass someone because of their skin color. I had a black partner once. He used to drive a lambo. He never complained about the police pulling him over. I’m fact me and him used to spend happy hour together at a cop bar every week. It takes courage for a black person to go against the grain and reject victim status that’s been handed to you on a silver platter

I can say that you are the one full of shit. I work with a group working with police to end racial harassment by police. We are looking at police stops in this town and it shows blacks are sopped 7 times more than whites. We are a town of 52,000. 5.5 prcent black and a basically zero rate of crime. The former police chief said the same stupid shit you are about liberals making things up. And that's why he has former stuck in front of his name.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.

All of your post is bullshit, but I’ll adress one thing. 40% or whites voted for someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Why? Because they wanted a black president. Doesn’t seem like racism to me

Your racism seems to have you ignoring that Obama was a US Senator.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
No one cares what you think. Youre not Black so therefore you dont have the slightest clue how Blacks are treated.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
Its beyond you because you have problems understanding things. America is controlled by whites and at best only 39% of whites voted for that Black POTUS. Thats how one arrives at the conclusion that america is racist and thats not even mentioning its history.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.

All of your post is bullshit, but I’ll adress one thing. 40% or whites voted for someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Why? Because they wanted a black president. Doesn’t seem like racism to me
Who told you President Obama didnt have any qualifications? Not only was he already someone that was a leader in the community he was also a senator.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.

All of your post is bullshit, but I’ll adress one thing. 40% or whites voted for someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Why? Because they wanted a black president. Doesn’t seem like racism to me

Trump got 58% of the white vote, did not win the popular vote and had ZERO political experience, and got elected.

At least Obama was previously a senator.
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.
I worked with many black engineers. Highly educated, law abiding, polite and articulate

They complained about getting pulled over by police all the time
I have not been pulled over in over 30 years

I would say they’re full of shit. I know a lot of cops and have cops in my family, and no one I know would harass someone because of their skin color. I had a black partner once. He used to drive a lambo. He never complained about the police pulling him over. I’m fact me and him used to spend happy hour together at a cop bar every week. It takes courage for a black person to go against the grain and reject victim status that’s been handed to you on a silver platter
I say Bullshit
I think over all blacks get treated very well in this country. Sure there are some white racist out there, but let’s be real, blacks benefit from tremendously from white guilt. Heck there are even laws that give blacks preferential treatment.
I can drive or walk down any street in America and not get stopped by police

Blacks are not so lucky

Yet there are black people who say that’s bs. Granted they are the minority opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s really simple, blacks commit more crime than whites, and those that do commit crimes are going to have problems with the cops. All these famous cases in the media with a white officer killing a black, 95% of the time, after doing the research, I felt the cops were justified in their actions...and police kill white people too, but we never hear about that. The media conditions people to think blacks are perpetual victims, when that isn’t the reality. How anyone can say America is a racist country after we just had a black president is really beyond me. Not only did we have a black president, but his only qualifications were he was black and he had a silver tongue.

Whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the FBI UCR.. You didn't research shit. The media doesn't condition a damn thing but whites believing blacks commit more crimes. How can we say America is a racist country after approximately 60 percent of all whites did not vote for Obama in both elections? Simple. President Donald J. Trump.

All of your post is bullshit, but I’ll adress one thing. 40% or whites voted for someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Why? Because they wanted a black president. Doesn’t seem like racism to me
Whites voted for Obama because Bush was just horrible

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