Parents found responsible for neglect for letting their kids walk home from a park.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D
Welcome to the nanny state.

We are raising a generation of fearful children who are learning that not only are they not trusted but that they cannot trust anyone except the government
Welcome to the nanny state.

We are raising a generation of fearful children who are learning that not only are they not trusted but that they cannot trust anyone except the government

I don't completely agree. The nanny state mentality is partly to blame, but I believe the news media foots most of the blame. They let ratings get in the way of responsible reporting. If you were to listen to their fear mongering for too long you would think there was a sex offender on every corner ready to snatch your kid if they walk out the front door alone. Or that mothers are drowning their children in bath tubs left and right. So you aren't safe outside... or even inside with your parents. :eek:
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D

Seems pretty well intentioned stupidity to me.

Change the state law so that it only applies if the children were put in real and eminent danger.
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D

Seems pretty well intentioned stupidity to me.

Change the state law so that it only applies if the children were put in real and eminent danger.

I don't think any law should be necessary. Obviously there are certain extreme cases, like a toddler walking alone, or younger children walking in the middle of the night. The fact is there are fucked up people out there, and there always have been. We have made our children afraid to go outside. We foster that mentality with laws like this.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling who may abduct and rape you.” -Frodo Baggins
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D

Seems pretty well intentioned stupidity to me.

Change the state law so that it only applies if the children were put in real and eminent danger.

Sorry. I wasn't reading that clearly. You are correct, because we already had a law in effect. It's was called neglect too. Just get rid of that one provision, and it goes back to being the same law it always was before. I've never heard of that law being used in this manner.
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D

Seems pretty well intentioned stupidity to me.

Change the state law so that it only applies if the children were put in real and eminent danger.

I don't think any law should be necessary. Obviously there are certain extreme cases, like a toddler walking alone, or younger children walking in the middle of the night. The fact is there are fucked up people out there, and there always have been. We have made our children afraid to go outside. We foster that mentality with laws like this.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling who may abduct and rape you.” -Frodo Baggins

Well then the law would need to be repealed.

Like I said- seems like well intentioned stupidity- but they have the law on the books and I disagree with it, so repeal or amend it.
Couple Who Let Kids Walk Home Alone Found Responsible for Neglect

A Maryland couple has been found responsible for “unsubstantiated” child neglect for letting their children walk home from a park by themselves.

The children of Danielle and Alexander Meitiv—ages 10 and 6—were picked up by police while walking home alone, sparking a two-month long investigation by Montgomery County Child Protective Services (CPS).

The decision means that the county’s CPS will keep a file on the family for at least five years, according to the Washington Post. The couple plans to appeal and Danielle has said that playing outside “is exactly what kids should do.”

The authorities have previously cited a Maryland state law that says kids under the age of 8 should be with with someone who is at least 13 years old. CPS is required to respond and investigate if a citizen or law enforcement member calls them with a concern about the safety of a child.

Wow. This is what it's come to nowadays? I'm only 30, but as a kid I NEVER walked anywhere with my parents, and nobody cared. And the fear mongering media was almost as bad back then too. I guess it's a good thing they were too busy talking about an OJ and a BJ in the 90s. :D

Seems pretty well intentioned stupidity to me.

Change the state law so that it only applies if the children were put in real and eminent danger.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling who may abduct and rape you.” -Frodo Baggins

, but I believe the news media foots most of the blame. They let ratings get in the way of responsible reporting. If you were to listen to their fear mongering for too long you would think there was a sex offender on every corner ready to snatch your kid if they walk out the front door alone.

You ever listen to the NRA? Or a gun store owner? They are absolutely positively sure that YOU need to be armed all the time because there are a lot of crazed wackos out there.

You've really never heard the NRA spreading fear? You think it's all the media? Maybe you have never read a thread on here about how many gun owners on here are armed all the time. There is a reason they have that fear.

The cops have even gotten scared. They shoot you first then find out if you were a real threat or not. So of course a 6yo and a 10yo out on the street is going to be asked where their parents are.

At least the kids weren't carrying a toy gun that would get them shot by the police.
I can't believe it. A child under 8 cannot go anywhere by his or herself? This is pure insanity. I was going lots of places by myself starting at the age of 5, and it was the greatest thing. Now children cannot know that freedom at all. Unbelievable.
I so feel sorry for my granddaughter with the world she is growing up in.

I remember walking to school alone in elementary school, a mile from home. Walking to the dime store, a mile away, the other direction, by myself, or a group of us. Playing down in the creekbed both alone and by myself, where no homes were yet developed, finding arrowheads. Walking to the park, if we felt like it, but usually we had so much to keep us busy exploring we didn't. Staying out until after dark, as a few of us would play radiation, running from car lights in the summer. When the dinner bell, rang, we went home to eat, then joined up again for another hour or so of outdoor play. Riding our bikes all around the neighborhood, either to go see a friend or just to explore. A parent was always available, if we ever needed them. And we knew we needed to be home when we were told to be, or else.

Today's kids are lucky if they get to play in a front yard, without supervision. And then you have those that think they know better, reporting anyone they think doesn't believe in keeping them caged up as they do.

And we dare wonder why kids have problems today, everything in their lives is structured, except maybe video games and internet usage. And those are not compatible to social interaction, where kids actually work, fight, makeup, and imagine together. Social skills demanding of problem solving skills. They are told the big, bad, boogey man will get them if they dare play alone or as a group outside together.

And parents are worn out, and no real quality time when it is a constant without a break from one another, for the kids and adults. I think that is why so much time is spent on video games, and the internet, where there is more trouble to be had, than being allowed to play outside.
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Since first grade, there were plenty of places that I was allowed to walk without an adult...often with a friend(s), but sometimes alone. The only instruction I was given was to look both ways before crossing the street, and not to get into a stranger's car. It wasn't like it was an idyllic world in the 70's, and we were vaguely aware of some potential dangers, but it didn't stifle our childhood from being independent explorers.

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