Parents Overdose in baby's hospital room.

OMG! OMG! These people will never be civilized. OMG! This time they have sunk to a new LOW!
Just look at the mess they made of Detroit. They destroy things every where they go and now this... I guess Shoot speeders and Meathead were right all along....

OMG! WAIT>>>>>>>

Quick halt the presses.........



A woman died and a man was hospitalized after the two parents overdosed on heroin in their 7-month-old baby’s hospital room in Cincinnati. Newtown Police Chief Tom Synan, who heads up the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force, told reporters, “I think it’s an amazing example of how it’s not the person anymore, it’s not the people. It’s an addiction. This was heroin.” The father, Wesley Landers, is now charged with drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon.

Looks like a couple of liberals leading the drug culture life bought the farm...

I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....
OMG! OMG! These people will never be civilized. OMG! This time they have sunk to a new LOW!
Just look at the mess they made of Detroit. They destroy things every where they go and now this... I guess Shoot speeders and Meathead were right all along....

OMG! WAIT>>>>>>>

Quick halt the presses.........



A woman died and a man was hospitalized after the two parents overdosed on heroin in their 7-month-old baby’s hospital room in Cincinnati. Newtown Police Chief Tom Synan, who heads up the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force, told reporters, “I think it’s an amazing example of how it’s not the person anymore, it’s not the people. It’s an addiction. This was heroin.” The father, Wesley Landers, is now charged with drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon.

Looks like a couple of liberals leading the drug culture life bought the farm...

I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!
OMG! OMG! These people will never be civilized. OMG! This time they have sunk to a new LOW!
Just look at the mess they made of Detroit. They destroy things every where they go and now this... I guess Shoot speeders and Meathead were right all along....

OMG! WAIT>>>>>>>

Quick halt the presses.........



A woman died and a man was hospitalized after the two parents overdosed on heroin in their 7-month-old baby’s hospital room in Cincinnati. Newtown Police Chief Tom Synan, who heads up the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force, told reporters, “I think it’s an amazing example of how it’s not the person anymore, it’s not the people. It’s an addiction. This was heroin.” The father, Wesley Landers, is now charged with drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon.

Looks like a couple of liberals leading the drug culture life bought the farm...

I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.
You haven't event seen a good test of that, so how can you be so flipping certain? We have notoriously failed in this regard. We haven't been tough enough. We placate the offender by calling everything a "disease" or "addiction" and then putting them in "support groups" and giving them a free card because our prisons are "overfilled". From what I've witnessed, folks don't get scared enough to change until some judge threatens them with prison time. Only then, do they straighten up if they're smart. Not all do, of course, and those that don't, unfortunately, are a lost cause. We need to separate the wheat from the rest. By narrowing the group down, some can be "fixed".
OMG! OMG! These people will never be civilized. OMG! This time they have sunk to a new LOW!
Just look at the mess they made of Detroit. They destroy things every where they go and now this... I guess Shoot speeders and Meathead were right all along....

OMG! WAIT>>>>>>>

Quick halt the presses.........



A woman died and a man was hospitalized after the two parents overdosed on heroin in their 7-month-old baby’s hospital room in Cincinnati. Newtown Police Chief Tom Synan, who heads up the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force, told reporters, “I think it’s an amazing example of how it’s not the person anymore, it’s not the people. It’s an addiction. This was heroin.” The father, Wesley Landers, is now charged with drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon.

Looks like a couple of liberals leading the drug culture life bought the farm...

I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.

You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!
You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!
You have just described yourself.
You haven't event seen a good test of that, so how can you be so flipping certain? We have notoriously failed in this regard. We haven't been tough enough. We placate the offender by calling everything a "disease" or "addiction" and then putting them in "support groups" and giving them a free card because our prisons are "overfilled". From what I've witnessed, folks don't get scared enough to change until some judge threatens them with prison time. Only then, do they straighten up if they're smart. Not all do, of course, and those that don't, unfortunately, are a lost cause. We need to separate the wheat from the rest. By narrowing the group down, some can be "fixed".

You call them offenders I call them patients with an addiction. Those poor souls are not placated by anything less than another fix. They cannot help themselves so society has to intervene. For decades, that intervention has been imprisonment accompanied by a criminal history that follows that person for the rest of their lives.
Criminal records that are solely based on possession and use of small amounts of controlled substances should be expunged and all privileges and rights forfeited should be restored. Yes, that includes voting.

But there is a price t be paid: forced participation in a demanding regimen of aforementioned rehabilitation. We can do it
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.
What a complete and utter fool you are! FU, Jake.
Spinster, you are wrong. Rethink your position.

Like I'd take your clueless opinion for anything. This couple are NOT victims, they made free will choices at some point in time to even start drugs, and Heroin at that--we're not talking about weed here which is legal almost everwhere now, unfortunately. Heroin is still considered illegal. It takes a certain level of depravity to knowingly break the law, and then involve the wellfare of their infant. That child will be adversely affected for it's entire life, be it by foster care or just knowing what his parents did and that they didn't care enough for him. That, in my mind, is criminal! What should happen when you're a criminal? Go straight to jail without collecting $200. Period!
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.

We don't know anything about the baby's condition and what provoked the parents to take him to the hospital. Maybe the child was ill enough they thought he might die. We don't know. So, perhaps, they got scared enough in their wasted state to take him to the hospital. He was probably lucky to have survived the car ride. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was in an emaciated state. Was that the reason for the trip? The photo of the couple appears to be a wedding picture, perhaps before they got so deep into drugs. I rather doubt it, but maybe. They may have spiraled way down further in the time since. Maybe their baby had problems related to drugging during the pregnancy. When you impact an innocent child adversely that can't fend for himself, that's criminal any way you slice it. It's moronic to view it any other way, seriously. Stop being a moron!
Looks like a couple of liberals leading the drug culture life bought the farm...

I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.

You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!

When you leave, take this with you:

Who Abuses Heroin?

The average user of heroin has changed drastically in the last decade. In 2000, black Americans aged 45-64 had the highest death rate for drug poisoning involving heroin. Now, white people aged 18-44 have the highest rate. The share of people who say they have used heroin in the past year is actually decreasing for non-whites. Heroin has taken hold of the white suburbs, which has prompted more attention for what is now being called a " health problem."

But prescription drug abuse is the bigger epidemic.

Heroin abuse is tightly tied to prescription drug abuse. Almost half of people addicted to heroin are also addicted to painkillers. People are 40 times more likely to be addicted to heroin if they are addicted to prescription painkillers. Abuse of prescription painkillers is incredibly common — one in 20 Americans age 12 and older reported using painkillers for non-medical reasons in the past year. While it's true that heroin abuse has skyrocketed in the last years, prescription drug abuse is more common. The number of overdose deaths from prescription pain medication is larger than those of heroin and cocaine combined.
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.

We don't know anything about the baby's condition and what provoked the parents to take him to the hospital. Maybe the child was ill enough they thought he might die. We don't know. So, perhaps, they got scared enough in their wasted state to take him to the hospital. He was probably lucky to have survived the car ride. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was in an emaciated state. Was that the reason for the trip? The photo of the couple appears to be a wedding picture, perhaps before they got so deep into drugs. I rather doubt it, but maybe. They may have spiraled way down further in the time since. Maybe their baby had problems related to drugging during the pregnancy. When you impact an innocent child adversely that can't fend for himself, that's criminal any way you slice it. It's moronic to view it any other way, seriously. Stop being a moron!

I agree with the red highlighted text. But as you know we don't know the circumstances of why the child was brought to the hospital.

Instead of focusing on the unknown let us focus on that what we do know, They brought the child to a safe place even as the craving for a fix engulfed them.

The couple , obviously, could not fend for themselves any longer as their addiction raged out of control. Does anyone really want to be an addict? I seriously doubt it. The decision to get on that wagon , though, is often tied to mental aberrations caused by factors that only a psychiatrist can decipher. If you are not a mental health professional your personal diagnosis is just as foolish as your remedies.
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.

We don't know anything about the baby's condition and what provoked the parents to take him to the hospital. Maybe the child was ill enough they thought he might die. We don't know. So, perhaps, they got scared enough in their wasted state to take him to the hospital. He was probably lucky to have survived the car ride. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was in an emaciated state. Was that the reason for the trip? The photo of the couple appears to be a wedding picture, perhaps before they got so deep into drugs. I rather doubt it, but maybe. They may have spiraled way down further in the time since. Maybe their baby had problems related to drugging during the pregnancy. When you impact an innocent child adversely that can't fend for himself, that's criminal any way you slice it. It's moronic to view it any other way, seriously. Stop being a moron!

I agree with the red highlighted text. But as you know we don't know the circumstances of why the child was brought to the hospital.

Instead of focusing on the unknown let us focus on that what we do know, They brought the child to a safe place even as the craving for a fix engulfed them.

The couple , obviously, could not fend for themselves any longer as their addiction raged out of control. Does anyone really want to be an addict? I seriously doubt it. The decision to get on that wagon , though, is often tied to mental aberrations caused by factors that only a psychiatrist can decipher. If you are not a mental health professional your personal diagnosis is just as foolish as your remedies.
I do not see them as liberals OR conservatives. I see them as Americans who might have been helped if we had detected their plight and reached them before this happened.

I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.

You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!

When you leave, take this with you:

Who Abuses Heroin?

The average user of heroin has changed drastically in the last decade. In 2000, black Americans aged 45-64 had the highest death rate for drug poisoning involving heroin. Now, white people aged 18-44 have the highest rate. The share of people who say they have used heroin in the past year is actually decreasing for non-whites. Heroin has taken hold of the white suburbs, which has prompted more attention for what is now being called a " health problem."

But prescription drug abuse is the bigger epidemic.

Heroin abuse is tightly tied to prescription drug abuse. Almost half of people addicted to heroin are also addicted to painkillers. People are 40 times more likely to be addicted to heroin if they are addicted to prescription painkillers. Abuse of prescription painkillers is incredibly common — one in 20 Americans age 12 and older reported using painkillers for non-medical reasons in the past year. While it's true that heroin abuse has skyrocketed in the last years, prescription drug abuse is more common. The number of overdose deaths from prescription pain medication is larger than those of heroin and cocaine combined.

Druggies rarely are addicted to one form of highs, hence the reason for pain killer abuse combined with whatever their drug of choice happens to be whether cocaine or heroin. Since Michael Jackson's death came to light pain killers have taken on tremendous scrutiny within the medical community. Today measures have been implemented to ensure doctors don't go down that road anymore. As a result, painkillers are now used for "non-medical reasons" and are much more difficult to obtain from the medical community. The same guys that peddle cocaine and heroin sell painkillers. It's all criminal whether one is the seller or the buyer. Why has heroin reached such levels? Because it's now so affordable, the most affordable of all illegal drugs. When a recreational drug becomes cheap it transcends all social levels: whites, blacks, natives, nobody is exempt--it's now become an economical one. So, is it any wonder users have more than one vehicle in their arsenal? Not really, they are on a quest to achieve an ever increasingly quality high. Combining various drugs is bound to have this result, and increased access financially has boosted the dosage with players pushing the limits. That's why we're seeing more overdoses today.
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.

We don't know anything about the baby's condition and what provoked the parents to take him to the hospital. Maybe the child was ill enough they thought he might die. We don't know. So, perhaps, they got scared enough in their wasted state to take him to the hospital. He was probably lucky to have survived the car ride. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was in an emaciated state. Was that the reason for the trip? The photo of the couple appears to be a wedding picture, perhaps before they got so deep into drugs. I rather doubt it, but maybe. They may have spiraled way down further in the time since. Maybe their baby had problems related to drugging during the pregnancy. When you impact an innocent child adversely that can't fend for himself, that's criminal any way you slice it. It's moronic to view it any other way, seriously. Stop being a moron!

I agree with the red highlighted text. But as you know we don't know the circumstances of why the child was brought to the hospital.

Instead of focusing on the unknown let us focus on that what we do know, They brought the child to a safe place even as the craving for a fix engulfed them.

The couple , obviously, could not fend for themselves any longer as their addiction raged out of control. Does anyone really want to be an addict? I seriously doubt it. The decision to get on that wagon , though, is often tied to mental aberrations caused by factors that only a psychiatrist can decipher. If you are not a mental health professional your personal diagnosis is just as foolish as your remedies.
I see a couple of idiots ....

Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.

You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!

When you leave, take this with you:

Who Abuses Heroin?

The average user of heroin has changed drastically in the last decade. In 2000, black Americans aged 45-64 had the highest death rate for drug poisoning involving heroin. Now, white people aged 18-44 have the highest rate. The share of people who say they have used heroin in the past year is actually decreasing for non-whites. Heroin has taken hold of the white suburbs, which has prompted more attention for what is now being called a " health problem."

But prescription drug abuse is the bigger epidemic.

Heroin abuse is tightly tied to prescription drug abuse. Almost half of people addicted to heroin are also addicted to painkillers. People are 40 times more likely to be addicted to heroin if they are addicted to prescription painkillers. Abuse of prescription painkillers is incredibly common — one in 20 Americans age 12 and older reported using painkillers for non-medical reasons in the past year. While it's true that heroin abuse has skyrocketed in the last years, prescription drug abuse is more common. The number of overdose deaths from prescription pain medication is larger than those of heroin and cocaine combined.

Druggies rarely are addicted to one form of highs, hence the reason for pain killer abuse combined with whatever their drug of choice happens to be whether cocaine or heroin. Since Michael Jackson's death came to light pain killers have taken on tremendous scrutiny within the medical community. Today measures have been implemented to ensure doctors don't go down that road anymore. As a result, painkillers are now used for "non-medical reasons" and are much more difficult to obtain from the medical community. The same guys that peddle cocaine and heroin sell painkillers. It's all criminal whether one is the seller or the buyer. Why has heroin reached such levels? Because it's now so affordable, the most affordable of all illegal drugs. When a recreational drug becomes cheap it transcends all social levels: whites, blacks, natives, nobody is exempt--it's now become an economical one. So, is it any wonder users have more than one vehicle in their arsenal? Not really, they are on a quest to achieve an ever increasingly quality high. Combining various drugs is bound to have this result, and increased access financially has boosted the dosage with players pushing the limits. That's why we're seeing more overdoses today.

So what is your solution? Should we shift out police resources from Black neighborhoods to White neighborhoods? I don't see that happening in the near future. So how do we detect and correct now that illegal use of dangerous controlled substances is increasing among the "gentry?"
Sounds like this kid just caught a break
Ostensibly, that might appear to be true. I that "break" was facilitated by the kid's parents who loved the baby enough to take it to the hospital. Without that mindset...without that waning vestige of humanity... the baby would have been another statistic. At least give credit where credit is due.

We don't know anything about the baby's condition and what provoked the parents to take him to the hospital. Maybe the child was ill enough they thought he might die. We don't know. So, perhaps, they got scared enough in their wasted state to take him to the hospital. He was probably lucky to have survived the car ride. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was in an emaciated state. Was that the reason for the trip? The photo of the couple appears to be a wedding picture, perhaps before they got so deep into drugs. I rather doubt it, but maybe. They may have spiraled way down further in the time since. Maybe their baby had problems related to drugging during the pregnancy. When you impact an innocent child adversely that can't fend for himself, that's criminal any way you slice it. It's moronic to view it any other way, seriously. Stop being a moron!

I agree with the red highlighted text. But as you know we don't know the circumstances of why the child was brought to the hospital.

Instead of focusing on the unknown let us focus on that what we do know, They brought the child to a safe place even as the craving for a fix engulfed them.

The couple , obviously, could not fend for themselves any longer as their addiction raged out of control. Does anyone really want to be an addict? I seriously doubt it. The decision to get on that wagon , though, is often tied to mental aberrations caused by factors that only a psychiatrist can decipher. If you are not a mental health professional your personal diagnosis is just as foolish as your remedies.
Whatever! You don't see "a couple" of idiots, you see one and I'm not it. You don't train or retrain people and animals by rewarding them for their bad behavior, you do it by correcting them. If you reward bad behavior, the bad is simply further instilled and they remain ignorant. Come on, guys, this isn't brain surgery!

HEREWEGOAGAIN was calling the couple idiots, not you and me. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. That truly brings your "idiocy" into focus. You ignore the underlying medical solution to this addiction and are instead obsessed with punishment. Punishment does nothing to alleviate the pathology of addiction.

You are a stiff-necked ostrich with your head in the sand. You won't recognize any valid information outside your comfort zone and your preconceived notions. That's sad, and extremely limiting for you. Done with wasting energy in this!

When you leave, take this with you:

Who Abuses Heroin?

The average user of heroin has changed drastically in the last decade. In 2000, black Americans aged 45-64 had the highest death rate for drug poisoning involving heroin. Now, white people aged 18-44 have the highest rate. The share of people who say they have used heroin in the past year is actually decreasing for non-whites. Heroin has taken hold of the white suburbs, which has prompted more attention for what is now being called a " health problem."

But prescription drug abuse is the bigger epidemic.

Heroin abuse is tightly tied to prescription drug abuse. Almost half of people addicted to heroin are also addicted to painkillers. People are 40 times more likely to be addicted to heroin if they are addicted to prescription painkillers. Abuse of prescription painkillers is incredibly common — one in 20 Americans age 12 and older reported using painkillers for non-medical reasons in the past year. While it's true that heroin abuse has skyrocketed in the last years, prescription drug abuse is more common. The number of overdose deaths from prescription pain medication is larger than those of heroin and cocaine combined.

Druggies rarely are addicted to one form of highs, hence the reason for pain killer abuse combined with whatever their drug of choice happens to be whether cocaine or heroin. Since Michael Jackson's death came to light pain killers have taken on tremendous scrutiny within the medical community. Today measures have been implemented to ensure doctors don't go down that road anymore. As a result, painkillers are now used for "non-medical reasons" and are much more difficult to obtain from the medical community. The same guys that peddle cocaine and heroin sell painkillers. It's all criminal whether one is the seller or the buyer. Why has heroin reached such levels? Because it's now so affordable, the most affordable of all illegal drugs. When a recreational drug becomes cheap it transcends all social levels: whites, blacks, natives, nobody is exempt--it's now become an economical one. So, is it any wonder users have more than one vehicle in their arsenal? Not really, they are on a quest to achieve an ever increasingly quality high. Combining various drugs is bound to have this result, and increased access financially has boosted the dosage with players pushing the limits. That's why we're seeing more overdoses today.

So what is your solution? Should we shift out police resources from Black neighborhoods to White neighborhoods? I don't see that happening in the near future. So how do we detect and correct now that illegal use of dangerous controlled substances is increasing among the "gentry?"

Gee whiz, I don't know how many more ways I can say the same thing here! The way to decrease this situation is not to send the offender off to rehab camp, but to make the punishment severe. As I stated, once a judge concludes the punishment is prison, offenders will take heed rather than facing the consequences. Once this starts happening, predictably, people will come to the realization of the full penalty, and that will affect behavior and thereby compliance. One has to have a healthy respect for authority first and foremost for free will decisions to be altered and for positive results to happen. This is an elementary concept. You don't do things that you know will anger parents or employers because you don't want to suffer the inevitable consequences. The penalty must match the crime, otherwise what's the effect--nothing!
White, Black, Orange or Yellow...

if they are losers ...oops sorry know....that shit

I am not going to defend them...

weaklings like them should not have babies

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