Pat Robertson Blames Market Crash On Planned Parenthood


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
That's some televangelist logic for you.

Never mind China’s stock market crash. Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed Monday that the massive Dow drop is actually divine retribution for the U.S. government supporting abortion access and funding Planned Parenthood.

"Here in America, we have been complicit in terminating the lives of in excess of 50 million precious unborn children, and don't you think almighty God is going to hold us accountable for that?" the "700 Club" host asked after airing a report on Planned Parenthood demonstrations. "It's coming ladies and gentleman. We just have a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it's going to get shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it takes, and it will hurt every one of us."

Legal access to abortion has of course been blamed many other times for completely unrelated ills. In June, California Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R) suggested that the state's drought was God punishing the state for providing the health service.

“Texas was in a long period of drought until Governor Perry signed the fetal pain bill,” she told the audience. “It rained that night. Now God has his hold on California.”

Pat Robertson Blames Market Crash On Planned Parenthood

Maybe Pat Robertson could be Mike Huckabee's VP running mate.
That's some televangelist logic for you.

Never mind China’s stock market crash. Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed Monday that the massive Dow drop is actually divine retribution for the U.S. government supporting abortion access and funding Planned Parenthood.

"Here in America, we have been complicit in terminating the lives of in excess of 50 million precious unborn children, and don't you think almighty God is going to hold us accountable for that?" the "700 Club" host asked after airing a report on Planned Parenthood demonstrations. "It's coming ladies and gentleman. We just have a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it's going to get shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it takes, and it will hurt every one of us."

Legal access to abortion has of course been blamed many other times for completely unrelated ills. In June, California Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R) suggested that the state's drought was God punishing the state for providing the health service.

“Texas was in a long period of drought until Governor Perry signed the fetal pain bill,” she told the audience. “It rained that night. Now God has his hold on California.”

Pat Robertson Blames Market Crash On Planned Parenthood

Maybe Pat Robertson could be Mike Huckabee's VP running mate.
. Liar!
Pastor Robertson suggested no such thing.
That's some televangelist logic for you.

Never mind China’s stock market crash. Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed Monday that the massive Dow drop is actually divine retribution for the U.S. government supporting abortion access and funding Planned Parenthood.

"Here in America, we have been complicit in terminating the lives of in excess of 50 million precious unborn children, and don't you think almighty God is going to hold us accountable for that?" the "700 Club" host asked after airing a report on Planned Parenthood demonstrations. "It's coming ladies and gentleman. We just have a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it's going to get shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it takes, and it will hurt every one of us."

Legal access to abortion has of course been blamed many other times for completely unrelated ills. In June, California Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R) suggested that the state's drought was God punishing the state for providing the health service.

“Texas was in a long period of drought until Governor Perry signed the fetal pain bill,” she told the audience. “It rained that night. Now God has his hold on California.”

Pat Robertson Blames Market Crash On Planned Parenthood

Maybe Pat Robertson could be Mike Huckabee's VP running mate.

Poor deluded senile old man.
That's some televangelist logic for you.

Never mind China’s stock market crash. Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed Monday that the massive Dow drop is actually divine retribution for the U.S. government supporting abortion access and funding Planned Parenthood.

"Here in America, we have been complicit in terminating the lives of in excess of 50 million precious unborn children, and don't you think almighty God is going to hold us accountable for that?" the "700 Club" host asked after airing a report on Planned Parenthood demonstrations. "It's coming ladies and gentleman. We just have a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it's going to get shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it takes, and it will hurt every one of us."

Legal access to abortion has of course been blamed many other times for completely unrelated ills. In June, California Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R) suggested that the state's drought was God punishing the state for providing the health service.

“Texas was in a long period of drought until Governor Perry signed the fetal pain bill,” she told the audience. “It rained that night. Now God has his hold on California.”

Pat Robertson Blames Market Crash On Planned Parenthood

Maybe Pat Robertson could be Mike Huckabee's VP running mate.

Oh my, God speaks to Pat Robertson often.
Pat Robertson believes what he believes, you believe what you believe. Big deal...... :dunno:

Wow, you could be a mod with logic like that.
I was......

Duh, I know...
That aside did you get it or are you too locked in your world view to have an open mind?

Huh? Apparently I'm not smoking what you're smoking.
Thank God!!! If I was smoking what you are....... I couldn't imagine being that stupid. :dunno:
Planned parenthood vs china

What a wild and moronic jump in logic. The markets around the world were effected, not just those in the US. That is like muslims in other countries blaming earthquakes on gays in the US.

What idiots !

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