Pat Speaks To Feminists


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
He was speaking to the ones in Europe but the ones in America NEED to listen. If you American feminists want to piss away your hard earned rights....well go ahead vote for Hillary "islamic hugger" Clinton.

Because ALL your rights will be leaving NOT by law directly but by gangs of islamic savages. The "law" will simply look the other way as you drag your freshly raped and beaten feminist ass home from work/school or shopping. And IF you disagree with your SELF IMPOSED fate like protesting in the street? Fire hoses and arrest with prison records in your future.

Feminists have done some great things their fight against breast cancer and securing funding to fight it comes to mind. Oh did I mention the muslims do NOT support that funding OR research? Camels and Monkey's rank higher on the healthcare chart.

They say there is a 99.9% chance an islamic child {girl} WILL be molested by the time she comes of age. Now you feminists argue America's numbers are to high in that I AGREE. But your feminist leadership seeks to make it worse?

Would at LEAST one of you liberal feminist please explain to me where the value is in INCREASING adult rape and child rape of the female gender? Here is Pat while you gnaw that bone.

Another thing that confuses me is how any self-respecting feminist could support Hilary after Willie's "bimbo eruption" and her stand by your man routine.
Another thing that confuses me is how any self-respecting feminist could support Hilary after Willie's "bimbo eruption" and her stand by your man routine.
So not staying would make her doing the right thing as far as you are concerned....How many times have you done what Hillary has suggested?
Another thing that confuses me is how any self-respecting feminist could support Hilary after Willie's "bimbo eruption" and her stand by your man routine.
Her "talk" VS her "actions" do not equal out, not even close.
He was speaking to the ones in Europe but the ones in America NEED to listen. If you American feminists want to piss away your hard earned rights....well go ahead vote for Hillary "islamic hugger" Clinton.

Because ALL your rights will be leaving NOT by law directly but by gangs of islamic savages. The "law" will simply look the other way as you drag your freshly raped and beaten feminist ass home from work/school or shopping. And IF you disagree with your SELF IMPOSED fate like protesting in the street? Fire hoses and arrest with prison records in your future.

Feminists have done some great things their fight against breast cancer and securing funding to fight it comes to mind. Oh did I mention the muslims do NOT support that funding OR research? Camels and Monkey's rank higher on the healthcare chart.

They say there is a 99.9% chance an islamic child {girl} WILL be molested by the time she comes of age. Now you feminists argue America's numbers are to high in that I AGREE. But your feminist leadership seeks to make it worse?

Would at LEAST one of you liberal feminist please explain to me where the value is in INCREASING adult rape and child rape of the female gender? Here is Pat while you gnaw that bone.

Feminists are psychopaths DF. Wouldnt you have to be to believe the crazy shit they do about men and women.
Another thing that confuses me is how any self-respecting feminist could support Hilary after Willie's "bimbo eruption" and her stand by your man routine.
They're militant: She'll do.
A "militant" feminist would cut his balls off.
A militant feminist is saving that for ALL men. They are working slowly but surely. One industry at a time...

Being cheated on is not a big problem. They know Hillarys done plenty of it too.

And psychopaths dont like trouble with the law. They get their vengence on all men by warping their daughters all day long.
They know Hillarys done plenty of it too

Obviously the Media knows with whom so why don't we hear about it??

Remember the little gay war we had this last year. It's now ANTI-PC to bring it up just like the TRUTH about islam. The government is currently TENDING the sheep.

You see it in Norway/Sweden and Germany who is way the hell ahead of everybody else when it comes to endangering its citizens.
Its not some gloom and doom thinking either.

What IF I wanted to sneak two million able bodied males of military age and ABILITY into America? How would I do that?
It is truly amazing how the media and the left have managed to keep the spotlight off the events in Germany, Norway, France and other countries after the refugees arrived. It's chaos. The left cannot claim they are for women and gay rights, then turn around and lie about the true Muslim culture that they want to bring here. Muslims marry children. Boys are raped. They have a saying that women are for having babies and boys are for fun. They like having sex with children and they do so by force. One of our troops is in trouble for protecting a young boy from rape. The rapist was in the right and the military guy was in the wrong, according to our own government. It's alarming the way this disgusting behavior is accepted as normal. And it's exactly what we are bringing here. We have large groups of Muslims who have to be told that women are not possessions that can be abused at will. And hearing that does not change their thinking one bit.

The liberals are quick to say not all Muslims are like that. They don't care that large numbers of Muslims are like that and we have no way of weeding anyone out during the lame ass vetting process. We can't spot terrorists let alone fucking perverts.

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