Patriot Act Denouncers

What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

While you are at it, just update all the amendments to give government more control over our lives

Freedom has a price tag. If we are not willing to pay it, we are not deserving to have it.
I agree most people don't deserve control over their lives, money, children, diet

I'm sure you will set up a government committee that will determine just that.
What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

While you are at it, just update all the amendments to give government more control over our lives

Freedom has a price tag. If we are not willing to pay it, we are not deserving to have it.
I agree most people don't deserve control over their lives, money, children, diet

I'm sure you will set up a government committee that will determine just that.
It's been my goal and dream since I was like 4 to rule the world
also why you avoiding my question?

You're asking questions with no base of knowledge.
If you want to be educated just say so.
With no base of knowledge? What the hell does that even mean? I'm open minded and wanted to hear a good argument against it and I still haven't. I'd rather ask questions to gather as much info I can so I can make even more informed decisions than to be a dumb evasive bitch wanna be know it all like you talking shit about someone asking questions. You can kindly shut the fuck up

You really need to familiarize yourself with the Google.
What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

I wasn't aware it was a problem. Enlighten us.
Your post before this one is a great example.
Or do you think men 300 years ago could make amendments that work in these days and times as complex as they've gotten?
also why you avoiding my question?

You're asking questions with no base of knowledge.
If you want to be educated just say so.
With no base of knowledge? What the hell does that even mean? I'm open minded and wanted to hear a good argument against it and I still haven't. I'd rather ask questions to gather as much info I can so I can make even more informed decisions than to be a dumb evasive bitch wanna be know it all like you talking shit about someone asking questions. You can kindly shut the fuck up

You really need to familiarize yourself with the Google.
You're a fucking idiot you need knowledge to even ask a question. Just shut the hell up already
it gains us nothing and WILL be used against us, some day. Stuff like this AlWAYS leads to tyranny. NO country that won't even secure its borders can be said to give a GD about national security.
What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

I wasn't aware it was a problem. Enlighten us.
Your post before this one is a great example.
Or do you think men 300 years ago could make amendments that work in these days and times as complex as they've gotten?

300 years ago was 1715. The Bill of Rights was written in 1789 and during that time Americans were far more threatened by the British Empire than we are today from fanatical Islamists in the Middle East and yet they still wrote the Fourth Amendment. So to answer your question, yes, I think they were quite equipped to do so.
What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

I wasn't aware it was a problem. Enlighten us.
Your post before this one is a great example.
Or do you think men 300 years ago could make amendments that work in these days and times as complex as they've gotten?

300 years ago was 1715. The Bill of Rights was written in 1789 and during that time Americans were far more threatened by the British Empire than we are today from fanatical Islamists in the Middle East and yet they still wrote the Fourth Amendment. So to answer your question, yes, I think they were quite equipped to do so.
YOu gotta be a smart ass about it? Anyway we need modern resources and powers to take on modern challenges
it gains us nothing and WILL be used against us, some day. Stuff like this AlWAYS leads to tyranny. NO country that won't even secure its borders can be said to give a GD about national security.

Yep..liffy thinks we have a terrorist problem yet or border is a sieve.
Kinda flies in the face of common sense.
You guys don't know why the governments makes half their decisions. The truth is you don't know shit and won't ever know shit until you're high up. You're just a pawn. Okay? Leave the decision making and serious judgement to the Kings.
What's so bad about the NSA spying on the public, maybe even you, to protect us if they don't publish the information. NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION

I won't cum in your mouth, honey. Honest!
Read the Fourth Amendment. That should answer you question rather quickly.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

I wasn't aware it was a problem. Enlighten us.
Your post before this one is a great example.
Or do you think men 300 years ago could make amendments that work in these days and times as complex as they've gotten?

300 years ago was 1715. The Bill of Rights was written in 1789 and during that time Americans were far more threatened by the British Empire than we are today from fanatical Islamists in the Middle East and yet they still wrote the Fourth Amendment. So to answer your question, yes, I think they were quite equipped to do so.
YOu gotta be a smart ass about it? Anyway we need modern resources and powers to take on modern challenges

I answered your question and yes, I am smart.
update the fourth amendment, should solve much of the problem.

I wasn't aware it was a problem. Enlighten us.
Your post before this one is a great example.
Or do you think men 300 years ago could make amendments that work in these days and times as complex as they've gotten?

300 years ago was 1715. The Bill of Rights was written in 1789 and during that time Americans were far more threatened by the British Empire than we are today from fanatical Islamists in the Middle East and yet they still wrote the Fourth Amendment. So to answer your question, yes, I think they were quite equipped to do so.
YOu gotta be a smart ass about it? Anyway we need modern resources and powers to take on modern challenges

I answered your question and yes, I am smart.
You gotta do better than that to convince me.

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