Patriots Super Bowl ring

The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.
The pats were not the best team in the league. They were the best cheaters. Sure they won the super bowl, sure they were better than the other team in that game, but the only reason they got to the super-bowl in the first place is because they got away with cheating the better teams.

uh they weren't the better team than the other one in that game.

If carrol isn't paid off to throw the game and trys to win it by using Lynch like any person not paid off would have,you would not be saying the cheatriots were the better

that is correct though that they got there cause they goy away with cheating the better teams.Their cheating was not a factor in the colts game,but it for sure was in the ravens game.the patriot apologists cant get around that one no matter how hard they try.

How did the Patriots "cheat" in the Raven's game?
Lots of people calling the Patriots cheaters and so far not a single one able to explain how they cheated. If it's so obvious it should be easy to explain, no?
Which time they got caught cheating do you want to talk about? This last set of cheating was about partially deflating their footballs to make the balls easier to throw and catch. Why is that hard to understand?

Here's your problem, RKM...nobody has proven that the balls that were approved by the referee prior to the Colts game were altered in any way by the Patriots. NOBODY! Of the balls that were measured only one ball was more than a pound of pressure less than allowed and that was the ball that the Colts had in THEIR possession! Who's to say that THEY were not the ones to deflate that ball? Why is THAT ball the only one deflated to such an extent when the other balls it's now being reported are only slightly less than the lower limit of what was allowed an amount that could have simply been the natural result of taking balls from a warm room to a cold and wet outside? So tell me how you've arrived at the conclusion that the Patriots deflated the balls after the referee checked them?

Who gives a fuck what you think has been proven. We all know the cover-up is coming. This wasn't a hard issue to investigate and publish the findings. If there was no wrongdoing, the NFL would have quickly quelled this matter at the Patriots' insistence. Again, stop being a fanboy loser and see things for how they are and not how you want to pretend they are to justify your fanboy hard-on.
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.
The pats were not the best team in the league. They were the best cheaters. Sure they won the super bowl, sure they were better than the other team in that game, but the only reason they got to the super-bowl in the first place is because they got away with cheating the better teams.

You know...that claim might be valid if the Patriots hadn't crushed the Colts in the second half of their playoff game playing with conforming footballs. Are you making the claim that the Patriots "cheated" the Ravens the week before that? Because even John Harbaugh came out and admitted that nothing the Patriots did was was simply something the Ravens weren't ready for and didn't respond well to. You'll have to explain how it is you think the Patriots "cheated" the Seahawks. It was a great game between two great teams and the Patriots won on a fantastic play at the finish.
How about if we just talk about every close game the Patriots had this year. You know the ones where the advantage would have made a significant difference. This not to even involve discussions regarding momentum of small victories have to the overall games, given that most games are tossups decided based on said momentum.

First of all you have to actually prove that the Patriots cheated in the game that they measured the balls at half time, RKM! You haven't done THAT yet you want to assume that every other game they took the inspected balls and deflated them and somehow all those game officials handling all those game balls never noticed right up until the Colts lodged a complaint in their game?
Lots of people calling the Patriots cheaters and so far not a single one able to explain how they cheated. If it's so obvious it should be easy to explain, no?
Which time they got caught cheating do you want to talk about? This last set of cheating was about partially deflating their footballs to make the balls easier to throw and catch. Why is that hard to understand?

Here's your problem, RKM...nobody has proven that the balls that were approved by the referee prior to the Colts game were altered in any way by the Patriots. NOBODY! Of the balls that were measured only one ball was more than a pound of pressure less than allowed and that was the ball that the Colts had in THEIR possession! Who's to say that THEY were not the ones to deflate that ball? Why is THAT ball the only one deflated to such an extent when the other balls it's now being reported are only slightly less than the lower limit of what was allowed an amount that could have simply been the natural result of taking balls from a warm room to a cold and wet outside? So tell me how you've arrived at the conclusion that the Patriots deflated the balls after the referee checked them?

Who gives a fuck what you think has been proven. We all know the cover-up is coming. This wasn't a hard issue to investigate and publish the findings. If there was no wrongdoing, the NFL would have quickly quelled this matter at the Patriots' insistence. Again, stop being a fanboy loser and see things for how they are and not how you want to pretend they are to justify your fanboy hard-on.

Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.
Still won't admit that your McNally allegations were totally unfounded, can you, Gatsby? Come a little class...admit you were wrong. You'll feel better afterwards.

How about you admit that the Pats are cheaters. I don't know if you'll feel better; but at least you won't come off as a fanboy tool.

I readily admit that the Patriots broke an NFL rule regarding how teams were allowed to video tape an opposing side line. It's rather amusing to me however that such a big deal was made of what they did when it was legal to take as many photos of the opposing side line as you wanted and it was also legal to videotape the opposing side line from fixed positions above the field. The "proof" that the Patriots gained little from what they were doing is that they went undefeated for the rest of that season before losing on a miracle play in the Super Bowl. Obviously they weren't winning because they were "cheating"...they were winning because they were a really good team with really good coaches and a really good quarterback.

It's the same with "Deflategate". The Colts complained to officials before halftime about the Patriot's balls being under inflated...and the Patriots respond by beating the ever living shit out of the Colts in the second half! So why didn't the Patriots play worse if the under inflated balls gave them such an advantage? How did they manage to beat the Seahawks when they were playing with status-quo balls? This entire controversy has been ridiculous right from the start.

Legal to videotape? Give me a break, dude. What the Pats did was completely against the spirit of the rules; and the league and them covered it up. When you know the other team's first fifteen plays and whatever else, you're at a huge advantage.

And the deflating goes back to the Ravens game and before. You know the advantage of an under-inflated ball. It can help the QB's to grip. It can help the RB's to hold onto the ball, and it can help WR's catch. This was huge. In fact, they have stats that show pretty much when the Pats likely started to under inflate.

Just stop making this about people just hating. The Patriots are offensive to sports fans. That's the bottom line. Enjoy your two asterisk bowls. Hell, I'd put an asterisk on all of them from a sports fan's perspective. This is just the cheating that's been exposed.

1. It is absolutely legal to videotape the other teams sideline. It is also absolutely legal to steal signals. It is not legal to videotape from the sideline.

2. There is zero, and I mean ZERO evidence that currently makes the statement "the Patriots intentionally deflated footballs" a fact. For the record, the Ravens supposedly complained about k balls being underinflated. You know, those balls that are entirely in the hands of NFL officials and which the Patriots have no access to.

3. Stats have shown no such thing. The Warren Sharp statistical analysis you're referring to has been largely debunked. It is massively flawed. For example, Sharp eliminated ALL INDOOR TEAMS from the data set. Not all indoor games, all teams who play indoors were left out. In fact, when you correct that to include all teams but only look at games played outdoors, the Patriots aren't even the best in the league over the 2010-2014 span Sharp chose to analyze. In fact, the Patriots were ranked 21st in the league in 2013 in plays per fumble in outdoor games.

Finally, the Patriots are offensive to uninformed fans who have no desire to know the truth of anything, they just enjoy hating a team that has accomplished more than any other. It's super pathetic, actually.
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.

Ah so the reason that you can't prove that the Patriots cheated is that the NFL is in on it as well? Big cover-up? Everyone involved kept quiet?

Would you by any chance like to take a stab at explaining why Tom Brady played BETTER in the second half of the Colts game when he wasn't allowed to "cheat"? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how well he played in the Super Bowl with balls that were as scrutinized as any in the history of sports? Who was it that was named the Super Bowl MVP? Refresh my memory...
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.

Ah so the reason that you can't prove that the Patriots cheated is that the NFL is in on it as well? Big cover-up? Everyone involved kept quiet?

Would you by any chance like to take a stab at explaining why Tom Brady played BETTER in the second half of the Colts game when he wasn't allowed to "cheat"? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how well he played in the Super Bowl with balls that were as scrutinized as any in the history of sports? Who was it that was named the Super Bowl MVP? Refresh my memory...

If the NFL is in on this, they're fucking it up royally. First they let a premiere franchise be dragged through the mud for two weeks leading up to the biggest game of the year, and now, well, every leak that's come out since the game is making the NFL look worse and the Patriots look more innocent.

Not that I would put it past Goodell to fuck things up this badly (is there a single scandal he's handled well?), but I've gotta say, the NFL sure doesn't look like they've been doing themselves any favors on this one.
Still won't admit that your McNally allegations were totally unfounded, can you, Gatsby? Come a little class...admit you were wrong. You'll feel better afterwards.

How about you admit that the Pats are cheaters. I don't know if you'll feel better; but at least you won't come off as a fanboy tool.

I readily admit that the Patriots broke an NFL rule regarding how teams were allowed to video tape an opposing side line. It's rather amusing to me however that such a big deal was made of what they did when it was legal to take as many photos of the opposing side line as you wanted and it was also legal to videotape the opposing side line from fixed positions above the field. The "proof" that the Patriots gained little from what they were doing is that they went undefeated for the rest of that season before losing on a miracle play in the Super Bowl. Obviously they weren't winning because they were "cheating"...they were winning because they were a really good team with really good coaches and a really good quarterback.

It's the same with "Deflategate". The Colts complained to officials before halftime about the Patriot's balls being under inflated...and the Patriots respond by beating the ever living shit out of the Colts in the second half! So why didn't the Patriots play worse if the under inflated balls gave them such an advantage? How did they manage to beat the Seahawks when they were playing with status-quo balls? This entire controversy has been ridiculous right from the start.

Legal to videotape? Give me a break, dude. What the Pats did was completely against the spirit of the rules; and the league and them covered it up. When you know the other team's first fifteen plays and whatever else, you're at a huge advantage.

And the deflating goes back to the Ravens game and before. You know the advantage of an under-inflated ball. It can help the QB's to grip. It can help the RB's to hold onto the ball, and it can help WR's catch. This was huge. In fact, they have stats that show pretty much when the Pats likely started to under inflate.

Just stop making this about people just hating. The Patriots are offensive to sports fans. That's the bottom line. Enjoy your two asterisk bowls. Hell, I'd put an asterisk on all of them from a sports fan's perspective. This is just the cheating that's been exposed.

1. It is absolutely legal to videotape the other teams sideline. It is also absolutely legal to steal signals. It is not legal to videotape from the sideline.

2. There is zero, and I mean ZERO evidence that currently makes the statement "the Patriots intentionally deflated footballs" a fact. For the record, the Ravens supposedly complained about k balls being underinflated. You know, those balls that are entirely in the hands of NFL officials and which the Patriots have no access to.

3. Stats have shown no such thing. The Warren Sharp statistical analysis you're referring to has been largely debunked. It is massively flawed. For example, Sharp eliminated ALL INDOOR TEAMS from the data set. Not all indoor games, all teams who play indoors were left out. In fact, when you correct that to include all teams but only look at games played outdoors, the Patriots aren't even the best in the league over the 2010-2014 span Sharp chose to analyze. In fact, the Patriots were ranked 21st in the league in 2013 in plays per fumble in outdoor games.

Finally, the Patriots are offensive to uninformed fans who have no desire to know the truth of anything, they just enjoy hating a team that has accomplished more than any other. It's super pathetic, actually.

If what the Pats did was on the level, then there would have been no need to destroy the video tape. And whether it was 'legal' is stupid. It was against the spirit of the game. It was absolute cheating.

Only fanboys like you are claiming zero evidence on deflate gate. Just stop, dude. You're embarrassing yourself.
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.

Ah so the reason that you can't prove that the Patriots cheated is that the NFL is in on it as well? Big cover-up? Everyone involved kept quiet?

Would you by any chance like to take a stab at explaining why Tom Brady played BETTER in the second half of the Colts game when he wasn't allowed to "cheat"? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how well he played in the Super Bowl with balls that were as scrutinized as any in the history of sports? Who was it that was named the Super Bowl MVP? Refresh my memory...

Another fanboy argument. Colts sucked. The Pats needed the extra deflating versus a better team like the Ravens though and to get home field in the first place.
First it doesn't matter what was proven, and now it doesn't matter what was legal? Dude, you don't argue like this in person do you? Because this is a special type of idiocy.
Still won't admit that your McNally allegations were totally unfounded, can you, Gatsby? Come a little class...admit you were wrong. You'll feel better afterwards.

How about you admit that the Pats are cheaters. I don't know if you'll feel better; but at least you won't come off as a fanboy tool.

I readily admit that the Patriots broke an NFL rule regarding how teams were allowed to video tape an opposing side line. It's rather amusing to me however that such a big deal was made of what they did when it was legal to take as many photos of the opposing side line as you wanted and it was also legal to videotape the opposing side line from fixed positions above the field. The "proof" that the Patriots gained little from what they were doing is that they went undefeated for the rest of that season before losing on a miracle play in the Super Bowl. Obviously they weren't winning because they were "cheating"...they were winning because they were a really good team with really good coaches and a really good quarterback.

It's the same with "Deflategate". The Colts complained to officials before halftime about the Patriot's balls being under inflated...and the Patriots respond by beating the ever living shit out of the Colts in the second half! So why didn't the Patriots play worse if the under inflated balls gave them such an advantage? How did they manage to beat the Seahawks when they were playing with status-quo balls? This entire controversy has been ridiculous right from the start.

Legal to videotape? Give me a break, dude. What the Pats did was completely against the spirit of the rules; and the league and them covered it up. When you know the other team's first fifteen plays and whatever else, you're at a huge advantage.

And the deflating goes back to the Ravens game and before. You know the advantage of an under-inflated ball. It can help the QB's to grip. It can help the RB's to hold onto the ball, and it can help WR's catch. This was huge. In fact, they have stats that show pretty much when the Pats likely started to under inflate.

Just stop making this about people just hating. The Patriots are offensive to sports fans. That's the bottom line. Enjoy your two asterisk bowls. Hell, I'd put an asterisk on all of them from a sports fan's perspective. This is just the cheating that's been exposed.

Trollstyle has never been able to handle facts.Indeed ALL of them need asterisks.
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.

Ah so the reason that you can't prove that the Patriots cheated is that the NFL is in on it as well? Big cover-up? Everyone involved kept quiet?

Would you by any chance like to take a stab at explaining why Tom Brady played BETTER in the second half of the Colts game when he wasn't allowed to "cheat"? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how well he played in the Super Bowl with balls that were as scrutinized as any in the history of sports? Who was it that was named the Super Bowl MVP? Refresh my memory...

Another fanboy argument. Colts sucked. The Pats needed the extra deflating versus a better team like the Ravens though and to get home field in the first place.
That's quite a circle jerk of butthurt you guys have got going on here.

In fact this thread reminds me of a quote:
We're not so different, he and I. We get it. We're not brainiacs on the nerd patrol. We're not members of the factinista. We go straight from the gut, right sir? That's where the truth lies, right down here in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up. I know some of you are going to say "I did look it up, and that's not true." That's 'cause you looked it up in a book.

Next time, look it up in your gut. I did. My gut tells me that's how our nervous system works. Every night on my show, the Colbert Report, I speak straight from the gut, OK? I give people the truth, unfiltered by rational argument. I call it the "No Fact Zone."
Who gives a fuck what has been proven? Did you really just make that statement? Well hey, if that's what we're doing here then I'll just leave you to your ranting. It's obvious that your mind was made up long ago on this issue and it doesn't matter what an investigation by the league uncovers!

Of course I said that. The NFL is a business, and you're acting like they're gonna be some fair judge and juror. That's simply fucking retarded. The truth is already out there. The non-fanboys aren't waiting for the NFL to do their whitewash job and call it a day. You're right; it doesn't matter what 'an investigation by the league uncovers.' Anybody with a brain knows they're in damage control mode.

Ah so the reason that you can't prove that the Patriots cheated is that the NFL is in on it as well? Big cover-up? Everyone involved kept quiet?

Would you by any chance like to take a stab at explaining why Tom Brady played BETTER in the second half of the Colts game when he wasn't allowed to "cheat"? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how well he played in the Super Bowl with balls that were as scrutinized as any in the history of sports? Who was it that was named the Super Bowl MVP? Refresh my memory...

Another fanboy argument. Colts sucked. The Pats needed the extra deflating versus a better team like the Ravens though and to get home field in the first place.

Dude, the Patriots beat the Ravens because the Patriot's coaching staff came up with a new wrinkle...using the tackle eligible totally confuse the Raven's coaching staff on how to defend it. The Patriot's victory had ZERO to do with cheating...something that even the coach of the Ravens reluctantly had to admit after initially accusing them of breaking the rules.
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.
The pats were not the best team in the league. They were the best cheaters. Sure they won the super bowl, sure they were better than the other team in that game, but the only reason they got to the super-bowl in the first place is because they got away with cheating the better teams.

You know...that claim might be valid if the Patriots hadn't crushed the Colts in the second half of their playoff game playing with conforming footballs. Are you making the claim that the Patriots "cheated" the Ravens the week before that? Because even John Harbaugh came out and admitted that nothing the Patriots did was was simply something the Ravens weren't ready for and didn't respond well to. You'll have to explain how it is you think the Patriots "cheated" the Seahawks. It was a great game between two great teams and the Patriots won on a fantastic play at the finish.
How about if we just talk about every close game the Patriots had this year. You know the ones where the advantage would have made a significant difference. This not to even involve discussions regarding momentum of small victories have to the overall games, given that most games are tossups decided based on said momentum.

Out of curiosity, do you care about things like this for any team, or is it just when the Patriots supposedly do it?
It's a sport. Cheating in sports is to be lambasted, not defended.
Lots of people calling the Patriots cheaters and so far not a single one able to explain how they cheated. If it's so obvious it should be easy to explain, no?
Which time they got caught cheating do you want to talk about? This last set of cheating was about partially deflating their footballs to make the balls easier to throw and catch. Why is that hard to understand?

Here's your problem, RKM...nobody has proven that the balls that were approved by the referee prior to the Colts game were altered in any way by the Patriots. NOBODY! Of the balls that were measured only one ball was more than a pound of pressure less than allowed and that was the ball that the Colts had in THEIR possession! Who's to say that THEY were not the ones to deflate that ball? Why is THAT ball the only one deflated to such an extent when the other balls it's now being reported are only slightly less than the lower limit of what was allowed an amount that could have simply been the natural result of taking balls from a warm room to a cold and wet outside? So tell me how you've arrived at the conclusion that the Patriots deflated the balls after the referee checked them?

Jerry Rice who called out Patriots for cheating is admitted Stickum user NFL Sporting News

Can we have the SF superbowl rings back?
You people tell yourselves whatever it is you have to :blowup:, to justify that league's existence :boohoo:

Still can't name your team, can you Dottie? Too funny...
reading is not your strong suit I see chigger boi.

I just condemned the whole league of cheaters &/or wife-beaters and their apologists (the commissioner) Gawd but you Football-watchers are dupes.:banghead:
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.
The pats were not the best team in the league. They were the best cheaters. Sure they won the super bowl, sure they were better than the other team in that game, but the only reason they got to the super-bowl in the first place is because they got away with cheating the better teams.

You know...that claim might be valid if the Patriots hadn't crushed the Colts in the second half of their playoff game playing with conforming footballs. Are you making the claim that the Patriots "cheated" the Ravens the week before that? Because even John Harbaugh came out and admitted that nothing the Patriots did was was simply something the Ravens weren't ready for and didn't respond well to. You'll have to explain how it is you think the Patriots "cheated" the Seahawks. It was a great game between two great teams and the Patriots won on a fantastic play at the finish.
How about if we just talk about every close game the Patriots had this year. You know the ones where the advantage would have made a significant difference. This not to even involve discussions regarding momentum of small victories have to the overall games, given that most games are tossups decided based on said momentum.

Out of curiosity, do you care about things like this for any team, or is it just when the Patriots supposedly do it?
It's a sport. Cheating in sports is to be lambasted, not defended.

I'm not sure there's a team in the league with a clean house and I'm not really sure why anything the Patriots have done is so much worse than anyone else.

Broncos? Cheated the salary cap and got caught illegally filming opponents
Panthers? Illegally tampered with game balls by heating them up on the sideline this past season
Seahawks? PEDs
Falcons? Illegally pumped in crowd noise, again, this past season
Dolphins? Tampering
Ravens? Deer antler spray
Steelers? Tomlin tripped Jacoby Jones on a kickoff return, on purpose. Oh, and steroids.
Buffalo? Steroids
Colts? PEDs, also allegedly pumped crowd noise into the RCA Dome during the 2006 AFC Championship
Browns - TextGate
Saints - BountyGate
Redskins - salary cap violations and PEDs
Cowboys - salary cap violations
Jets? This is the best one. Spygate was Mangini's revenge because the Patriots threw a JETS EMPLOYEE out of their stadium for doing the EXACT. SAME. THING.

Etc etc etc goddamn etc ad nauseam.
You people tell yourselves whatever it is you have to :blowup:, to justify that league's existence :boohoo:

Still can't name your team, can you Dottie? Too funny...
reading is not your strong suit I see chigger boi.

I just condemned the whole league of cheaters &/or wife-beaters and their apologists (the commissioner) Gawd but you Football-watchers are dupes.:banghead:

But you still can't admit who your favorite team is...can ya'? Same old Dottie...

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