Paul Ryan and RINOs Are Playing Us For Idiots on Healthcare Bill

I have had it. The Republican proposed healthcare bill sucks. It relies upon all the same gimmicks and misunderstandings about insurance that is used in the ACA. That Ryan can go on TV and just flat out LIE about how their bill is the answer and that his injects free market principles back into healthcare is infuriating. I expect to be lied to be the Democrat scum. I do not expect a Republican to try to lie to me.

Insurance is risk allocation and pricing. A pool of people pay premiums based upon the likelihood of the occurrence of a condition precedent (which is something causing the need for healthcare in a HI policy). The most likely you are to use the insurance, the more you have to pay. You are insuring risk. Simple.

The Democrat scum, on the other hand, think incorrectly think that health insurance is insurance against not having healthcare. This simplistic and childish view ignores the fundamental nature of insurance. The Dems do not want insurance. The Dems want welfare.

The Dem plan, and now the Republican plan, relies upon young, healthy people paying premiums for coverage they will never use due to (1) their relative good health, and (2) the high premiums. Why would they buy and maintain this when they are not getting anything from it?

Of course, the dirty little secret in all this (or at least what gets little coverage) is that the healthy people are paying in premiums in order to subsidize coverage for older and unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions. Undoubtedly the young people would be much less willing to participate if it were put to them like this:

"We need for you to pay monthly premiums so we can subsidize the coverage and care of older, sick people. You will most likely never see one dime of coverage because the purported coverage you are paying for has such an insanely high deductible that it is like you have no insurance at all. Even if you do have coverage and qualify to use it for a catastrophic illness or accident, the $10K deductible will bankrupt you anyway. So, you know, you are not going to get ANYTHING for yourself for paying these premiums. But it will enable us to pay for treatment for old folks, most of which is necessary due to their lifestyle choices (poor diet, smoking, no exercise). So, when we say we are selling you insurance, we are really lying to you. It is all a big fraud, and you are the dupes. Ha ha ha!!! You have been Grubered.... right up the asshole!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"

Thus, these young people look at the ACA as largely a fraud upon them. They are correct too.

Also, getting back to the fundamental nature of insurance, risk allocation and valuation, the whole idea of covering pre-existing conditions does not comport with this, further evidencing the fact that neither the ACA no ACA-Light are anything but welfare bills. Moreover, to the extent that funding the subsides relies upon the utterly stupid and reckless practice of hoping that Millennials purchase a product they most likely will not use, the ACA is a pyramid scheme. It is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. It will fail, and it is, in fact, failing. It is such a fundamentally flawed law economically that one must seriously consider the cynical possibility that it is DESIGNED to fail in order to facilitate a transition to single payer, a complete government takeover of healthcare.

Based upon the foregoing basic flaws of the ACA, the law must be REPEALED. What blows my mind is that some Republicans, want to pass a replacement bill that retains these fundamental flaws. Republicans want to keep the preexisting condition coverage and the mandate. How Fucking asinine are they?!? This is like having a cancerous tumor but the doctor only wants to remove part of it.

Contrary to what Ryan says, their ACA Light bill does not put the market back in control of health insurance and healthcare. Moreover, it maintains its same dubious pyramid funding scheme. Wtf?!? This is not what voters meant when we said we want repeal. You do not tweak an already broken system.

I am mad as hell about this Republican healthcare bill. We need to defeat this thing. We need a clean repeal bill eliminating the ACA. Then we can talk about what, if any, replacement law we need.

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Correction, they are trying to. It won't work.
Wait a minute ? You mean taking all the good stuff in Obamacare , minus all the unpleasant stuff that pays for it , wouldn't work!? Duuuuuuuh!
Neither ObamaCare nor LyinRyan/trump care are insurance. Please read that as many times as is required to remember it.

"Of course, the dirty little secret in all this (or at least what gets little coverage) is that the healthy people are paying in premiums in order to subsidize coverage for older and unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions."

Its not a dirty little secret to anyone but the RWNJs. This is how ALL insurance works, how it has always worked and how it will always work.
Luddly, you do not know how insurance is supposed to work.

Here's your chance to educate me.

Fact is, Insurance makes a profit on those who do not use it. Therefore, those who do not use it, pay for those who do.

If you have FACTUAL info that disproves that, post it.

Yes, PRIOR to the ACA. Once they established the 80-20 rule (80 cents of every premium dollar collected going to claims) it eliminated that possibility. That taken into consideration with the fact that there are substantially FEWER companies participating in the ACA and you have a system that is collapsing.
Senator Mike Lee said his meeting with the White House about RINOcare was "terribly frustrating". RINOcare is going...nowhere!
I have had it. The Republican proposed healthcare bill sucks. It relies upon all the same gimmicks and misunderstandings about insurance that is used in the ACA. That Ryan can go on TV and just flat out LIE about how their bill is the answer and that his injects free market principles back into healthcare is infuriating. I expect to be lied to be the Democrat scum. I do not expect a Republican to try to lie to me.

Insurance is risk allocation and pricing. A pool of people pay premiums based upon the likelihood of the occurrence of a condition precedent (which is something causing the need for healthcare in a HI policy). The most likely you are to use the insurance, the more you have to pay. You are insuring risk. Simple.

The Democrat scum, on the other hand, think incorrectly think that health insurance is insurance against not having healthcare. This simplistic and childish view ignores the fundamental nature of insurance. The Dems do not want insurance. The Dems want welfare.

The Dem plan, and now the Republican plan, relies upon young, healthy people paying premiums for coverage they will never use due to (1) their relative good health, and (2) the high premiums. Why would they buy and maintain this when they are not getting anything from it?

Of course, the dirty little secret in all this (or at least what gets little coverage) is that the healthy people are paying in premiums in order to subsidize coverage for older and unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions. Undoubtedly the young people would be much less willing to participate if it were put to them like this:

"We need for you to pay monthly premiums so we can subsidize the coverage and care of older, sick people. You will most likely never see one dime of coverage because the purported coverage you are paying for has such an insanely high deductible that it is like you have no insurance at all. Even if you do have coverage and qualify to use it for a catastrophic illness or accident, the $10K deductible will bankrupt you anyway. So, you know, you are not going to get ANYTHING for yourself for paying these premiums. But it will enable us to pay for treatment for old folks, most of which is necessary due to their lifestyle choices (poor diet, smoking, no exercise). So, when we say we are selling you insurance, we are really lying to you. It is all a big fraud, and you are the dupes. Ha ha ha!!! You have been Grubered.... right up the asshole!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"

Thus, these young people look at the ACA as largely a fraud upon them. They are correct too.

Also, getting back to the fundamental nature of insurance, risk allocation and valuation, the whole idea of covering pre-existing conditions does not comport with this, further evidencing the fact that neither the ACA no ACA-Light are anything but welfare bills. Moreover, to the extent that funding the subsides relies upon the utterly stupid and reckless practice of hoping that Millennials purchase a product they most likely will not use, the ACA is a pyramid scheme. It is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. It will fail, and it is, in fact, failing. It is such a fundamentally flawed law economically that one must seriously consider the cynical possibility that it is DESIGNED to fail in order to facilitate a transition to single payer, a complete government takeover of healthcare.

Based upon the foregoing basic flaws of the ACA, the law must be REPEALED. What blows my mind is that some Republicans, want to pass a replacement bill that retains these fundamental flaws. Republicans want to keep the preexisting condition coverage and the mandate. How Fucking asinine are they?!? This is like having a cancerous tumor but the doctor only wants to remove part of it.

Contrary to what Ryan says, their ACA Light bill does not put the market back in control of health insurance and healthcare. Moreover, it maintains its same dubious pyramid funding scheme. Wtf?!? This is not what voters meant when we said we want repeal. You do not tweak an already broken system.

I am mad as hell about this Republican healthcare bill. We need to defeat this thing. We need a clean repeal bill eliminating the ACA. Then we can talk about what, if any, replacement law we need.

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Nice emotionally-charged rant. So what's the plan? Now Ryan is a "RINO"? Who isn't a "RINO" in your opinion?

I think the next few months will show that President Trump isn't even as right as a "RINO". Have fun with that. :)

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