Pay Your Debts Snowflakes- Student Loans Just Got A Lot More Expensive

And in the meantime, China, South Korea, and many other nations provide free higher education to those that can qualify and have the ambition to do the work. And now China is getting more new patents than the US. And little South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are.

Yes, real Goddamned smart for this nation to not educate it's people. You 'Conservatives' are so fucking retarded.

Two key words: that qualify

They let just anybody into college these days whether they are college material or not.

It's all about making money off them, and if they default, taxpayers pick up the tab.

It's an outrage! :mad:
Academonia Must Be Replaced by Highly Paid Professional Training

Abolish college sports and their intelligence-insulting dumb-jock "scholarships." The rise in tuition far beyond inflation proves that those fake students don't make any money for their universities. Besides, the schools would be just as much a fraud about this disgrace if they gave "scholarships" to bimbos for working at college-owned topless bars.
Honestly given the quality of the students being spit out of our universities, /no one/ should be paying for it heh

Business folks were bitching that they can't find anyone qualified to do jobs thanks to the hot mess our schools are in right now. We should look into revamping the whole thing top to bottom.
In other words, the educated people in the US hold different opinion about most things than you do. Therefore their education is deficient, not your knowledge base. LOL You have an ego as big as that of the senile old orange clown.

All the business folks who hire people, and are the reason we send kids to school, are "idiots". Got it.
No, silly ass. The expectations are totally different now. When I went to work, over 50 years ago, someone with an eighth grade education could easily support a family. There were plenty of jobs around that needed mostly muscle. Now, if you are not proficient with a computer, is it hard even to get a minimum wage jobs. Today, there are about 6 million high paying jobs in the US going begging because we are not training the technicians we need. We have apprenticeship jobs that Portland Community College has classes for, Millwrights, Electricians, and Automation people. Our company people work with the school concerning what is needed in the courses, as do the leaders of many other companies. Perhaps those business people that cannot get good help need to look at what they are offering good people, and at whether they are active in seeing that there is training for the people they need.
Many business employers have suggested that a trade school is looked upon more favorably by them than a full college (basically because college isn't what it used to be.) They encourage students to look at the skills needed by employers and act accordingly.
Gee, wonder why?

The reason is because Conservatives at the state level cut taxes, which reduced revenues, which reduced funding for public colleges, which forced them to raise tuition, which forced students and their families to take out loans.

There would not even be a student loan debt bubble if Conservatives had not cut higher education funding to pay for their stupid, useless, shit-covered, welfare-funded trickle down tax schemes.
Honestly given the quality of the students being spit out of our universities, /no one/ should be paying for it heh

Business folks were bitching that they can't find anyone qualified to do jobs thanks to the hot mess our schools are in right now. We should look into revamping the whole thing top to bottom.
In other words, the educated people in the US hold different opinion about most things than you do. Therefore their education is deficient, not your knowledge base. LOL You have an ego as big as that of the senile old orange clown.

All the business folks who hire people, and are the reason we send kids to school, are "idiots". Got it.
No, silly ass. The expectations are totally different now. When I went to work, over 50 years ago, someone with an eighth grade education could easily support a family. There were plenty of jobs around that needed mostly muscle. Now, if you are not proficient with a computer, is it hard even to get a minimum wage jobs. Today, there are about 6 million high paying jobs in the US going begging because we are not training the technicians we need. We have apprenticeship jobs that Portland Community College has classes for, Millwrights, Electricians, and Automation people. Our company people work with the school concerning what is needed in the courses, as do the leaders of many other companies. Perhaps those business people that cannot get good help need to look at what they are offering good people, and at whether they are active in seeing that there is training for the people they need.

So you're saying that the schools are failing to put out the skills our employers need? And that we need to look into revamping the thing top to bottom? Pretty sure that's what I said in way less words...
From what i have heard , the USA gets all the smart foreign students no matter who pays their bills . My point is that youngsters in the USA can get the same education if they just BUY it and pay for it . FREE , FREE do all the liberal 'professors' starve and live in poor housing as they educate students for FREE OldRocks ??

Free is a bit too much...But affordable like we had it growing up is what people need. Why should they be in debt for a degree? And now even more so the rich can get tax breaks, it is just not ok..

I was able to work in a restaurant and go to college
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .

An average college professors wage is 98K INCLUDING benefits. That's not very good for the education level.
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .

An average college professors wage is 98K INCLUDING benefits. That's not very good for the education level.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks , just goes to show how smart the professors are eh ?? Course they make good money and i suppose they coulda become 'millwrights' or plumbers or skilled crafts men if they had wanted to make more money 1 percenter .
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .

An average college professors wage is 98K INCLUDING benefits. That's not very good for the education level.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks , just goes to show how smart the professors are eh ?? Course they make good money and i suppose they coulda become 'millwrights' or plumbers or skilled crafts men if they had wanted to make more money 1 percenter .

There are those that teach to promote literacy and those that attempt to write the word 'coulda' to promote illiteracy.
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .

An average college professors wage is 98K INCLUDING benefits. That's not very good for the education level.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks , just goes to show how smart the perfessors [sp] are eh ?? Course they make good money and i suppose they coulda become 'millwrights' or plumbers or skilled crafts men if they had wanted to make more money 1 percenter .
------------------------------------------------------------- yep , how smart can perfessors [sp] be as they take jobs that pay less than a millwright , plumber or the Master Mechanic at the Toyota repair shop . And then young students in USA colleges go into huge debt paying them a salary of about a hundred thousand dollars a year plus benefits . --------------------- This story reminds me of the woes of public school teachers that are always crying for more money 1Percenter .
Pismoe just cannot stand the thought that there are many people out there far smarter than he is. And many of them are well educated.
----------------------------------------- no , its fine what perfessors [sp] make but its part of the reason that students have huge student loan bills to pay OldRocks !!
My son graduates from college tomorrow. His student loan debt is right at the average, a little over thirty grand. He starts his job on Monday and will close on his new house on his 22nd birthday in a couple of weeks.
My son graduates from college tomorrow. His student loan debt is right at the average, a little over thirty grand. He starts his job on Monday and will close on his new house on his 22nd birthday in a couple of weeks.
-------------------------------------------------------------- good for him , i wish him well Winston !!
My son graduates from college tomorrow. His student loan debt is right at the average, a little over thirty grand. He starts his job on Monday and will close on his new house on his 22nd birthday in a couple of weeks.

Nice to see kids doing well these days.
Unlike my neighbors thirty year old son thats never held a job.
Gee why did I not see this coming with this administration?

This all started when the government got into the college loan business dimwit.
I got college loans in the early 1980's, at 1% interest. It was a whopping one thousand dollar loan....Okay college was twelve dollars a credit hour, and books were less than one hundred for a semester...
My son graduates from college tomorrow. His student loan debt is right at the average, a little over thirty grand. He starts his job on Monday and will close on his new house on his 22nd birthday in a couple of weeks.

Nice to see kids doing well these days.
Unlike my neighbors thirty year old son thats never held a job.

Five years ago he was bent over in the fields with the Mexicans, doing field work for the summer. By his junior year he was fully self sufficient. He paid his way with work and loans. He is graduating from a state school with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an energy concentration. His starting salary is about 25% higher than the average Ivy School graduate.

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