peace through surrender? Trump suggests the US & EU both drop all tariffs & barriers on everything

When you are one of the biggest players..leveling the field sounds great..somehow I doubt that the smaller kids of Europe will buy into any of Trump's bs.
You're richer than me, so let's make a trade agreement. You give me $100 a day and I will trade you $1 in return.
Sounds simple, huh? Except every one of those nations are out to get their best deal--has anyone given thought to what happens if they decide to make a better one? Russia? China? Treaties, money, trade perks..are how we bind the world to our subtle will---or at least, how we did....
The POTUS is all about getting the best deal for America. He's getting better trade deals. That's the point. It's a battle the US can't lose, since past agreements gave away the store.

Does this mean you won't trade me $100 to my $1 in return?
He is far..getting any 'better trade deals". Today he announced 12B of aid to US farmer's...who are being hit by the trade war. What a very Democratic sort of thing for him to do! Ask people in the secondary markets..who use aluminum....or steel. Your view seems to be that of someone who thinks he has the upper hand...when in is not nearly as clear as all that, to me.
Cool. So our 100-1 deal is a go?
LOL! I forgot who i was talking bad---Troll away. Jokes on me.
You're richer than me, so let's make a trade agreement. You give me $100 a day and I will trade you $1 in return.
Sounds simple, huh? Except every one of those nations are out to get their best deal--has anyone given thought to what happens if they decide to make a better one? Russia? China? Treaties, money, trade perks..are how we bind the world to our subtle will---or at least, how we did....
The POTUS is all about getting the best deal for America. He's getting better trade deals. That's the point. It's a battle the US can't lose, since past agreements gave away the store.

Does this mean you won't trade me $100 to my $1 in return?
He is far..getting any 'better trade deals". Today he announced 12B of aid to US farmer's...who are being hit by the trade war. What a very Democratic sort of thing for him to do! Ask people in the secondary markets..who use aluminum....or steel. Your view seems to be that of someone who thinks he has the upper hand...when in is not nearly as clear as all that, to me.
Cool. So our 100-1 deal is a go?
LOL! I forgot who i was talking bad---Troll away. Jokes on me.
Joke is always on the Losers.

Now go evade someone else's questions.
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!
You still don't know what side you're on.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Your left brain needs to learn to trust Trump. The left brain is always wrong. Don't listen to it.
Trust tRump?

Are you nuts?!?
Sounds simple, huh? Except every one of those nations are out to get their best deal--has anyone given thought to what happens if they decide to make a better one? Russia? China? Treaties, money, trade perks..are how we bind the world to our subtle will---or at least, how we did....
The POTUS is all about getting the best deal for America. He's getting better trade deals. That's the point. It's a battle the US can't lose, since past agreements gave away the store.

Does this mean you won't trade me $100 to my $1 in return?
He is far..getting any 'better trade deals". Today he announced 12B of aid to US farmer's...who are being hit by the trade war. What a very Democratic sort of thing for him to do! Ask people in the secondary markets..who use aluminum....or steel. Your view seems to be that of someone who thinks he has the upper hand...when in is not nearly as clear as all that, to me.
Cool. So our 100-1 deal is a go?
LOL! I forgot who i was talking bad---Troll away. Jokes on me.
Joke is always on the Losers.

Now go evade someone else's questions.

You got your're just too stupid..and too wrapped up in your trolling to know it..or even care. I learned before that you are a fool who just plays weird head games..and has not a drop on intelligence on display. An empty say something clever..and repetitious.
The POTUS is all about getting the best deal for America. He's getting better trade deals. That's the point. It's a battle the US can't lose, since past agreements gave away the store.

Does this mean you won't trade me $100 to my $1 in return?
He is far..getting any 'better trade deals". Today he announced 12B of aid to US farmer's...who are being hit by the trade war. What a very Democratic sort of thing for him to do! Ask people in the secondary markets..who use aluminum....or steel. Your view seems to be that of someone who thinks he has the upper hand...when in is not nearly as clear as all that, to me.
Cool. So our 100-1 deal is a go?
LOL! I forgot who i was talking bad---Troll away. Jokes on me.
Joke is always on the Losers.

Now go evade someone else's questions.

You got your're just too stupid..and too wrapped up in your trolling to know it..or even care. I learned before that you are a fool who just plays weird head games..and has not a drop on intelligence on display. An empty say something clever..and repetitious.
Let's talk about me instead of poor trade agreements, fanboy.
No, he's doing what he campaigned on: Leveling the playing field.

You do know what that means, or you need someone to explain it to you?
When you are one of the biggest players..leveling the field sounds great..somehow I doubt that the smaller kids of Europe will buy into any of Trump's bs.
You're richer than me, so let's make a trade agreement. You give me $100 a day and I will trade you $1 in return.
Sounds simple, huh? Except every one of those nations are out to get their best deal--has anyone given thought to what happens if they decide to make a better one? Russia? China? Treaties, money, trade perks..are how we bind the world to our subtle will---or at least, how we did....

You make deals that benefits you.

If you make the deal to sell your product in my market with no tariffs, while you put tariffs on my product, you gotta love that deal. That deal might be good for you, but it's not good for me, not anymore.

Trump was campaigning and warning everyone we trade with that game has to be changed and there will be tariffs on everyone that has tariffs on our product. Everyone ignored those warnings, have they? Canada even raised tariffs on our dairy products, just to whine when we slap them back.

Trump then offered completely free market, no tariffs, which is actually great move by him. They're faced with two choices, the deal they hate (tariffs on their products) and deal Trump wants (no tariffs at all). Either way works for us.

Put it this way, the goal of Trump tariffs is not to raise the prices of foreign products, the goal is to make them lower their tariffs on our products to the same level as ours (almost none existent before Trump). It will take some time to work, it might sting us a little, but we'll manage it, the question is... can they?
Austerity is not unknown to Europeans...How much pain do you think we can really take? As pampered as the last few generations have been.....I'd not bet on too much.

We can take a hell of a lot more than they can. We are one of the few countries on this planet that could close our borders completely. And do fine. In fact, within a generation we would be doing better than all of the rest of the world.
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!
You still don't know what side you're on.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Your left brain needs to learn to trust Trump. The left brain is always wrong. Don't listen to it.
i trust only one man: God!
Austerity is not unknown to Europeans...How much pain do you think we can really take? As pampered as the last few generations have been.....I'd not bet on too much.

Let's try it this way.

Why Europeans or Japanese or Koreans are not buying American cars?

They do, sometimes, and when that happens, they pay heavy tariffs on our cars. Why would they buy, due to the tariffs, more expensive American car, if they could buy their own product much cheaper? The tariffs are obviously working in their favor, since our product isn't selling there.

At the same time, they can sell their cars in United States almost completely free of tariffs and compete against our product in our own market. And since we allow it, it's good for them.

I agree, putting tariffs on foreign product will raise prices on their products and make them less competitive to ours. If their cars become more expensive, what do you think Americans will buy?

If you account this above, the question is not: "How much pain do you think we can really take?", rather how much pain they can really take?

What will happen if Americans stop buying foreign cars? They will buy domestic. We have an industry that can fill that hole in fairly short time. Can they afford selling millions of cars less annually?

What will happen if Germans or Japanese stop buying our cars? Is really gonna hurt us if they buy 20000 or even 50000 cars less annually?

Second example, NAFTA eliminated "nearly all barriers" of Mexico and Canada selling their products in the US without tariffs, and allowing them to tariff our products at will and that's what they've been doing since then. As I said earlier, Trump tariffs are message to them that it's time to level the playing field in one of the two goals: a) putting tariffs on their products until they lower theirs, b) eliminating all tariffs.

Why do you think they don't agree to neither one?

Because they love their deal under NAFTA, that is favoring them, not us. It's time to correct that. Being allies and friends should go both ways, it's time to treat them the same way they treat us. Leveling the playing field is not bad idea. Not at all.
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!
You still don't know what side you're on.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Your left brain needs to learn to trust Trump. The left brain is always wrong. Don't listen to it.
Trust tRump?

Are you nuts?!?

He proved he can be trusted more than any leftists, and most of the righties.
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!
You still don't know what side you're on.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Your left brain needs to learn to trust Trump. The left brain is always wrong. Don't listen to it.
Trust tRump?

Are you nuts?!?

He proved he can be trusted more than any leftists, and most of the righties.
When? I musta missed it.
"The United States and the European Union have a $1 TRILLION bilateral trade relationship – the largest economic relationship in the world. We want to further strengthen this trade relationship to the benefit of all American and European citizens." - Trump
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!

No, he's doing what he campaigned on: Leveling the playing field.

You do know what that means, or you need someone to explain it to you?
When you are one of the biggest players..leveling the field sounds great..somehow I doubt that the smaller kids of Europe will buy into any of Trump's bs.
You would be surprised . Their gdp isn’t strong and they need a place to sell products. This could turn out ok. We will watch and see.
I said it when this shit first came up. It's a gamble, but it's worth trying for.

(For the record though, I personally don't care if we tariff the shit out of everyone, I'm more of a "national" capitalist than a free market capitalist... I guess I'm more like Europe and China's capitalists actually - sucking tax money out of a foreign economy into our own, while also increasing our own economy through increased jobs and businesses on our own soil? That sounds good to me heh) [Actually lots more benefits I could get into on that, like increasing America's financial security by not becoming a service nation and such, but I'll keep it short...]
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron. think that getting us into a trade war reminiscent of the early part of the last in the service of dropping all tariffs? We have a Robber Baron for a President!


Looks like the EU is working out a deal with Trump now, you can apologize to Trump now, we’re all waiting!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!" - Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

first he kissed Putin's butt, now this??

Dropping all tariffs was a goal from the get-go, moron.
oh. Trump's playing 432423D chess...i forgot!

No, he's doing what he campaigned on: Leveling the playing field.

You do know what that means, or you need someone to explain it to you?
When you are one of the biggest players..leveling the field sounds great..somehow I doubt that the smaller kids of Europe will buy into any of Trump's bs.

You can apologize to Trump also!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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