Peggy Noonan: Romney Looked Weak Today

Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.
Romney looks at a situation and thinks, "what's in in for me."
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

i haven't seen it yet. but i'll look. is it as good as Maroney's olympics' smirk?

ah... here it is:


it's kind of funny seeing the righties say it's not going to matter when they won two elections arguably as the result of two photo images... kerry windsurfing and dukakis in his helmet on the tank...

ultimately, it comes down to, not only the fact that mitt's initial statement was wrong; not only was it ill-considered and unpresidential... but to smirk about the murder of our ambassador??? because he thought he got points??

there's something really wrong with that.
Why would anyone think anything Noonan has to say is compelling??

I've seen her many times on MSNBC and never found her in the least compelling.

Apparantly she's in Barrys camp so anything Romney say, does or thinks is weak. LOL

Perhaps Noonan should get a life??

funny that you try to wrap yourself in ronald reagan's aura...

until one of the real reaganites says your guy looked terrible.

no surprises.

The difference between us and you is that we can actually listen and watch Liberal sources objectively. I watch about 90 minutes of Morning Joe whenever possible. Not every Dem is a loon like yourself. You on the other hand won't consider it. You are a close minded, nincompoop. (It's early ad I'm trying to be nice)
Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

i haven't seen it yet. but i'll look. is it as good as Maroney's olympics' smirk?

ah... here it is:


it's kind of funny seeing the righties say it's not going to matter when they won two elections arguably as the result of two photo images... kerry windsurfing and dukakis in his helmet on the tank...

ultimately, it comes down to, not only the fact that mitt's initial statement was wrong; not only was it ill-considered and unpresidential... but to smirk about the murder of our ambassador??? because he thought he got points??

there's something really wrong with that.

FAIL! Where's the "smirk". Talk about reaching. :lol: Go with it and defend it all day. I can't wait to see how it works out trying to make a case that it's a smirk. Be sure to avoid replying to the open mike gaff by the circle jerk of reporters plotting their questioning strategy.
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Now they have the "smirk" folks..

you can't make this shit up they are so desperate
Why would anyone think anything Noonan has to say is compelling??

I've seen her many times on MSNBC and never found her in the least compelling.

Apparantly she's in Barrys camp so anything Romney say, does or thinks is weak. LOL

Perhaps Noonan should get a life??

funny that you try to wrap yourself in ronald reagan's aura...

until one of the real reaganites says your guy looked terrible.

no surprises.

What does Noonan being compelling have to do with Reagan? Did I mention Reagan??

Your the one who mentioned Reagan. Longing for the good old days??

Noonan was a speechwriter for RR back in the 80's. Apparantly she's moved on and now loves Barry. No accounting for taste.

I have seen her many times on Morning Joe and never found her in the least compelling.

Just a fact.
i haven't seen it yet. but i'll look. is it as good as Maroney's olympics' smirk?

ah... here it is:


it's kind of funny seeing the righties say it's not going to matter when they won two elections arguably as the result of two photo images... kerry windsurfing and dukakis in his helmet on the tank...

ultimately, it comes down to, not only the fact that mitt's initial statement was wrong; not only was it ill-considered and unpresidential... but to smirk about the murder of our ambassador??? because he thought he got points??

there's something really wrong with that.

FAIL! Where's the "smirk". Talk about reaching. :lol: Go with it and defend it all day. I can't wait to see how it works out trying to make a case that it's a smirk. Be sure to avoid replying to the open mike gaff by the circle jerk of reporters plotting their questioning strategy.'s a hint: you saying it's a "fail" ... doesn't make is so.

but thanks for reminding us all why you're not to be taken seriously. you almost had it there. bummer you couldn't not troll for two minutes, huh? :thup:
We have Peggy Noonan and the "smirk" all in one thread

What a day for petty and DESPERATE politics, eh
Now we need to hear what Glenn Beck has to say...

Has anyone found him yet?

It's so funny watching Romney anyone of the talking heads say anything within

24 hours they try to implement it . What a joke :clap2:


The point he was making is that as soon as Rush Limbaugh or Bill Krystol make a criticism like "You aren't going after the President" or "You need to tap into the TEA Party", Romney immediately follows that advice. THis whole Libya debacle is a great example.

It's bad leadership. It's the tail wagging the dog.
It's so funny watching Romney anyone of the talking heads say anything within

24 hours they try to implement it . What a joke :clap2:


The point he was making is that as soon as Rush Limbaugh or Bill Krystol make a criticism like "You aren't going after the President" or "You need to tap into the TEA Party", Romney immediately follows that advice. THis whole Libya debacle is a great example.

It's bad leadership. It's the tail wagging the dog.

oh well MUCH BETTER...:rolleyes:
Now we need to hear what Glenn Beck has to say...

Has anyone found him yet?

It's so funny watching Romney anyone of the talking heads say anything within

24 hours they try to implement it . What a joke :clap2:


Rush , laura Ingram , hanninty , beck , said Romney needs to show backbone ,

show he is tough . Within 24 hrs Romney is standing in front of the world

chewing on his shoe looking like a fool . He is getting bad advice .
The Arab Spring blows up in the Boy King's face and he's now covered with sh!t from his waist to to his eyeballs and his massive ears and the Media obeissantly immediately circles the wagons for their Obamessiah and goes on the attack against Romney. Save America-Shoot a reporter.

Tingles: Murder Of Ambassador To Libya “Overshadowed By The Desperate Reach Of Mitt Romney”… | Weasel Zippers

Open Mic Catches Press Coordinating Questions For Romney:

» Branco Cartoon – Arab Spring Forward - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

» Dead Ambassador dragged through streets, MSM furious at Romney criticism of Obama - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday | RedState

Journalists Collaborate on Attacking Romney | Power Line

America would be a lot safer and far better off if the heads of the US News media orgs looked like this instead of the US Ambassador.

GRAPHIC: Picture Of Slain U.S. Ambassador To Libya… | Weasel Zippers
It's so funny watching Romney anyone of the talking heads say anything within

24 hours they try to implement it . What a joke :clap2:


The point he was making is that as soon as Rush Limbaugh or Bill Krystol make a criticism like "You aren't going after the President" or "You need to tap into the TEA Party", Romney immediately follows that advice. THis whole Libya debacle is a great example.

It's bad leadership. It's the tail wagging the dog.

It's so funny watching Romney anyone of the talking heads say anything within

24 hours they try to implement it . What a joke :clap2:


Rush , laura Ingram , hanninty , beck , said Romney needs to show backbone ,

show he is tough . Within 24 hrs Romney is standing in front of the world

chewing on his shoe looking like a fool . He is getting bad advice .

okey if you say so..
Romney is doing just fine..that's what got all the Obamabots so screeeeeeed

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