Peggy Noonan: Romney Looked Weak Today


Rush , laura Ingram , hanninty , beck , said Romney needs to show backbone ,

show he is tough . Within 24 hrs Romney is standing in front of the world

chewing on his shoe looking like a fool . He is getting bad advice .

okey if you say so..
Romney is doing just fine..that's what got all the Obamabots so screeeeeeed

He's trailing by four points when he should be leading by 10. He's not doing fine, hense the stench of desperation and death around his campaign.
ah... here it is:


it's kind of funny seeing the righties say it's not going to matter when they won two elections arguably as the result of two photo images... kerry windsurfing and dukakis in his helmet on the tank...

ultimately, it comes down to, not only the fact that mitt's initial statement was wrong; not only was it ill-considered and unpresidential... but to smirk about the murder of our ambassador??? because he thought he got points??

there's something really wrong with that.

FAIL! Where's the "smirk". Talk about reaching. :lol: Go with it and defend it all day. I can't wait to see how it works out trying to make a case that it's a smirk. Be sure to avoid replying to the open mike gaff by the circle jerk of reporters plotting their questioning strategy.'s a hint: you saying it's a "fail" ... doesn't make is so.

but thanks for reminding us all why you're not to be taken seriously. you almost had it there. bummer you couldn't not troll for two minutes, huh? :thup:

You calling anyone a troll speaks for itself. You're right me saying it doesn't make it a posting it does. You're a one sentence hack.

Stop with the transference as well. Reminding "us" ??? There isn't a person here who takes you seriously unless you count you little circle of jerks form the Flame Zone.

This is the same media, at least yahoonews and the Associated Press in conjunction, that saw fit to report the story of Omar Thornton's going postal and popping nine or so of his fellow workers and wounding another half dozen in the Hartford Distributors Massacre a few years back with the headline "Shooting Victim Makes Racist 911 Call". The victim had been shot in the head when he made the call, probably in shock, was hiding under a desk listening to Thornton dispatch more of his fellow workers, and the 911 dispatcher simply asked him for a description of the shooter. All objectivity is gone from the media, so much so you couldn't even call them Pravda lite.
The head of the AP all but polished Obama's shoes with his tongue when he introduced him at a luncheon a few months back and we all know "Pinch" Sulzberger has a fondness for pervs, buying the Boston Globe exclusively for the purpose of instituting same sex marriage in Massachussetts.
What Romney did was beyond stupid.

First, he got his facts wrong.

Secondly, he said these things while the crisis was ongoing (and is still ongoing now.)

No he DIDN'T get his facts wrong...and when should he speak up, when Obama and you lefties gives him permission?

Face it, Romney stood up for THE AMERCIAN people against these attacks, that is what has your all panties in a bunch
What Romney did was beyond stupid.

First, he got his facts wrong.

Secondly, he said these things while the crisis was ongoing (and is still ongoing now.)

No he DIDN'T get his facts wrong...and when should he speak up, when Obama and you lefties gives him permission?

Face it, Romney stood up for THE AMERCIAN people against these attacks, that is what has your all panties in a bunch

How about when he had THE FACTS!

He said that the Obama Adminstration issued an apology during the riot when...

1) The Apology wasn't an apology, but a condemnation of a racist movie.
2) The Condemnation was issued SIX hours before the demonstration started.
3) The Condemnation was issued by the Embassy Staff, not the Administration.

Telling sign. Republicans in Washington are running away from Romney faster than an escaped Sister-Wife.
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

When you're a CEO (Perot had this problem), your employees follow you or, "you enjoy firing people". You tend to get used to that after a few years.

When you're trying to get people to believe you on faith, you have to coax people to follow you and you can't fire them. It's little wonder that he's so terrible at campaigning except when you consider that he's been at this for 10 years.
What Romney did was beyond stupid.

First, he got his facts wrong.

Secondly, he said these things while the crisis was ongoing (and is still ongoing now.)

No he DIDN'T get his facts wrong...and when should he speak up, when Obama and you lefties gives him permission?

Face it, Romney stood up for THE AMERCIAN people against these attacks, that is what has your all panties in a bunch

How about when he had THE FACTS!

He said that the Obama Adminstration issued an apology during the riot when...

1) The Apology wasn't an apology, but a condemnation of a racist movie.
2) The Condemnation was issued SIX hours before the demonstration started.
3) The Condemnation was issued by the Embassy Staff, not the Administration.

Telling sign. Republicans in Washington are running away from Romney faster than an escaped Sister-Wife.

A RACIST MOVIE? are you fucking you are taking the SIDE of the people who killed innocent AMERCIAN civilians
I've just lost all respect for you and your need to DEFEND this administration
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What's sad is the obummer admin is going to be more concerned about playing this right for the election, and worried about what Romney is saying , rather than doing what is right for the country.
No he DIDN'T get his facts wrong...and when should he speak up, when Obama and you lefties gives him permission?

Face it, Romney stood up for THE AMERCIAN people against these attacks, that is what has your all panties in a bunch

How about when he had THE FACTS!

He said that the Obama Adminstration issued an apology during the riot when...

1) The Apology wasn't an apology, but a condemnation of a racist movie.
2) The Condemnation was issued SIX hours before the demonstration started.
3) The Condemnation was issued by the Embassy Staff, not the Administration.

Telling sign. Republicans in Washington are running away from Romney faster than an escaped Sister-Wife.

A RACIST MOVIE? are you fucking you are taking the SIDE of the people who killed innocent AMERCIAN CIVIVILIANS
I've just lost all respect for you

When anyone uses the word racist or racism in the reply you might as well move on. It means they haven't any retort so they grasp for straws and sink to the lowest common denominator.
No he DIDN'T get his facts wrong...and when should he speak up, when Obama and you lefties gives him permission?

Face it, Romney stood up for THE AMERCIAN people against these attacks, that is what has your all panties in a bunch

How about when he had THE FACTS!

He said that the Obama Adminstration issued an apology during the riot when...

1) The Apology wasn't an apology, but a condemnation of a racist movie.
2) The Condemnation was issued SIX hours before the demonstration started.
3) The Condemnation was issued by the Embassy Staff, not the Administration.

Telling sign. Republicans in Washington are running away from Romney faster than an escaped Sister-Wife.

A RACIST MOVIE? are you fucking you are taking the SIDE of the people who killed innocent AMERCIAN CIVIVILIANS
I've just lost all respect for you and your need to DEFEND this administration

I'm finding it amazing you are defending this movie, which was offensive and intended to be so.

It was specifically designed to provoke riots.

Condeming this movie was the correct thing to do, really.
How about when he had THE FACTS!

He said that the Obama Adminstration issued an apology during the riot when...

1) The Apology wasn't an apology, but a condemnation of a racist movie.
2) The Condemnation was issued SIX hours before the demonstration started.
3) The Condemnation was issued by the Embassy Staff, not the Administration.

Telling sign. Republicans in Washington are running away from Romney faster than an escaped Sister-Wife.

A RACIST MOVIE? are you fucking you are taking the SIDE of the people who killed innocent AMERCIAN CIVIVILIANS
I've just lost all respect for you and your need to DEFEND this administration

I'm finding it amazing you are defending this movie, which was offensive and intended to be so.

It was specifically designed to provoke riots.

Condeming this movie was the correct thing to do, really.

I don't give a shit if it offensive...I found the movie about assassinating President Bush offensive too...But that wouldn't EXCUSE me to go out and KILL PEOPLE
You liberals would sell all our freedoms not to OFFEND
I don't give a shit if it offensive...I found the movie about assassinating President Bush offensive too...But that wouldn't EXCUSE me to go out and KILL PEOPLE
You liberals would sell all our freedoms not to OFFEND

No, there's NEVER an excuse for killing.

But we weren't talking about that. We were talking about the US Embassy in Egypt issuing a condemnation of this film before any riots started or anyone died.

Let's say there wasn't a riot. Do you think the embassy was wrong for condemning this movie on the merits of the movie? I don't. It was deliberately offensive.

People on the left and right condemned the Bush movie as well - as they should have, it was in very poor taste.
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Romney is a very dangerous candidate AND imho is just another stinking wealthy, flip flopping, self-serving, lunatic among many others who make up what is laughably known to me as the conservative base.
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Just what we need. A posturing Commander in Chief in office to shoot from the hip and start more wars in the Mid East, or with Russia and North Korea.

I don't mention Iran ... because that is coming, but not unilateral like in Iraq.

The big wigs don't volunteer or pay the price.

Elect me, elect me .... I'll be the wartime president.

We need a level headed Pres who balances military response with sanity.


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Romney also straight up lied about Obama apologizing, etc. AND is a confirmed idiot for making this political.
Just what we need. A posturing Commander in Chief in office to shoot from the hip and start more wars in the Mid East, or with Russia and North Korea.

I don't mention Iran ... because that is coming, but not unilateral like in Iraq.

The big wigs don't volunteer or pay the price.

Elect me, elect me .... I'll be the wartime president.

We need a level headed Pres who balances military response with sanity.

I guess you don't pay much attention to what's going on in the ME. Not just yesterday either.

Just remember when you say NATO, it's synonymous with the U.S.

Obama is no better than Bush when it comes to embroiling us in matters that aren't our business.
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Romney is a very dangerous candidate AND imho is just another stinking wealthy, flip flopping, self-serving, lunatic among many others who make up what is laughably known to me as the conservative base.

Fords still suck.
Just what we need. A posturing Commander in Chief in office to shoot from the hip and start more wars in the Mid East, or with Russia and North Korea.

I don't mention Iran ... because that is coming, but not unilateral like in Iraq.

The big wigs don't volunteer or pay the price.

Elect me, elect me .... I'll be the wartime president.

We need a level headed Pres who balances military response with sanity.

Not only will the rich fucks not pay for war, they add it to the nations credit card and blame the black guy for the debt, all while they reap increased income, less taxes (and supposedly need less taxes yet) - which adds to the debt.

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