Pelosi booze habit on America's dime

I can drink and the taxpayers will pay for it?

How do I get involved in that gig?
Being an alcoholic is just a cover for her being a corrupt, vile, nasty, radical, partisan, Sanctuary City-supporting, seditious, lying, bitter, butt-hurt, TDS-suffering 'threat to our democracy'...
Being an alcoholic is just a cover for her being a corrupt, vile, nasty, radical, partisan, Sanctuary City-supporting, seditious, lying, bitter, butt-hurt, TDS-suffering 'threat to our democracy'...
/----/ Ted BELCH Kennedy had nothing on drunk Piglosi.
Chuck Woolery is an very old game show host...The account is probably fake.
Congress spends around one and a half million on booze for Congress annually. Like wasted, eh?
This is why dems want a higher tax rate.
They can't afford Romulan ale yet.


what the hell is she drinking? on a commercial flight flying first class would be cheaper *and* get her free drinks.

Nancy Pelosi's In-Flight Food And Drink Costs? $101,000

this says over $100k. someone's math is HORRIBLE.

now please also go back and add up how much the (R)s spend for the same travel.

as far as i'm concerned a lot of these "perks" need to be called out on all sides. why do we have private jets? let them fly first class sure, and let the airlines pick up the tab for the drinks.

in any event, it's the entire delegation not just her. i'm all for bitching about the cost of our ineffective politicians, but i'm not going to cherry pick who i get mad at. ANYONE spending ungodly amounts of taxpayer money on "entertainment" needs to get a tablet and the new PUNISHER series to watch for awhile on flights and call it a day.
This is why dems want a higher tax rate.
They can't afford Romulan ale yet.

and who is going to pay for this:

US Embassy in Jerusalem to cost more than $21 million

and see if you can find out how much it cost the GOP to go there to celebrate.

Hate Jews Much? The US embassy in Israel is run down and was due to be replaced. We replace schools in this country all the time. Public buildings eventually need renovated or you build new often times cheaper.

Being that we spend $151 Billion a year on illegal immigrants because DemNazis refuse to allow the border to be secured, I'd say building an embassy is cheap compared to that or even a wall itself.
This is why dems want a higher tax rate.
They can't afford Romulan ale yet.

and who is going to pay for this:

US Embassy in Jerusalem to cost more than $21 million

and see if you can find out how much it cost the GOP to go there to celebrate.

Hate Jews Much? The US embassy in Israel is run down and was due to be replaced. We replace schools in this country all the time. Public buildings eventually need renovated or you build new often times cheaper.

Being that we spend $151 Billion a year on illegal immigrants because DemNazis refuse to allow the border to be secured, I'd say building an embassy is cheap compared to that or even a wall itself.

The border is secured and several billion has been spent. If it is not secure it is because Trump made it that way. Congress must eliminate the laws that allow the illegals to live and work in the US...No wall will do that.
This is why dems want a higher tax rate.
They can't afford Romulan ale yet.

and who is going to pay for this:

US Embassy in Jerusalem to cost more than $21 million

and see if you can find out how much it cost the GOP to go there to celebrate.

There was no need to move it.
Hate Jews Much? The US embassy in Israel is run down and was due to be replaced. We replace schools in this country all the time. Public buildings eventually need renovated or you build new often times cheaper.

Being that we spend $151 Billion a year on illegal immigrants because DemNazis refuse to allow the border to be secured, I'd say building an embassy is cheap compared to that or even a wall itself.

Now I'm an anti semite, how much did the GOP spend on travel to worship the move to Jersualem??
This is why dems want a higher tax rate.
They can't afford Romulan ale yet.

and who is going to pay for this:

US Embassy in Jerusalem to cost more than $21 million

and see if you can find out how much it cost the GOP to go there to celebrate.

Hate Jews Much? The US embassy in Israel is run down and was due to be replaced. We replace schools in this country all the time. Public buildings eventually need renovated or you build new often times cheaper.

Being that we spend $151 Billion a year on illegal immigrants because DemNazis refuse to allow the border to be secured, I'd say building an embassy is cheap compared to that or even a wall itself.

The border is secured and several billion has been spent. If it is not secure it is because Trump made it that way. Congress must eliminate the laws that allow the illegals to live and work in the US...No wall will do that.

trump made it that way?

i listened carefully to a border patrol agent being interviewed on CNN. he went OUT OF HIS WAY to not take the bait and here you are flinging bait like no tomorrow. he said the problem has been going on 4+ years and both admins have not done enough to help out.

you want to tell a border agent the border is secure? and if it's not it's trumps fault, 2 years before he got elected?

i DO NOT deny AT ALL congress needs to pull their heads out of their collective asses and fix this and that is where our anger and blame should go. blaming trump is just trendy to me and usually shows people are just getting a shot in and/or don't care about the truth.

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