Pelosi Encourages Protesters’ ‘Righteous Anger’ in Marching Illegally in Front of Justices’ Homes

According to the left, words are violence.
Nah some on the left think that. Not me. You righties like to point out extremes and paint the whole party like that. You maga head bite and chew everything that is extreme.
They should all be arrested for blocking traffic. Then hit them with a resisting/assault charge when they get all froggy. Let the dems foot their bail.

While I do not agree with protesting at private homes, if are conservative, you should be for Roe Vs Wade, since it keeps government intrusion into our personal lives, to a reduced level.
Government has no authority to get involved with personal medical choices like abortion.
You do what makes you happy, snowflake. Leave me out of your projection fantasies.
You mean projectile fantasies. What are you doing in there with the door locked anyway, Jack?

No violence. None. Not even a hint.
Living with your head in the flower-pot again I see still making a total ass of yourself. The Left is 24/7 violence.

Don't count those November chickens yet.
Only way any democrat stays in office after Nov. 8 is by rigging another election.
threatening a federal judge is a felony…will xiden and garland apply the law and charge these terrorist, insurrectionist and folks like nancy or are aiding and abetting their lawlessness?

If a federal judge is violating the rights of individuals, then you not only are authorized to threaten, but to kill.
You seem to forget we created this country by murdering the pervious British one.
They should all be arrested for blocking traffic. Then hit them with a resisting/assault charge when they get all froggy. Let the dems foot their bail.

they should be arrested because it's illegal.
The Left need riots and wars to divert attention from their epic failures. Brandon and Pelosi continue to toss gasoline.

“While we have seen and heard extraordinary anguish in our communities,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said, “we have been moved by how so many have channeled their righteous anger into meaningful action: planning to march and mobilize to make their voices heard.”

In the statement, Pelosi also attacked Republicans and the Supreme Court over the expected ruling, and says that Democrats will “fight relentlessly to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.”

What democrats need more than anything else is the court to overturn Rowe. That is there best hope of getting control of Congress in the midterms. 70% of women support Rowe v Wade and 9 million more women than men voted in the last election. Also republican women are evenly dived on support for Rowe according to 2018 poll 49%/48%. If democrats are successful in diverting attention from the economy to Abortion, we will have a democrat congress next year.
What democrats need more than anything else is the court to overturn Rowe. That is there best hope of getting control of Congress in the midterms. 70% of women support Rowe v Wade and 9 million more women than men voted in the last election. Also republican women are evenly dived on support for Rowe according to 2018 poll 49%/48%. If democrats are successful in diverting attention from the economy to Abortion, we will have a democrat congress next year.
Yes, 60% are in favor of abortion.


You know, that Mississippi law that limits abortions to first trimester that Leftards claim is an attack on womens rights?

2nd trimester only 40% support
3rd only 20% support.

It’s why Democrats won’t get Pelosi sending a bill legalizing abortion to Biden’s desk. It’s a loser.
If a federal judge is violating the rights of individuals, then you not only are authorized to threaten, but to kill.
You seem to forget we created this country by murdering the pervious British one.
hahaa yeah no

but glad you are admitting these folks are threatening the judges and thus in violation of the law.

maybe nancy can try your defense at trial

they should be arrested because it's illegal.

It is debatable if you can legally prevent any sort of political expression?
I think it is a violation of privacy myself, but then so would the repeal of Roe Vs Wade.
What democrats need more than anything else is the court to overturn Rowe. That is there best hope of getting control of Congress in the midterms. 70% of women support Rowe v Wade and 9 million more women than men voted in the last election. Also republican women are evenly dived on support for Rowe according to 2018 poll 49%/48%. If democrats are successful in diverting attention from the economy to Abortion, we will have a democrat congress next year.

Slight comment.
{...That is there best hope of getting control of Congress...}
Should be:
That is their best hope of getting control of Congress...

But yes, the Republicans seem to have shot themselves in the foot, again.
Yes, 60% are in favor of abortion.


You know, that Mississippi law that limits abortions to first trimester that Leftards claim is an attack on womens rights?

2nd trimester only 40% support
3rd only 20% support.

It’s why Democrats won’t get Pelosi sending a bill legalizing abortion to Biden’s desk. It’s a loser.

Individual rights are not supposed to be up to the majority to dictate.
Right or wrong, no one else should get any say if an individual wants an abortion.
Especially not government.
Individual rights are not supposed to be up to the majority to dictate.
Right or wrong, no one else should get any say if an individual wants an abortion.
Especially not government.
it’s not an individual right….anymore then you have an individual right to a heart transparent or any other medical procedure…roe didn’t even say it was an individual right
It is debatable if you can legally prevent any sort of political expression?
I think it is a violation of privacy myself, but then so would the repeal of Roe Vs Wade.
I don't give a fucktard in a windstorm the issue or how you feel about it.

it's illegal. arrest them.

shit has to stop
The Left need riots and wars to divert attention from their epic failures. Brandon and Pelosi continue to toss gasoline.

“While we have seen and heard extraordinary anguish in our communities,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said, “we have been moved by how so many have channeled their righteous anger into meaningful action: planning to march and mobilize to make their voices heard.”

In the statement, Pelosi also attacked Republicans and the Supreme Court over the expected ruling, and says that Democrats will “fight relentlessly to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.”

Encouraging insurrection
While I do not agree with protesting at private homes, if are conservative, you should be for Roe Vs Wade, since it keeps government intrusion into our personal lives, to a reduced level.
Government has no authority to get involved with personal medical choices like abortion.
I'm the rare pro-choice right-leaner but I just think that the Mississippi Compromise is a good one since the dems went far beyond the bounds of common sense into infanticide territory. I really don't care about RvW one way or the other as long as there are reasonable limits put on the practice.

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