Pence quietly lays the groundwork for a post-Trump future

Were you supporting him or criticizing him DURING his regime?

When W and Mike Mukasey fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, many victims of vicious crimes by Zionist Fascism had their cases tossed.

As a fiscal conservative, nothing W did got my support. Switched from GOP to Libertarian in 2004 when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs.

Was a big supporter of Newt Gingrich, the last great Republican.
When W and Mike Mukasey fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, many victims of vicious crimes by Zionist Fascism had their cases tossed.

As a fiscal conservative, nothing W did got my support. Switched from GOP to Libertarian in 2004 when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs.

Was a big supporter of Newt Gingrich, the last great Republican.
And how many times did you vote for him?
And how many times did you vote for him?

W, once in 2000. Liked HW, thought HW did a good job considering the Dems had both houses of Congress. Never liked W, voted against Gore and hoped W would listen to his daddy, which he did NOT DO.

Was 100% certain in 2000 that Co2 did nothing and was not the cause of Earth climate change....

Want a real climate education - read the OPs...

Whether Trump wins or loses there will be a fight between the divide in the Republican party. It is only a matter of time: after the 2024 election if Trump loses, or after the 2026 midterm election if he wins.
Whether Trump wins or loses there will be a fight between the divide in the Republican party. It is only a matter of time: after the 2024 election if Trump loses, or after the 2026 midterm election if he wins.
What issues will the divide be on?

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