Pence quietly lays the groundwork for a post-Trump future

Do you consider W to be a "conservative?"

What did W do in 8 years that was "conservative?"
Were you supporting him or criticizing him DURING his regime?
Were you supporting him or criticizing him DURING his regime?

When W and Mike Mukasey fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, many victims of vicious crimes by Zionist Fascism had their cases tossed.

As a fiscal conservative, nothing W did got my support. Switched from GOP to Libertarian in 2004 when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs.

Was a big supporter of Newt Gingrich, the last great Republican.
When W and Mike Mukasey fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, many victims of vicious crimes by Zionist Fascism had their cases tossed.

As a fiscal conservative, nothing W did got my support. Switched from GOP to Libertarian in 2004 when "conservative" W socialized senior drugs.

Was a big supporter of Newt Gingrich, the last great Republican.
And how many times did you vote for him?
And how many times did you vote for him?

W, once in 2000. Liked HW, thought HW did a good job considering the Dems had both houses of Congress. Never liked W, voted against Gore and hoped W would listen to his daddy, which he did NOT DO.

Was 100% certain in 2000 that Co2 did nothing and was not the cause of Earth climate change....

Want a real climate education - read the OPs...

Whether Trump wins or loses there will be a fight between the divide in the Republican party. It is only a matter of time: after the 2024 election if Trump loses, or after the 2026 midterm election if he wins.
Whether Trump wins or loses there will be a fight between the divide in the Republican party. It is only a matter of time: after the 2024 election if Trump loses, or after the 2026 midterm election if he wins.
What issues will the divide be on?
What issues will the divide be on?

The most apparent one will be on our nation's intervention in other nation's affairs. As seen with Ukraine, Trump is more of an isolationist. As Pence exemplifies, I don't believe all the Republicans politicians that denounced Trump will be sitting on the fence when the post-Trump future of the Republican party is being determined.
The most apparent one will be on our nation's intervention in other nation's affairs. As seen with Ukraine, Trump is more of an isolationist. As Pence exemplifies, I don't believe all the Republicans politicians that denounced Trump will be sitting on the fence when the post-Trump future of the Republican party is being determined.
Define "isolationist."
This Rino is the only man in the room who doesn't realize that his political career is over. Rinos are hated by the GOP base.
Pence has been kicked to the curb. Other Pence types have also bit the dust, that idiot in Ohio, Christie, Jeb Bush, Liz traitor Cheney, liberal light Mitt Romney.
This Rino is the only man in the room who doesn't realize that his political career is over. Rinos are hated by the GOP base.
Yea but eventually you're going to realize the Trump base or Tea Baggers can't win elections and you're going to have to nominate a Nikki Haley type.

Don't worry, Mike Pence would go along with EVERYTHING you want. Everything Trump did, so did Bush. And so will Pence. Far right wing agenda. Tax breaks to billionaires. Do nothing about illegal employers. Ban abortion.

Mitt Romney would be another good choice. If you guys ran a guy like this, he would have beat Biden. Biden wouldn't have lost it at the debate because Romney wouldn't have blown his mind and we wouldn't have nominated a black woman after Trump banned abortion, assuring us the White House and probably the Senate and House too.
Yea but eventually you're going to realize the Trump base or Tea Baggers can't win elections and you're going to have to nominate a Nikki Haley type.

Don't worry, Mike Pence would go along with EVERYTHING you want. Everything Trump did, so did Bush. And so will Pence. Far right wing agenda. Tax breaks to billionaires. Do nothing about illegal employers. Ban abortion.

Mitt Romney would be another good choice. If you guys ran a guy like this, he would have beat Biden. Biden wouldn't have lost it at the debate because Romney wouldn't have blown his mind and we wouldn't have nominated a black woman after Trump banned abortion, assuring us the White House and probably the Senate and House too.

The GOP base is done with Rinos. Nikki Haley is more of a centrist Democrat, but the Democrats have gone far far left.
The GOP base is done with Rinos. Nikki Haley is more of a centrist Democrat, but the Democrats have gone far far left.
Good. I disagree but I'm glad you think this is true. What you are trying to do is pull the country to the right. It's not going to work. Nikki is a moderate Republican. That's it. Trump is not like her or Bush. What was Bush? Was he a liberal democrat too?

Okay, maybe what you are telling me is the modern day current Republicans have changed, a lot, because of Trump. Like tariffs and going after illegals. But trust me, I promise you, Trump isn't really trying to fix the problem. Remember that call he made to Mexico president asking him to LIE and say he will pay for the wall just to make YOU happy? Sucker.
The most apparent one will be on our nation's intervention in other nation's affairs. As seen with Ukraine, Trump is more of an isolationist. As Pence exemplifies, I don't believe all the Republicans politicians that denounced Trump will be sitting on the fence when the post-Trump future of the Republican party is being determined.
Isolationist is not the term I'd use.

Trump failed Ukraine his first go round as president no different than Obama.

Now that Ukraine and Russia's issues are much more in the media....Trump will act appropriately. That doesn't mean that supporting Ukraine in a war is right or even good. It is part of our treaty with Ukraine.

The best wars are ones that do not end up with armed aggression....and Trump seeks to end this war in some fashion without the loss of human Capital.

What that looks like is still a mystery as Trump can't get involved yet. He is still a private citizen. Doing anything now is illegal and prosecutable.

There are plenty of ways to solve disagreements without war....but it does require something other than isolationist policies. Especially when Russia is an opportunistic nation. This war just hasn't cost them enough....and I'd dare say Trump knows how to make this war too expensive for the oligarchs keeping Putin in power.

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