Penn State professor demands students write essay explaIning why the Taliban is not a terrorist group

This anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist professor instructed his students to write an essay defending the Taliban and why they are not terrorists. (This while our country goes after parents who disagree with liberalism as terrorists, or angry trespassers as terrorists.) The kids were told they were NOT permitted to write any other opinion….just the one defending the Islamic terrorists.

Is this still America? in what countries are students told what to think and told they cannot present any dissenting views?!

Source is garbage. It might have not happened, or the story is twisted in some way to make it more exciting than it is.
Nobody trespassed "peacefully" into the Senate. Their intentions were anything but peaceful.
They were just arrogant and obnoxious. You can see it. As you Progs keep this up maybe there should be tens of thousands of Deplorable people or hundreds of thousands of Deplorable people or even millions of them who are staying quiet building up their defenses from your idiotic onslaughts and getting ready for you. The worst thing is that Progs use people and destroy the for their goals. Is this what all of the social justice issues that we have corrected that the end game was supposed to be? .."We will get you...You Deplorable monster"! And most have done nothing wrong.
Here’s what would happen, if you are strong enough:

1) The professor would give you an F on the essay, and it would bring your grade for the class down to a C (where you really deserved an A)

2) The C would cause you to lose the next semester’s academic scholarship money, and also cost your the final year’s academic award

3) You would file a grievance against the teacher, and a hearing would be scheduled

4) Th e professor, defending himself, would lash out in anger at the disobedient student who refused to defend Islamic terrorists, and call you a racist and Trump supporter

5) The hearing committee would vote, the grade raised, and your academic scholarships remain intact

Believe me, it would be a hard thing to live through, but it is important that students not lay down before fascist professors who demand their loyalty to specific views.
small okla college, but a creative writing instructor pulled some bullshit on me several times and didn't like it when I called him on hypocrisy.

I've never gotten less than an A in writing classes. I took my C this time and taunted him when I could before I graduated.

Source is garbage. It might have not happened, or the story is twisted in some way to make it more exciting than it is.
When you can’t defend an indefensible act, attack the source. It’s true. a student was just on FOX describing it - how this professor would not allow any dissenting views.
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You really should educate yourself more before voting, Trump did indeed cancel $300 million of aid to Pakistan due to their support of terrorism. Of course, leftists like you would be opposed to it because Islamophobia.

I support pulling all aid everywhere but that is not what happened in Afghanistan and you are the one defending that, not me.
Well we funded and trained him during the Soviet era when he was a 'freedom fighter'. that sense we enabled him too...correct?

Oh no...he was fighting our enemy then!

FFS you can't play that game man.

The red light, green light bullshit is for simps.
And? Clearly you do not understand the subject.
"Harbored"? There was little they could do. Funny how he was able to live for years in Pakistan and no one accuses or attacks them for "harboring" him.
We damned well should have done something to the duplicitous Paks...Maybe snap our checkbook shut to them.
When left wing cucks cannot even say it is bad for the Taliban to murder women trying to read, it is pretty obvious they are frauds.
This anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist professor instructed his students to write an essay defending the Taliban and why they are not terrorists. (This while our country goes after parents who disagree with liberalism as terrorists, or angry trespassers as terrorists.) The kids were told they were NOT permitted to write any other opinion….just the one defending the Islamic terrorists.

Is this still America? in what countries are students told what to think and told they cannot present any dissenting views?!

The Taliban are freedom fighters, not terrorists, they weren't involved in 9/11, and none of the hijackers was a Taliban.
Penn State use to be a great University.

It looks like with the bullshit being taught there now a degree from there isn't worth the paper it is written on. Students aren't being taught anything real.
Penn State use to be a great University.

It looks like with the bullshit being taught there now a degree from there isn't worth the paper it is written on. Students aren't being taught anything real.

These kinds of assignments have long been used in schools. In debate class students have always had to take a side and defend something they did not agree with.
I hope the son of daughter of an American Afhganistan War Veteran enrolled in the class tells that filthy ass piece of shit Libtard professor to cram it where the sun don't shine.
They filed in between the ropes and walked into the Senate, dressed funny. Thank G-d they weren’t like the BLM barbarians we saw the entire preceding summer.
They did not "file in". They broke through barriers and attacked the police to get in and cause damage, injury, and death.
They were just arrogant and obnoxious. You can see it. As you Progs keep this up maybe there should be tens of thousands of Deplorable people or hundreds of thousands of Deplorable people or even millions of them who are staying quiet building up their defenses from your idiotic onslaughts and getting ready for you. The worst thing is that Progs use people and destroy the for their goals. Is this what all of the social justice issues that we have corrected that the end game was supposed to be? .."We will get you...You Deplorable monster"! And most have done nothing wrong.
What the fuck are you babbling about?

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