Penn State professor demands students write essay explaIning why the Taliban is not a terrorist group

Anyone who thinks the Taliban are terrorists, is literally insane.

Remember we paid them to ally with us in 1979, and WE illegally attacked them.
They NEVER attacked us.
It depends on how you define terrorist,

They certainly have terrorized people.

Or do you deny this?

The never "terrorized" anyone.
To do that, they would have had to illegally attack innocent civilians in the US.
They never did that.
Anyone who thinks the Taliban are terrorists, is literally insane.

Remember we paid them to ally with us in 1979, and WE illegally attacked them.
They NEVER attacked us.
LOL. Those who don't know what the Taliban is, is ignorant.

From the US government

The Taliban is a Sunni Islamist nationalist and pro-Pashtun movement founded in the early 1990s that ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until October 2001. The movement’s founding nucleus—the word “Taliban” is Pashto for “students”—was composed of peasant farmers and men studying Islam in Afghan and Pakistani madrasas, or religious schools. The Taliban found a foothold and consolidated their strength in southern Afghanistan.

By 1994, the Taliban had moved their way through the south, capturing several provinces from various armed factions who had been fighting a civil war after the Soviet-backed Afghan government fell in 1992. By September 1996, the Taliban had captured Kabul, killed the country’s president, and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Taliban’s first move was to institute a strict interpretation of Qur‘anic instruction and jurisprudence. In practice, this meant often merciless policies on the treatment of women, political opponents of any type, and religious minorities.

Mullah Mohammad Omar (DECEASED)

In the years leading up to the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States, the Taliban provided a safe haven for al-Qa‘ida. This gave al-Qa‘ida a base in which it could freely recruit, train, and deploy terrorists to other countries. The Taliban held sway in Afghanistan until October 2001, when they were routed from power by the US-led campaign against al-Qa‘ida.

In arguably the most significant development in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region since the May 2011 death of al-Qa‘ida founder Usama Bin Ladin, the Taliban in July 2015 revealed that its reclusive leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, had died in 2013. Omar, who was the president of Afghanistan during the Taliban’s rule and a major Bin Ladin supporter, was wanted by the US Government through the Rewards for Justice program. Mullah Akhtar Mohammed Mansur, who was Omar’s second-in-command, in early August 2015 was selected as the new Taliban leader. Mansur is only the second leader that the group has ever had.

The Afghan Taliban are responsible for most insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, which follow an established pattern of regular low-level ambush and hit-and-run attacks, coupled with periodic high-profile attacks. The Taliban have been moving aggressively in many parts of the country, evidenced by the fact that suicide and complex attacks increased by 78 percent countrywide in the first six months of 2015 compared with the same period in 2014. The Taliban between 7 and 10 August 2015 conducted a series of attacks in quick succession in Kabul that resulted in at least 60 deaths, marking the deadliest stretch in the capital since the US-led invasion in 2001. In the first attack, a suicide bomber detonated a large truck bomb in a residential area while attempting to target an Afghan Defense Ministry building, killing 15 civilians and wounding up to 400 others. On its own, the explosion caused an unprecedented number of casualties from a single attack in the capital in recent years—the Taliban is widely suspected of having conducted the attack although they did not claim responsibility for it because of the massive civilian casualties. Less than 24 hours later, over 40 cadets and civilians were killed when a suicide bomber dressed in police uniform blew himself up at the entrance of Kabul Police Academy. Later that day a Taliban squad targeted Resolute Support Mission installation Camp Integrity, killing at least nine, including one NATO serviceman. On 10 August a Taliban suicide bomber plowed a car into a checkpoint near the entrance to Kabul International Airport, killing at least 5 and wounding 15.
It depends on how you define terrorist,

They certainly have terrorized people.

Or do you deny this?
I'm saying that would be the thesis for my paper if I were given that writing assignment. The head of our government approved the negotiations and the negotiated settlement that was the basis for our withdrawal from the Country. By doing that the Trumpybear gave them international legitimacy because everyone knows America doesn't negotiate with terrorist.

I don't believe it, and I think they are terrorist scum, but for a grade I would turn in that argument.
This anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist professor instructed his students to write an essay defending the Taliban and why they are not terrorists. (This while our country goes after parents who disagree with liberalism as terrorists, or angry trespassers as terrorists.) The kids were told they were NOT permitted to write any other opinion….just the one defending the Islamic terrorists.

Is this still America? in what countries are students told what to think and told they cannot present any dissenting views?!

The class is a poli-sci subject, the Politics of Terrorism. I'm okay with this as a teaching technique because being able to find arguments for more than one side of an issue is a common requirement --- everyone has to do it in debating, for instance. It sounds like an interesting essay to me.

On the face of it I can think of reasons to say they are not terrorists per se: the Taliban has been for decades the alternate party trying to get into power in Afghanistan. It's not unlike our Democrats. They use a lot of violence but a case could be made that they aren't terrorists in the sense of trying to disorganize the society with terrorizing violence to make of chaos a ladder --- that probably IS what the antifa are doing in Portland and Seattle and Baltimore and New York City. As for bin Laden, they didn't care what he did with the huge amount of empty ground they've got there and he paid them a lot of money. It was stupid, but they aren't really modern people, and maybe they've learned now.

Our problem is not with the Taliban (it should NEVER have been with the Taliban!! All those Americans with limbs lost!!). Our problem was with bin Laden, and we killed him.

Source is garbage. It might have not happened, or the story is twisted in some way to make it more exciting than it is.
Yeah, I looked it up. Highly dubious story to begin with.
LOL. Those who don't know what the Taliban is, is ignorant.

From the US government

The Taliban is a Sunni Islamist nationalist and pro-Pashtun movement founded in the early 1990s that ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until October 2001. The movement’s founding nucleus—the word “Taliban” is Pashto for “students”—was composed of peasant farmers and men studying Islam in Afghan and Pakistani madrasas, or religious schools. The Taliban found a foothold and consolidated their strength in southern Afghanistan.

By 1994, the Taliban had moved their way through the south, capturing several provinces from various armed factions who had been fighting a civil war after the Soviet-backed Afghan government fell in 1992. By September 1996, the Taliban had captured Kabul, killed the country’s president, and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Taliban’s first move was to institute a strict interpretation of Qur‘anic instruction and jurisprudence. In practice, this meant often merciless policies on the treatment of women, political opponents of any type, and religious minorities.

Mullah Mohammad Omar (DECEASED)

In the years leading up to the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States, the Taliban provided a safe haven for al-Qa‘ida. This gave al-Qa‘ida a base in which it could freely recruit, train, and deploy terrorists to other countries. The Taliban held sway in Afghanistan until October 2001, when they were routed from power by the US-led campaign against al-Qa‘ida.

In arguably the most significant development in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region since the May 2011 death of al-Qa‘ida founder Usama Bin Ladin, the Taliban in July 2015 revealed that its reclusive leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, had died in 2013. Omar, who was the president of Afghanistan during the Taliban’s rule and a major Bin Ladin supporter, was wanted by the US Government through the Rewards for Justice program. Mullah Akhtar Mohammed Mansur, who was Omar’s second-in-command, in early August 2015 was selected as the new Taliban leader. Mansur is only the second leader that the group has ever had.

The Afghan Taliban are responsible for most insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, which follow an established pattern of regular low-level ambush and hit-and-run attacks, coupled with periodic high-profile attacks. The Taliban have been moving aggressively in many parts of the country, evidenced by the fact that suicide and complex attacks increased by 78 percent countrywide in the first six months of 2015 compared with the same period in 2014. The Taliban between 7 and 10 August 2015 conducted a series of attacks in quick succession in Kabul that resulted in at least 60 deaths, marking the deadliest stretch in the capital since the US-led invasion in 2001. In the first attack, a suicide bomber detonated a large truck bomb in a residential area while attempting to target an Afghan Defense Ministry building, killing 15 civilians and wounding up to 400 others. On its own, the explosion caused an unprecedented number of casualties from a single attack in the capital in recent years—the Taliban is widely suspected of having conducted the attack although they did not claim responsibility for it because of the massive civilian casualties. Less than 24 hours later, over 40 cadets and civilians were killed when a suicide bomber dressed in police uniform blew himself up at the entrance of Kabul Police Academy. Later that day a Taliban squad targeted Resolute Support Mission installation Camp Integrity, killing at least nine, including one NATO serviceman. On 10 August a Taliban suicide bomber plowed a car into a checkpoint near the entrance to Kabul International Airport, killing at least 5 and wounding 15.

None of which is even remotely terrorist.
But the US only uses terrorism.
Nothing else.
I'm saying that would be the thesis for my paper if I were given that writing assignment. The head of our government approved the negotiations and the negotiated settlement that was the basis for our withdrawal from the Country. By doing that the Trumpybear gave them international legitimacy because everyone knows America doesn't negotiate with terrorist.

I don't believe it, and I think they are terrorist scum, but for a grade I would turn in that argument.
The point is not what YOUR thesis would be. The point is that the intolerant, leftist Professor only wanted to hear his view, and his view only (defending Islamic terrorists) and would not allow any student to take the opposite view (condemning these barbarians).
The point is not what YOUR thesis would be. The point is that the intolerant, leftist Professor only wanted to hear his view, and his view only (defending Islamic terrorists) and would not allow any student to take the opposite view (condemning these barbarians).
I don't think we know enough to be sure of that.
aliban has been for decades the alternate party trying to get into power in Afghanistan. It's not unlike our Democrats
Hahaha was it a Democrat who asked "When do we get to use the guns?"

How about the Texas Terrorist Truckers who tried to crash a Biden bus during the election.

Violent thugs who see violence as politically acceptable sounds more like the Neo-GOP to me than the Democrats.
I don't think we know enough to be sure of that.
I heard the student on FOX this morning, telling the story. You honestly think she would go on National TV and lie, risking being sued for slander?
I heard the student on FOX this morning, telling the story. You honestly think she would go on National TV and lie, risking being sued for slander?
Sure ----- people say what they say. Then half the time get cancelled, but whatever.
The point is not what YOUR thesis would be. The point is that the intolerant, leftist Professor only wanted to hear his view, and his view only (defending Islamic terrorists) and would not allow any student to take the opposite view (condemning these barbarians).
Fine I'll take my F to the Damn Dean.

"...the Clinton and Bush administrations negotiated with the Taliban, both to get the repressive regime to widen its government as well as look favorably on U.S. companies' attempts to construct an oil pipeline. The Bush White House stepped up negotiations with the Taliban in 2001. When those talks stalled in July, a Bush administration representative threatened the Taliban with military reprisals if the government did not go along with American demands."

Does the US Government negotiate pipeline deals with terrorist?
Fine I'll take my F to the Damn Dean.

"...the Clinton and Bush administrations negotiated with the Taliban, both to get the repressive regime to widen its government as well as look favorably on U.S. companies' attempts to construct an oil pipeline. The Bush White House stepped up negotiations with the Taliban in 2001. When those talks stalled in July, a Bush administration representative threatened the Taliban with military reprisals if the government did not go along with American demands."

Does the US Government negotiate pipeline deals with terrorist?
just like a leftist who can only see HIS view, you are missing the point. The professor did not allow any dissenting opinions. All you’re doing is going back and saying why you agree with the leftist professor….no surprise there.

And you wouldn’t get an F because you are agreeing with the professor. The students who disagree are the ones you would get the F.
You must not have seen any news about all the violent leftwing riots the last five years.

We did.
Democrats with few exceptions condemn the anarchic riots while defending the peoples right to protest.
just like a leftist who can only see HIS view, you are missing the point. The professor did not allow any dissenting opinions. All you’re doing is going back and saying why you agree with the leftist professor….no surprise there.

And you wouldn’t get an F because you are agreeing with the professor. The students who disagree are the ones you would get the F.
So the Neo-Republicans think that President Trump negotiated with terrorists? Surrendered Afghanistan to terrorst. Nope. Because.....

Personally I think they use terrorism tactics on their own population. But my opinion doesn't change the reality that they are ruling power in Poppieland, and we helped put them there.
just like a leftist who can only see HIS view, you are missing the point. The professor did not allow any dissenting opinions. All you’re doing is going back and saying why you agree with the leftist professor….no surprise there.

And you wouldn’t get an F because you are agreeing with the professor. The students who disagree are the ones you would get the F.
I had a far left teacher in a speech class I took. I told him I would be giving a speech that I knew would be against his political views, and wanted to make sure he wouldn't hold my opposing view against me. He assured me he wouldn't. Unsurprising, he did hold it against me. He critiqued each speech after we finished. Long story short, the entire class started booing this teacher over his critiques, comments, and low grade of my speech. This was many years ago before this woke movement was a thing.

Professors don't want you to oppose them or challenge their views in any way.

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