Penn State professor demands students write essay explaIning why the Taliban is not a terrorist group

The Taliban were defending their country against invaders. That is never the definition of terrorism as it applies to the Taliban.
OH my fricking god .....what a load of shit. The Taliban are terrorists to everyone including other middle eastern and african muslims. They terrorize women, they attack and use terror to take control of areas, they use terror to convert to their abusive religion putting their terroristic warlords in and allowing their sadistics members to continue to attack all others. They are the very defination of terror....

Your bullshit muslim propaganda about defending their lands is made up bullshit...pimped by an evil cult that is based on terrorizing women and others.

I'm an atheist btw---islam especially the 3 big sects of it are evil at their core. The worst of the religions--
Democrats with few exceptions condemn the anarchic riots while defending the peoples right to protest.
I don't call looting, burning, and throwing Molotov cocktails at police a "protest." That's what Democrats support and praise. While carrying on at length against such a non-violent protest as Jan. 6 was.
Personally I think they use terrorism tactics on their own population. But my opinion doesn't change the reality that they are ruling power in Poppieland, and we helped put them there.
We didn't help put them there! We opposed it every way we knew how!

They won and we lost, that's all.

Same as all our wars since Korea.
Fair enough, but you know what I mean.

The powers that be.

It's like Hollywood keeping Weinstein under wraps. Sure, they knew what he was doing to women, and even openly joked about it on TV at the Oscars, kinda like and inside joke, but at the same time, not everyone who lived in Hollywood knew.
Yes, you are correct. Lots of rumors floating around campus.
I had a far left teacher in a speech class I took. I told him I would be giving a speech that I knew would be against his political views, and wanted to make sure he wouldn't hold my opposing view against me. He assured me he wouldn't. Unsurprising, he did hold it against me. He critiqued each speech after we finished. Long story short, the entire class started booing this teacher over his critiques, comments, and low grade of my speech. This was many years ago before this woke movement was a thing.

Professors don't want you to oppose them or challenge their views in any way.
This is true. I had a liberal professor who said to “defend or refute” a specific position. He was in favor of it. All students who defended the position got a B or above, no matter how poorly written their essay, and the students who refuted it got a C at best, and often worse, regardless of how well written it was.
Nobody does. That's a riot.

You are a riot. Name them and their statements in support of looting burning and firebombing.
Oh please. The current Vice President worked to undermine police efforts to control the BLM barbarians by helping raise funds to put the rioters back on the street after they were arrested.
Oh please. The current Vice President worked to undermine police efforts to control the BLM barbarians by helping raise funds to put the rioters back on the street after they were arrested.

Bull shit she tweeted support for a bail fund for protesters who were arrested for no good reason. She had no say in how the fund used. Beside judges set the terms of bail, not politicians.
This anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist professor instructed his students to write an essay defending the Taliban and why they are not terrorists. (This while our country goes after parents who disagree with liberalism as terrorists, or angry trespassers as terrorists.) The kids were told they were NOT permitted to write any other opinion….just the one defending the Islamic terrorists.

Is this still America? in what countries are students told what to think and told they cannot present any dissenting views?!

In addition, this is exactly what is wrong with the Left running higher education. How are students being taught to thing critically and analytically here? They are being mandated to tell the teacher what the teacher wants to hear. This alone is an epic failure from Big Education and the Left.

As for the content and exercise, that professor is an ingrate pig-fucker that in addition to being fired, it is he should be sent to live among the Taliban and he can write as many papers as he wants.
The point is not what YOUR thesis would be. The point is that the intolerant, leftist Professor only wanted to hear his view, and his view only (defending Islamic terrorists) and would not allow any student to take the opposite view (condemning these barbarians).
Patriot1235793 hours ago
I spoke to this professor at length in Twitter DMs. He wasn't saying the Taliban aren't Terrorists. He was merely using the essay as a kick-off discussion as to how organizations are classified as Terrorist or not.
He pointed out, correctly, that the Trump Administration never classified the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
He despises the Taliban and very much considers them to be a Terrorist organization. I have reached out to Dr. Cook before writing this story.

This was a Political Science class, and this type of discussion does happen, for those of you who like to diss higher education as a means to expand your mind.
This anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist professor instructed his students to write an essay defending the Taliban and why they are not terrorists. (This while our country goes after parents who disagree with liberalism as terrorists, or angry trespassers as terrorists.) The kids were told they were NOT permitted to write any other opinion….just the one defending the Islamic terrorists.

Is this still America? in what countries are students told what to think and told they cannot present any dissenting views?!

I agree Lisa558. I support Penn States athletic dept. financially but when I hear some totalitarian bullshit like this is happening and nobody questions it, I wonder if my money well spent?
The Taliban were defending their country against invaders. That is never the definition of terrorism as it applies to the Taliban.
No they were not. It was not their country and they are the invaders. They perfectly fit the definition
In addition, this is exactly what is wrong with the Left running higher education. How are students being taught to thing critically and analytically here? They are being mandated to tell the teacher what the teacher wants to hear. This alone is an epic failure from Big Education and the Left.

As for the content and exercise, that professor is an ingrate pig-fucker that in addition to being fired, it is he should be sent to live among the Taliban and he can write as many papers as he wants.

It's an epic temper tantrum from Neo-GOP Ministry of Truthiness.

They just feel it deep down in their guts, that it has to be true. Which means their Trumpybear negotiated with and handed over Afghanistan to Terrorist!

Or not?
I wasn’t aware that academic freedom only extended to that which we agreed with.

Universities aren’t supposed to be intellectual monoliths.
No, ofcourse not...But why set the parameters that the only essay acceptable would be in defense of the Taliban? Why not challenge students to write either pro or con, and why, then discuss?
Roshawn Markwees
Mr. Cook’s class
Penn St.
January 14, 2022

Why the Taliban Are Not Terrorists

Terrorists only kill Muslims. Therefore, Muslims are never terrorists. Americans are terrorists. Especially those two little girls and their parents who were blown up on Flight 77 that crashed into the pentagon. Those Muslims saved Islam from those two little girls.
I can’t wait to finish college so I can join the taliban and come back and blow up American terrorists in a suicide explosion here at Penn St. When I kill Mr. Cook, he will be so happy to see me in allah heaven. I will even lend him one of my 72 virgins when I’m finished with her.

The End
I don't? Well why don't you enlighten me on the what I am not understanding.
Did the US Government NOT fund the mujahedeen?
Was OBL NOT a mujahed and, as such a CIA asset during the Soviet Afghan war?

So he was all good when he was blowing the shit out of everyone for US...but.

The enemy or my enemy...fucks me in the end.
"Osama bin Laden was 'created' by the CIA

He did not receive any direct funding or training from the US during the 1980s. Nor did his followers. The Afghan mujahideen, via Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, received large amounts of both. Some bled to the Arabs fighting the Soviets but nothing significant."

I agree Lisa558. I support Penn States athletic dept. financially but when I hear some totalitarian bullshit like this is happening and nobody questions it, I wonder if my money well spent?
Your money is very well spent. Go Pitt!

Patriot1235793 hours ago
I spoke to this professor at length in Twitter DMs. He wasn't saying the Taliban aren't Terrorists. He was merely using the essay as a kick-off discussion as to how organizations are classified as Terrorist or not.
He pointed out, correctly, that the Trump Administration never classified the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
He despises the Taliban and very much considers them to be a Terrorist organization. I have reached out to Dr. Cook before writing this story.

This was a Political Science class, and this type of discussion does happen, for those of you who like to diss higher education as a means to expand your mind.
No, ofcourse not...But why set the parameters that the only essay acceptable would be in defense of the Taliban? Why not challenge students to write either pro or con, and why, then discuss?
Personally, there’s a lot of value in the ability to synthesize a cohesive argument you disagree with. In fact, the ability to understand the other side of an issue is massively overlooked in society.

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