Penn State professor demands students write essay explaIning why the Taliban is not a terrorist group

Bull shit she tweeted support for a bail fund for protesters who were arrested for no good reason. She had no say in how the fund used. Beside judges set the terms of bail, not politicians.
And who determines no good reason”? In the midst of a national rampage by BLM, in which police were held at bay, she was working to undermine the police. Just as you’d expect from a leftist.
Personally, there’s a lot of value in the ability to synthesize a cohesive argument you disagree with. In fact, the ability to understand the other side of an issue is massively overlooked in society.
So why should the professor tell his students to take the leftist side that defends Islamic terrorists who brutalize women, among other things? Why not have both sides of the position, and then debate.
I had a far left teacher in a speech class I took. I told him I would be giving a speech that I knew would be against his political views, and wanted to make sure he wouldn't hold my opposing view against me. He assured me he wouldn't. Unsurprising, he did hold it against me. He critiqued each speech after we finished. Long story short, the entire class started booing this teacher over his critiques, comments, and low grade of my speech. This was many years ago before this woke movement was a thing.

Professors don't want you to oppose them or challenge their views in any way.
I had a far left philosophy teacher that if an essay included his personal views it would be a guaranteed A. To be fair he would always identify his personal beliefs during class (a big fan of Nietzsche) but on the unfair side if you left out his views completely in essays you’d receive a C+. I know because I tried it once. I enjoyed the subject matter but he was an overtly biased teacher.
And who determines no good reason”? In the midst of a national rampage by BLM, in which police were held at bay, she was working to undermine the police. Just as you’d expect from a leftist.

"But some prosecutors and law enforcement observers charge that departments carried out mass arrests as a crowd control tactic, as a means to silence peaceful protesters, and as a public relations strategy designed to turn the public against demonstrators by making them appear more violent than they were. And what’s more – some of the citing officers never witnessed the protests in the first place.

“It sends a message that you might get arrested if you express your views and first amendment rights,” said Vera Eidelman, staff attorney with the ACLU’s speech, privacy and technology project. “Police absolutely should not be relying on mass arrests to control a crowd or silence people who they disagree with.”

In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted."

Your money is very well spent. Go Pitt!

Patriot1235793 hours ago
I spoke to this professor at length in Twitter DMs. He wasn't saying the Taliban aren't Terrorists. He was merely using the essay as a kick-off discussion as to how organizations are classified as Terrorist or not.
He pointed out, correctly, that the Trump Administration never classified the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
He despises the Taliban and very much considers them to be a Terrorist organization. I have reached out to Dr. Cook before writing this story.

This was a Political Science class, and this type of discussion does happen, for those of you who like to diss higher education as a means to expand your mind.
Minds are not expanded by giving the student the finish point in an investigation. That sounds more like training for the Goebbels institute of research.
Your money is very well spent. Go Pitt!

Patriot1235793 hours ago
I spoke to this professor at length in Twitter DMs. He wasn't saying the Taliban aren't Terrorists. He was merely using the essay as a kick-off discussion as to how organizations are classified as Terrorist or not.
He pointed out, correctly, that the Trump Administration never classified the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
He despises the Taliban and very much considers them to be a Terrorist organization. I have reached out to Dr. Cook before writing this story.

This was a Political Science class, and this type of discussion does happen, for those of you who like to diss higher education as a means to expand your mind.
Shitt on Pitt.
Minds are not expanded by giving the student the finish point in an investigation. That sounds more like training for the Goebbels institute of research.
That is hardly the finish point. That is just the beginning of the class discussion. Been there, done that.
Minds are not expanded by giving the student the finish point in an investigation. That sounds more like training for the Goebbels institute of research.

Could be, look at how the right is droning on about their feelings. Goebbels's propaganda was very subjective. Just like the right. Do you really think the USA negotiated a withdrawal agreement and handover of Afghanistan to an organization that the USA has designated as a terrorist organization?
Minds are not expanded by giving the student the finish point in an investigation. That sounds more like training for the Goebbels institute of research.
That’s actually the way libs approach everything. They come up with the conclusion and then work backwards trying to justify it.
That is hardly the finish point. That is just the beginning of the class discussion. Been there, done that.
So you started at the end even though you thought it was the beginning. Cool. but don't call that education.
Precisely. The Right has no platform other that what ever leaps out of the Gaping Maw of the Dear Leader.
I'd take the things that came from Trump, a secure border, lower taxes and regulations, law enforcement, plentiful jobs, school choice, a stoked economy and freedom over our Democrat's inflation, lawlessness, reparations, higher taxes, less freedom and the universal racism that is the Democrats trademark. No contest
Minds are not expanded by giving the student the finish point in an investigation. That sounds more like training for the Goebbels institute of research.
That is a top-notch response wamose, but you’re pretty good at that kind of thing:)

A good instructor, particularly at the secondary and college level, facilitates the class by offering investigative tools and nothing more. Promoting inquisitive minds not restricted in thought or one-sided positions. Teaching students to freely ask questions rarely occurs when a fixated mindset conducts the class. To suggest that “only one position is right” (outside of math) is not conducive to learning. Speech teachers should know this basic stuff.
Well….you are a leftist who would have no problem defending Taliban monsters, who brutalize and intimidate their own people. Do you teach at Penn State, perhaps?

in the meantime, I’m sure you hold in more disdain the rioter who dressed up like a Viking or a Native American and trespassed peacefully into the Senate.

I think Penn State would at least require a GED before they let someone teach.

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