Pennsylvania State University says that English is White supremacy


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Some 400 Pennsylvania State University professors have signed a letter backing antiracism teaching and administrative practices currently being targeted by a former colleague's lawsuit against the college.

The 'Letter in Support of Antiracist Faculty at Penn State' criticizes Zack De Piero, 40, a former English professor at the college's Abington campus, as well as a lawsuit he filed claiming he and other white staff were racially discriminated against.

The 36-page lawsuit from De Piero, who served as an assistant professor of English and Composition at the campus, claims he was forced to teach that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.'

Once again, the Left shows that they are incapable of introspection.
These people think that they are open minded and tolerant.
The only way that a person could come to the conclusion that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.' is that they are racist who hate White people.
It is amazing how racist these woke "anti-racist" people are.
These "400 Pennsylvania State University professors" should be forced to take remedial Diversity Training.
Some 400 Pennsylvania State University professors have signed a letter backing antiracism teaching and administrative practices currently being targeted by a former colleague's lawsuit against the college.

The 'Letter in Support of Antiracist Faculty at Penn State' criticizes Zack De Piero, 40, a former English professor at the college's Abington campus, as well as a lawsuit he filed claiming he and other white staff were racially discriminated against.

The 36-page lawsuit from De Piero, who served as an assistant professor of English and Composition at the campus, claims he was forced to teach that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.'

Once again, the Left shows that they are incapable of introspection.
These people think that they are open minded and tolerant.
The only way that a person could come to the conclusion that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.' is that they are racist who hate White people.
It is amazing how racist these woke "anti-racist" people are.
These "400 Pennsylvania State University professors" should be forced to take remedial Diversity Training.

Some whining leftists demanding their fifteen minutes of fame.

Lord, they are ridiculous.

Some 400 Pennsylvania State University professors have signed a letter backing antiracism teaching and administrative practices currently being targeted by a former colleague's lawsuit against the college.

The 'Letter in Support of Antiracist Faculty at Penn State' criticizes Zack De Piero, 40, a former English professor at the college's Abington campus, as well as a lawsuit he filed claiming he and other white staff were racially discriminated against.

The 36-page lawsuit from De Piero, who served as an assistant professor of English and Composition at the campus, claims he was forced to teach that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.'

Once again, the Left shows that they are incapable of introspection.
These people think that they are open minded and tolerant.
The only way that a person could come to the conclusion that the 'English language is racist and embodies white supremacy.' is that they are racist who hate White people.
It is amazing how racist these woke "anti-racist" people are.
These "400 Pennsylvania State University professors" should be forced to take remedial Diversity Training.
Won't do any good. The people of that state elect senators that have the mental capacity of a six year old AND dead people. Abandon all hope.
Parenthetically, don't confuse the University of Pennsylvania with Penn State. Two different institutions.

I will assume that "anti-racism" is actually a thing that could be codified and taught. If so, compile a course, call it what it is, and allow the students to take it or not, as they choose (do they still call this an "elective"?). Or go absolutely crazy and make it a subject that one could major in. Who cares? There are plenty of worthless majors that one can take; what's the harm in one more of them?

But this is not what the four hundred faculty members (no way they are all "professors," as asserted in the OP) are talking about. They are talking about infesting other coursework with the indoctrination of "anti-racism." Which positively begs the question, "To what end?"

Will that indoctrination make Penn State grads better engineers, doctors, purchasing agents, or bureaucrats? Will employers appreciate the fact that PSU applicants have been so propagandized? Or is the purpose actually to make the worthless faculty (the 400) feel better about themselves?

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