What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

Are you championing Biden with the border and illegals, then complaining at the cost to remove them?
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

So according to the Dailykos only Nazis support the rule of law?

Having laws and enforcing those laws is something only a fascist would do?

It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

Of course it would be messy. It woul dbe terrible, which is WHY our government was suppossed to do its job in the first place.
The complications would create more violence in the streets. And good liberals saw nothing wrong with allowing another 20 million to come here in a very short amount of time.
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

BS... people including ethnic minorites WANT legal immigration not this shit.
Again, no one is interested in doing that as then they lose the Chamber of Commerce and businessmen by the thousands.
Dont say “no one”

Not the open borders crowd with a political/racial agenda

And yes, some businessmen

But most Americans do not profit from the illegal alien invasion
No, they do not.
Yes they do ..

Welfare Use by Immigrants and the U.S.-Born

This report is based on newly released data from the 2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Analysis of this data shows both immigrants and the U.S.-born make extensive use of means-tested anti-poverty programs, with immigrant households significantly more likely to receive benefits. This is primarily because the American welfare system is designed in large part to help low-income families with children, which describes a large share of immigrants. The ability of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, to receive welfare benefits on behalf of U.S.-born citizen children is a key reason why restrictions on welfare use for new legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants, are relatively ineffective.
  • The 2022 SIPP indicates that 54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare program. This compares to 39 percent for U.S.-born households.
  • The rate is 59 percent for non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants).
  • Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37 percent vs. 25 percent for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16 percent vs. 12 percent for the U.S.-born).
  • Our best estimate is that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants, also called the undocumented, use at least one major program. We have no evidence this is due to fraud. Among legal immigrants we estimate the rate is 52 percent.
  • Illegal immigrants can receive welfare on behalf of U.S.-born children, and illegal immigrant children can receive school lunch/breakfast and WIC directly. A number of states provide Medicaid to some illegal adults and children, and a few provide SNAP. Several million illegal immigrants also have work authorization (e.g. DACA, TPS, and some asylum applicants) allowing receipt of the EITC. ................. [continue reading article]

Immigrants are entitled to due process of the law.

That an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’
LOL what silly nonsense. Of course they are illegal aliens. Who said they wouldn’t get due process? They admit they are illegals, then what more is needed? Deport immediately. Caught them red handed crossing the border? Deport immediately.
LOL what silly nonsense. Of course they are illegal aliens. Who said they wouldn’t get due process? They admit they are illegals, then what more is needed? Deport immediately. Caught them red handed crossing the border? Deport immediately.

And they turn around and come back because their jobs are waiting on them.
And they turn around and come back because their jobs are waiting on them.
Utter nonsense. Not if we had an actual border with enforcement. Plus they aren’t working many jobs. Most are on welfare by idiot blue cities and states that pays for them to stay and do nothing.

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