What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

It wasn't intended to be for us in 2024. OW was intended to be for Americans living in the 1950s. Get it ?
yea i get it but apparently you dont get it....what they did was useless because they just kept on coming in even after that,no doubt the same people...so what was the point?..........
They mostly don't qualify for those.
They may not qualify officially for some things but their anchor babies are bleeding us dry, and although they may eventually pull their weight it will never replace the money we printed or borrowed to support them. That is not even beginning to assess the money spent in law enforcement for drugs and crime enforcement, prison and emergency room care, and schools for illegals. They don't have to "qualify" for anything from charities, a lot of whom receive state and federal grants. If there was a will it make them self deport it could happen, but as someone said, there is no one in power who wants it or they wouldn't have beed invited and encouraged, and there would be no reason to lie and call it a "crisis" when it was all planned.
hey may not qualify officially for some things but their anchor babies are bleeding us dry,
No they aren't. They become productive members of society like any set of babies. Their parents pay the same property taxes as anyone else does. Same sales taxes. Etc.
If that were true California and New York would be utopias, I guess the reason we are running trillion dollar deficits every year is because we don't have enough illegals? That seems to be the thinking now, a self fulfilling prophecy. Sort of like I broke my leg falling from 10 feet, maybe I need a taller ladder. Insane. file:///home/chronos/u-b30372dd006bd88f786cb34b3890f1878b07504d/MyFiles/Downloads/defecit.mhtml
Yes they do ..

It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

I suspect the crackdown will be on businesses, and I suspect the crackdown will be selective. Pushing migrant workers out in large numbers is going to lead to labor and production disruption - at least initially. I suppose in some ways it could be anti-inflationary in terms of rents/housing.
It's never going to happen. Everyone knows it's never going to happen. But still politicians will pontificate.

I could see them trying. Whether they succeed depends on how well they can deport undocumented immigrants without causing economic disruption.
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

We’ll send you snowflakes the bill. It’s the only way to teach you fools.

Get a grip .. illegal aliens can receive benefits (and do) on behalf of US born children, and certain states provide Medicaid and SNAP .. as an example. so yes .. they do. In fact, "54% of households led by naturalized citizens, legal residents and illegal aliens use at least 1 major welfare program." (from article above). Even your fact sheet states they qualify for some government assistance.

At a local level .. who do you think pays for the hotels, food, clothing and spending money? A genie in a bottle? A money tree?
What’s the comparison cost of food, housing, welfare, healthcare, school taxes and lower wages / lower standard of living for Americans to assume the costs of Biden’s illegals?

You know that Biden is still importing illegals, right? Where does it end? 50 million?

Do you know that the border bill that was presented by the GOP in the house was destroyed by Johnson at the demand of tRump (the t is silent). All because the border solution must not be done while Biden is president. It must be done under tRump.
Get a grip .. illegal aliens can receive benefits (and do) on behalf of US born children, and certain states provide Medicaid and SNAP .. as an example. so yes .. they do. In fact, "54% of households led by naturalized citizens, legal residents and illegal aliens use at least 1 major welfare program." (from article above). Even your fact sheet states they qualify for some government assistance.

At a local level .. who do you think pays for the hotels, food, clothing and spending money? A genie in a bottle? A money tree?
Now it's gone from "they only come here to stay home and get welfare!" to "some government assistance in some circumstances." Try not to be stupid AND dishonest.

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