Brexit Has Been a Disaster

ESay Blair and Brown commissioned a study into the pros and cons of immigration. One con was, the rise in GDP was 0.3% lower than the rise in population. If you took £3 trillion for an easier GDP maths figure, that's £90 billion. So if immigration paid for itself, there's £90 billion extra for public services.

So population growth basically starts to outstrip public services because the money doesn't come in to expand services. So increase tax. So that means the indigenous folk that paid for and built up a better standard of living now suffers waiting times etc.. unless we pay for those that came from shithole countries. So ask a Lefty, "Where does the money come from?".

Lefties are fantastic at criticising etc.. but fucking thick when coming up with answers.

Just ask TommyTit and DeadBeat those questions and you will be hit with silence. They say, "Ignorance is bliss", and those two are well above the blissful chart.
Brxit has knocked 4% off our GDP. Thats why we have no money. You did that.
Is this the one where he wants to let sinking boats go under and kill people ? Or when he was waging his war against the RNLI ? Their collections went up when he attacked them ?
Personally, if you use the correct port of call, we'll consider your immigration application. If you do it illegally, I would treat them as any other illegal act, like shoplifting, paedophilia, raping, murder etc..

Why do you love illegal immigrants? Do you love shoplifters, paedophiles, rapists, and murderers too?
Personally, if you use the correct port of call, we'll consider your immigration application. If you do it illegally, I would treat them as any other illegal act, like shoplifting, paedophilia, raping, murder etc..

Why do you love illegal immigrants? Do you love shoplifters, paedophiles, rapists, and murderers too?
There are no "correct ports of call". Tories closed all of them unless you are a white woman from Ukraine.
How do you get here from Sudan ?
Why do you compare immigrants to th worst elements of english society ? I know that is kipper orthodoxy but it helps people categorise you.
Links to confirm that, "fair regulation, resolving social issues such as immigration, workforce deficit, healthcare etc.", are part of, or not part of trade agreements, with examples.
Trade agreements - comma - four regulations - comma - resolving social issues.
But all EU countries have shortages of doctors, nurses, dentists, waiters, chefs etc.. it's the fall out of COVID lockdowns. So the grown ups know that, but Labourites (Lefties) just complain it's the government.

The NHS in the UK is a devolved matter. That means, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each run their NHS. So if I go to Cumbria, England, you pay to use the hospital car park and for prescriptions. If I go to Scotland, no car park charges or prescription costs. So if Scotland argues, "NHS is underfunded", then why not obtain income from car parking and supplying prescription medicines?

Wales run their own NHS, but they spend £40,000 on a trans painted road crossing, and umpteen thousand on changing 30mph road signs to 20mph. Yet numpties down there claim the NHS is underfunded.

So I always ask everyone that says it's underfunded, "By how much?", and no one knows. One way is percentage of GDP spent on healthcare, but not all systems are the same, but if you look at Healthcare Delivered league tables, extra spending doesn't often equate to better healthcare be delivered. The UK tops many EU countries with healthcare delivery, but our spend is in the average area. But that's a Tory thing, efficiency. Labour's answer is a costly unionised striking efficiency system.
Of course I can't provide actual figures. I said what I keep hearing on and on - underfunding here, underfunding there.
There are no "correct ports of call". Tories closed all of them unless you are a white woman from Ukraine.
How do you get here from Sudan ?
Why do you compare immigrants to th worst elements of english society ? I know that is kipper orthodoxy but it helps people categorise you.
Yet again, link please. Lefty hot air baseless statements are as much use as pockets on a Thalidomide's Levi jeans. Just fucking sort yourself out, you're dealing with adults.
Of course I can't provide actual figures. I said what I keep hearing on and on - underfunding here, underfunding there.
Yup, you're listening to the usual baseless UK Lefty mantra. Tommy Tit and Deadbeat are the goto sources for that shite, they regurgitate it daily. So if you can hear slopping shite on the forum, look up their posts.
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I grew up with kids who had thalidomide. Only brexit shit would poke fun at them.
Thats you.
When we used to holiday at Allonby as a kid, another caravan park visitor was a Thalidomide. Each year we went in the summer holidays, we all played together and I tell you what, the fun she used to take out of her predicament was unreal. And you're worried about a trouser joke? Get your fucking balls out of your wife's handbag. If Thalids are not bothered, you need to chill the fuck up.
They shake hands when the work is done. They dont actually do anything. Neither does the House of Lords. They dont even vote on the treaty. You have a simplistic view of Britain.
No....I have personal contacts and experiences in the business world that explained this 2 decades ago now.

How is it I know more about how business gets done in the UK than you do? If you would get away from the telly and social media you might actually learn something about the nation you live in.

The UK has been a stalwart for high pressure valves....which are utilized in most nations that produce such goods as paper or printed literature in high volume. But that's not the sole limit of quality products renowned in the world either. Think of all the things that go into the BMW line of products and those businesses which produce the various parts. From acrylics to ceramics, precision engines and transmissions. All are UK products even if raw materials are derived elsewhere. (Some petroleum products still are coming out of the Brent...but it is dwindling)

Currently, due to the advertising, baked goods are climbing the ranks in the world. (Personally I think it's a dead end and they should go back to fine ceramics...I understand that cheap energy is the issue for them but....)

Quit stiffening your lost the argument. And if you actually did anything but whine like a mule you might find that people in the House of Lord's (not commons) is exceptionally helpful for conducting an honest business. So are the Royals. They haven't retained power because they look good or that its tradition. Yes they do a good bit of charity luncheons and teas EVERYWHERE inside the UK with all sorts of groups and societies. But it's actually meeting with their people and understanding their needs and desires.

The UK press is the joke you have been listening to and for some ridiculous reason believing.

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