Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

This is the video that has been aggressively censored by Big Tech. Twitter has repeatedly blocked it from being posted and Google had it removed from YouTube. Please share this video and become a poll challenger for election day:…
Have the people who say the fraud was based on nothing watching these? These are Americans reporting a crime and the states did jack shit about it. A sure sign of complicity for whatever reason from bribes to blackmail and intimidation, or death threats to make sure Trump was not re-elected.
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Have the people who say the fraud was based on nothing watching theses. These are Americans reporting a crime and the states did jack shit about it. A sure sign of complicity for whatever reason to make sure Trump was not re-elected they had.
Good job there, posting testimony from the crazy drunk woman. That'll show 'em.

But then, it is the best evidence you have.
Good job there, posting testimony from the crazy drunk woman. That'll show 'em.

But then, it is the best evidence you have.
Lot more than that posted. The 2020 election was stolen. These American citizens prove it.
Any day now ... :rolleyes:
Have you watched what I posted. Why wasn't there a Congressional investigation. I will tell you why. Because the election was stolen and the Congress was complicit. Bribes and blackmail or just a lust for power they knew it was stolen and not enough time to cover it up.
Not for several years now. Boy who cried wolf on steroids.

What was different about it? I assume it was just another Bigfoot video or something.
The difference is America did not see that on mainstream news. If they did Trump would still be president.
Why don't you believe those Americans? Because the media doesn't?
Because you do. And that's all the energy I'll invest in any claims you make. I just use your BS as a barometer to gauge what is almost certainly bullshit. It really is the boy who cried wolf thing. You might actually stumble on to something legit, but by default I'll write it off as nonsense. That's just the bed you've made for yourself.
Because you do. And that's all the energy I'll invest in any claims you make. I just use your BS as a barometer to gauge what is almost certainly bullshit. It really is the boy who cried wolf thing. You might actually stumble on to something legit, but by default I'll write it off as nonsense. That's just the bed you've made for yourself.
Well, then you are very stupid and you are going to have to live with it.
Well, then you are very stupid and you are going to have to live with it.
Alrighty then.

Have fun storming the castle!


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