Hunter Biden convicted on all 3 charges at federal gun trial

Do you remember the 6 year old who shot their teacher? The mom was brought up on similar charges of lying on her form about her drug use and many people across all parties supported that charge. I know it’s inconvenient but reality always is when you go on a nonsensical rant
Nope. I supported prosecution for unsecured firearm. Is that not what she was convicted of and can you prove it?
Nobody is above the law. He just found out. Just think if a middle class citizen dis what the big whips in the news did. They'd be locked up. The rich and powerful need to be held accountable. They are no more important than the emoyee who makes $10 per hour.
Republicans are excited that the presidents son was found guilty

Democrats are excited that former president Trump as a former president was found guilty in in a felony crime case. He also lost a civil case.

Trump still faces two more felony cases.
Want me to vote for a wealthy person find one I can respect'll never just one I can't refute.
Whether it’s vehicle or a gun, it’s a criminal in possession of something it’s illegal for him to have
This place as you called it is for thinkers and you aren’t one

You know what the public understands? Theft. Stealing things.

You know what they don't understand so much? An overbloated, over-powerful govt telling the citizens who can own what, and for what reasons.

Also, when you've lost, just crawl away.
It’s a national security issue when the sons addict actions all over the globe expose POTUS to constant blackmail probabilities.
Most likely it’s already happened
i'm glad you mentioned blackmail possibilities. it would be better to have a president less susceptible to blackmail? maybe one who pays a little less "hush money"
You know damn well had it been anyone but Hunter Biden they would have been screaming bloody murder about how unconstitutional this was.

See the Rittenhouse straw purchase for reference.
The guy that purchased the gun for rittenhouse was prosecuted.

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