How many times has humanity been wiped down to near extinction?

Why is Gobekli Tepe being punted to “future generations”?
The short answer is "greed, and money". By keeping the site unexcavated adds to the mystery, and is a tourism cash cow. To that end, there is a conspiracy, keeping the site unexcavated. Here is an in depth video about who funds, and manages the site. And it's quite surprising. In the end, the WEF has the final say in what happens to the Gobekli Tepe site.


Right there. A copper blade, a wooden handle, water and quartz sand. All of which were available to the Egyptians. And the granite cuts with a bit of elbow grease. Its called the sand abrasion method.

If they were able to mine or import Emery (mohr 9), it would have been even easier.

And remember, the Great Pyramid is almost entirely limestone, with a Mohr hardness of 2 to 4. So it would be MUCH easier to cut.

Levitation beams? C'mon. There's zero evidence of levitation beams.

For fuck's sake, Machu Picchu was built in 1450. That wasn't that long ago. Where's the evidence of any of the advanced tech you imagine?

I appreciate that copper saws can be used to, eventually, saw through granite. It took three guys to saw through a quarter inch of it.

What effort would be involved to sheer a multi-ton granite block? The interior of granite sarcophagi have perfect right angles…how was that done?
The short answer is "greed, and money". By keeping the site unexcavated adds to the mystery, and is a tourism cash cow. To that end, there is a conspiracy, keeping the site unexcavated. Here is an in depth video about who funds, and manages the site. And it's quite surprising. In the end, the WEF has the final say in what happens to the Gobekli Tepe site.

Yeah Jimmy found out who was behind it. Stellar research on his part
The short answer is "greed, and money". By keeping the site unexcavated adds to the mystery, and is a tourism cash cow. To that end, there is a conspiracy, keeping the site unexcavated. Here is an in depth video about who funds, and manages the site. And it's quite surprising. In the end, the WEF has the final say in what happens to the Gobekli Tepe site.

Archaeology Answers About Ancient Civilizations Indus River Valley, Ancient Maps of the World, Ancient India Civilizations, Ancient China Civilization, Strange Pictures, Dead Men's Secrets, Lost Technology, and more...

^ Rapa Nui (Easter Island), in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean 2,300 mile from Peru


^ Peru, 2,300 miles east of Rapa Nui

How odd that these 2 cultures separated by 2,300 miles of the Pacific Ocean magically developed the same masonry. These primitive people, scraping stones with deer antlers 2,300 miles apart, just so happened to develop similar techniques and aesthetics.

With "no communication whatsoever between the 2 cultures! None! Zip!!" -- Modern Archaeological deboonker
Two very different examples of stone work. The Rapa Nui site shows the builders favored symmetry, and a brick like stacking technique.
Whereas the Peruvian example is very different in a few key ways. Firstly the complete absence of any attempt at symmetry. Additionally the impressive fitting of the stones at their observable face is somewhat of a facade. The rest of the stones beyond the viewing surface are not fitted with the same precision, and gaps are filled with other stones, and crude mortar. What we see at the viewing surface is an artistic finish. Though it doesn't prove out that the entirety of the stones surfaces fit that tightly. They don't. It's only at the face...

The short answer is "greed, and money". By keeping the site unexcavated adds to the mystery, and is a tourism cash cow. To that end, there is a conspiracy, keeping the site unexcavated. Here is an in depth video about who funds, and manages the site. And it's quite surprising. In the end, the WEF has the final say in what happens to the Gobekli Tepe site.


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