What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

ICE says that, or just your cartoon ? So far no authentication.
Now it's gone from "they only come here to stay home and get welfare!" to "some government assistance in some circumstances." Try not to be stupid AND dishonest.
It's a combination. I worked for years in a largely illegal alien neighborhood. The wives stayed at home with stair-step kids while the husband worked either illegally, or in day labor. The women were often illiterate in Spanish and didn't speak a word of English. I often had a kindergarten kid translating for his mother. How did I know their status? The service orders had an income section and it always had Aid for Dependent Children as the income source for the family. So, the illegal alien parents were drawing welfare benefits for multiple kids.
Not property taxes, I worked in a largely illegal alien neighborhood i the San Fernando Valley. Typically, there were seven to ten adults and as many children living in a two-bedroom apartment. The apartments were pads and sleeping bags wall to wall. The utilities were overloaded as was the sewer system. In city owned building complexes the problem was so bad that, as a phone man, when I got an order for an additional phone line in any apartment, I had to go to the management office and the management went with me to inspect the apartment to ensure that no one not on the lease was living there. Each of the additional people were reducing the amount of property taxes per capita being paid. So, no illegal immigrants DON'T pay the same property taxes and utility bills as other people. As for sales tax, a large portion of their salaries go back to their home countries, so they have little to spend on retail goods which are taxed.

And they sure aren't paying enough taxes to support the ~$20K per student cost of the
Chicago Public School system.
Not property taxes, I worked in a largely illegal alien neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley. Typically, there were seven to ten adults and as many children living in a two-bedroom apartment. The apartments were pads and sleeping bags wall to wall. The utilities were overloaded as was the sewer system. In city owned building complexes the problem was so bad that, as a phone man, when I got an order for an additional phone line in any apartment, I had to go to the management office and the management went with me to inspect the apartment to ensure that no one not on the lease was living there. Each of the additional people were reducing the amount of property taxes per capita being paid. So, no illegal immigrants DON'T pay the same property taxes and utility bills as other people. As for sales tax, a large portion of their salaries go back to their home countries, so they have little to spend on retail goods which are taxed.
Harms of Illegal Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
It's a combination. I worked for years in a largely illegal alien neighborhood. The wives stayed at home with stair-step kids while the husband worked either illegally, or in day labor. The women were often illiterate in Spanish and didn't speak a word of English. I often had a kindergarten kid translating for his mother. How did I know their status? The service orders had an income section and it always had Aid for Dependent Children as the income source for the family. So, the illegal alien parents were drawing welfare benefits for multiple kids.
Anchor babies.
And they sure aren't paying enough taxes to support the ~$20K per student cost of the
Chicago Public School system.
According to the LAUSD, Los Angeles spends nearly $19,000.00 ($18,788.00) per student. That figure doesn't include interest on school bonds, maintenance of school buildings or construction of school buildings. All those expenses should be amortized against the students as costs as well.
ICE says that, or just your cartoon ? So far no authentication.
it only takes a few seconds to find it:

Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago
Many misdemeanors require jail time.
Less serious than felonies and more serious than infractions, misdemeanors typically carry a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail.
  • Misdemeanor crimes are less serious than felonies but more serious than infractions. ...
  • In most states, a person convicted of a misdemeanor faces up to a year in jail.
  • Not every misdemeanor conviction results in time behind bars. ...
  • A misdemeanor record might not seem serious, but it can affect future employment, housing, and professional opportunities. ...

Misdemeanor Crimes: What Are the Penalties for Conviction? | AllL…"​

View attachment 952823

And they sure aren't paying enough taxes to support the ~$20K per student cost of the
Chicago Public School system.

Come on Unkotare show me I'm wrong.
Use an bounty system....10K a head, 12K for a preggers one.

Hell I bet the cartels would want a piece of that action.....At least 10K coming and going. ;)
We'll leave the pregnant ladies out of it. So 10 thousand times 15 million wouldn't be very expensive?
Actually, it would be quite simple.

Just make it illegal to employ anyone who is not in the country legally, either formally or informally, AND ENFORCE THAT LAW. Send violators to jail and issue hefty fines to them and their employers. Second, prohibit any benefits of our "safety net" from going to people who are not in the country legally, including public schools, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, housing subsidies, and so on. AND ENFORCE IT.

Then offer transportation assistance to get the people back to any country where they can legally reside.

Should the problem arise of "people doing work that Americans won't do," increase the scope of guest worker laws while making it illegal for guest workers to bring their families, and requiring a fixed date by which they must return to their home countries, respectively.

As icing on the cake, impose an immediate 5% assessment on all funds transferred from foreign nationals in the U.S. to their home countries. Maybe Trump could thereby get "Mexico" to pay for the fucking wall.

Cancel anything relating to "Dreamers," who are in fact illegal aliens, and treat them just as you would any other illegal alien.

Really, it wouldn't be that difficult.

That would work, though using e-Verify should be an ABSOLUTE defense. Any illegal having ANY contact of ANY kind with ANY government agency at any level, or any emergency medical treatment of any kind, should be deported immediately.

My wife is still all for having illegals rounded up en masse and shot.
They mostly support themselves.

They would pay taxes if you let them.

Yeah, I guess the fentanyl dealers are "supporting themselves" by selling drugs...

LOL .. "asylum" is just the new word for illegal alien and to allow them entry into the United States .. and we all know it.

What exactly are they seeking asylum from?

Wrong. If an immigrant is here in violation of our laws he is by definition an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.
Wrong. I know you kids aren't real big on following the constitution but it's pretty clear on this point. Everybody gets due process.

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