What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

Now it's gone from "they only come here to stay home and get welfare!" to "some government assistance in some circumstances." Try not to be stupid AND dishonest.
I've not stated that ... so touche on being stupid and dishonest. The problem is .. the illegals come here under the guise of 'asylum' which places them in a different legal category ... regardless .. you were wrong .. as they do suck off the government tit at all levels: federal, state and local. Cheers!
Do you know that the border bill that was presented by the GOP in the house was destroyed by Johnson at the demand of tRump (the t is silent). All because the border solution must not be done while Biden is president. It must be done under tRump.

Biden fucked up the border with no GOP help, he can fix it with no GOP help.

Or not.
Well you'd have to. You redstaters don't produce jack shit.

Pull your head from you ass, if you can.

Or seek medical attention (in a blue state....I am sure Kansas would love to be rid of your sorry low I.Q. person).
Pull your head from you ass, if you can.

Or seek medical attention (in a blue state....I am sure Kansas would love to be rid of your sorry low I.Q. person).
Again, I'd have to go to a blue stare. Redstate healthcare is the bottom of the barrel.
Again, I'd have to go to a blue stare. Redstate healthcare is the bottom of the barrel.

I always got great healthcare in Johnson County. And I get great healthcare in Mesa AZ.

You are a moron.

What you need is mental healthcare.....only I am afraid that in your case:

yea i get it but apparently you dont get it....what they did was useless because they just kept on coming in even after that,no doubt the same people...so what was the point?..........
The point is that Operation Wetbacks are not a one time thing. They are an all the time thing. Have to keep on going. That;s why we need Trump. Biden is the opposite. He does everythnig he can to bring them in.
The point is that Operation Wetbacks are not a one time thing. They are an all the time thing. Have to keep on going. That;s why we need Trump. Biden is the opposite. He does everythnig he can to bring them in.
yea trump will deport them all.....i cant believe you believe that....
To note, it's a misdemeanor. People don't go to jail over misdemeanor.
Many misdemeanors require jail time.
Less serious than felonies and more serious than infractions, misdemeanors typically carry a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail.
  • Misdemeanor crimes are less serious than felonies but more serious than infractions. ...
  • In most states, a person convicted of a misdemeanor faces up to a year in jail.
  • Not every misdemeanor conviction results in time behind bars. ...
  • A misdemeanor record might not seem serious, but it can affect future employment, housing, and professional opportunities. ...

Misdemeanor Crimes: What Are the Penalties for Conviction? | AllL…"​


No they aren't. They become productive members of society like any set of babies. Their parents pay the same property taxes as anyone else does. Same sales taxes. Etc.
Not property taxes, I worked in a largely illegal alien neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley. Typically, there were seven to ten adults and as many children living in a two-bedroom apartment. The apartments were pads and sleeping bags wall to wall. The utilities were overloaded as was the sewer system. In city owned building complexes the problem was so bad that, as a phone man, when I got an order for an additional phone line in any apartment, I had to go to the management office and the management went with me to inspect the apartment to ensure that no one not on the lease was living there. Each of the additional people were reducing the amount of property taxes per capita being paid. So, no illegal immigrants DON'T pay the same property taxes and utility bills as other people. As for sales tax, a large portion of their salaries go back to their home countries, so they have little to spend on retail goods which are taxed.
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I had a neighbor who worked for social services. They weren't even allowed to ask about citizenship when anyone applied for welfare and other social benefits. Illegals with American born children got all the benefits in their child's name and boy did they take advantage. Section 8 housing, food stamps, WIC, transportation assistance (usually free bus passes) Free breakfasts and lunches at school and take-home food in the summer.

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