Pentagon warns that ISIS will reconstitute

DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
If you would quit undermining the president in hopes that he fails, in which transcribes into Americans failing, then maybe we could win these wars. Kind of hard to win a fight with all you Libby's tugging on the arm causing us to have just one arm left to fight with.
I know right?

We all know that Trump never lies. Trump always tells the truth. That’s how he was raised.
No doubt we kick arses, but whose arses did we kick?

Assad is a chess piece of Iran ... we don't like Iran

ISIS are buttholes, but they hate Assad and Iran

One criterion you should always have before going to war is ... knowing who is the enemy.

Bombing everyone and letting Allah sort it out typically isn't a sound basis for International diplomacy.
I don't even think that is true....Assad is an Alawite, which, as you probably now, is a Muslim splinter sect.....IMO, he wouldn't allow himself to be a plaything of ether the Sunni or Shia.
I would have asked the Intel chiefs, "would a reconstituted ISIS be more dangerous than the reconstituted Al Qaeda?" Would it be just more target practice for CIA drones? Is there any way of preventing ISIS from reconstituting? (didn't think so)
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....

Of course radical Muslims will spawn in the Middle East, and everywhere else Islam is allowed to fester.

Syria is a clusterfuck that Obama got us into. We support “opposition groups” of Assad, which happen to also be the goal of ISIS. It’s best we get the fuck out and let Assad, Iran, and Putin deal with ISIS in Syria.
ISIS is kinda a problem
Kind of? Lol

They were/are super organized, just like the Nazi's were-
No they weren't lol. They were a ragtag group that WAS ALLOWED TO EXPAND because Bush & Obama were inept.

They were organizational geniuses
You are full of stupid today.
Sorry you don't like the reality, Gramp, but it is folly to underestimate your enemy. Explain how this ragtag group took over most of Iraq and Syria right under the noses of three active armies. Explain the terror attacks in Europe and US directed or inspired by them.
Ragtag my ass.
They were good. The radicals will regroup--we've known that. This is a war of beliefs that will continue for decades, generations. Let's hope it isn't goddamned ISIS again. I think we've killed off most of the smart leaders. Let's hope.
Sorry you don't like the reality, Gramp, but it is folly to underestimate your enemy. Explain how this ragtag group took over most of Iraq and Syria

Reality? YOU are as blind as a bat.

ISIS became what they were because US presidents didn't have the balls to do what was needed BEFORE they got so big.

Bush ignored them and Obama armed them.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
If you would quit undermining the president in hopes that he fails, in which transcribes into Americans failing, then maybe we could win these wars. Kind of hard to win a fight with all you Libby's tugging on the arm causing us to have just one arm left to fight with.

As a centrist, I'd like to rip both arms off and shove them... somewhere unpleasant.

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