Pentagon warns that ISIS will reconstitute

Yes they will like they did when they went from Al-Qaeda in Iraq to ISIS after President Obama pulled the troops from Iraq against the advise of his military advisors and commanders.
It was a campaign promise.
ISIS isnt the problem.
Its radical muslims.
How do you eradicate that, jim?
Radical Islam is the problem, but ISIS is kinda a problem. They were/are super organized, just like the Nazi's were--they just took the ball and ran with it. Took over money making territory, scared the shit out of the civilians and set up and ran local governments that worked better than the ones before. They were organizational geniuses. Their manipulation of social media for recruitment and terror strikes world wide, and the immediate "drafting" of all young boys over 8 into the militia, effectively brainwashing them, has had a lasting effect that won't be going anywhere soon. Too bad they didn't have a worthwhile cause.
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DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
So of course the only proper thing to do is kill off more young Americans, maim more young Americans on a possibility that ISIS or some other jihadist organization might rear its head.

Perhaps we might actually learn something for once. Pull the young Americans out. Allow them to have a life that is not cut short or affected by war in a country that does not want us there to start with. Then perhaps give financial or military aid as needed. Let the countries that don't want us in them do their own fighting.

Or since you seem to be so sure that we need to stay perhaps we pull our troops out and you volunteer to take their place? That would be a win win.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
Don't worry. The smartest black man in the world told us it was the JV team.

I will admit that was a stupid statement. Now....if you trump humpers will admit some of the idiotic shit your Great Leader might feel better...
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
Don't worry. The smartest black man in the world told us it was the JV team.

I will admit that was a stupid statement. Now....if you trump humpers will admit some of the idiotic shit your Great Leader might feel better...
Admitting to something being as patently stupid as Obama's JV comment is more of a grasp of the obvious than a concession. Now, admitting that Obama was a failure would be a true concession and indeed a grasp of the obvious.

It is at that point we can start.
Jim is now officially a warmonger.

In Vietnam they were called baby killers...............before being a baby killer was popular, that is.

Third trimester abortion anyone?
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DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
Don't worry. The smartest black man in the world told us it was the JV team.

I will admit that was a stupid statement. Now....if you trump humpers will admit some of the idiotic shit your Great Leader might feel better...
Admitting to something being as patently stupid as Obama's JV comment is more of a grasp of the obvious than a concession. Now, admitting that Obama was a failure would be a true concession and indeed a grasp of the obvious.

It is at that point we can start.

Ain't gonna happen...

Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Their Lifetime, Followed by Clinton, Reagan

But pull the covers up over your head and keep convincing will help you sleep.
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
Don't worry. The smartest black man in the world told us it was the JV team.

I will admit that was a stupid statement. Now....if you trump humpers will admit some of the idiotic shit your Great Leader might feel better...
Admitting to something being as patently stupid as Obama's JV comment is more of a grasp of the obvious than a concession. Now, admitting that Obama was a failure would be a true concession and indeed a grasp of the obvious.

It is at that point we can start.

Ain't gonna happen...

Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Their Lifetime, Followed by Clinton, Reagan

But pull the covers up over your head and keep convincing will help you sleep.
If you can't concede the obvious mediocrity of the Obama presidency, there is no point in asking concessions from others.
'ISIS will reconstitute''

Scattered Cockroaches Re-Group....water is wet, fire is hot, snow is cold....etc...
DOD draft report: ISIS could regroup fast without military pressure

Thank goodness we have a president that knows better and is probably the smartest human alive that is an expert on EVERYTHING!
He is personally going to Syria....unarmed ...and take ISIS out....
Don't worry. The smartest black man in the world told us it was the JV team.

I will admit that was a stupid statement. Now....if you trump humpers will admit some of the idiotic shit your Great Leader might feel better...
Admitting to something being as patently stupid as Obama's JV comment is more of a grasp of the obvious than a concession. Now, admitting that Obama was a failure would be a true concession and indeed a grasp of the obvious.

It is at that point we can start.

Ain't gonna happen...

Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Their Lifetime, Followed by Clinton, Reagan

But pull the covers up over your head and keep convincing will help you sleep.
If you can't concede the obvious mediocrity of the Obama presidency, there is no point in asking concessions from others.

But pull the covers up over your head and keep convincing will help you sleep.
The Obama Presidency was NOT 'mediocre'. It was epically criminal

The man set a new Presidential record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...with a LOT of help from Hillary. :p
Maybe we shouldn't be importing more of em, then handing them taxpayer money which goes right back into funding terrorism. At least we aren't landing planeloads of cash in terrorist countries anymore or letting State Dept send them warehouses of weapons
Maybe we shouldn't be importing more of em, then handing them taxpayer money which goes right back into funding terrorism. At least we aren't landing planeloads of cash in terrorist countries anymore or letting State Dept send them warehouses of weapons

Nope....we just turn our backs on brutal murders and even dismemberment cause "they buy our stuff" Dictators and Thugs rule the day!

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