Cafeteria Centrist
The Democrats panic as 2.6 million people flee from the counties that voted for Biden
● “A new report just published by Issues and Insights is showing yet another extraordinary disparity between red states and blue states, or better, red counties versus blue counties… They found that there’s been a massive migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump!”
● “The Census data shows that almost 2.6 million residents left blue counties and moved to red counties since Biden was elected.”
● “It’s a virtual one-to-one correlation. For every one person Biden counties lost, Trump counties gained!
● “In red states, states that are gaining population by leaps and bounds, even in red states, the blue counties are losing population.”
● “The trend appears to be very clear; it looks like we’re seeing a massive political realignment, one that will eventually, inevitably, consign the Democrats to a permanent minority status in American politics!”
Dr Steve Truley
The corrupt Democrat Party's radical and racist policies make their cities unlivable for mainstream people.
People want safe places with good schools and good jobs to raise their children in.
It looks like the GOP states are becoming more solid and the Dems states are becoming more shaky.
It's called White Flight... and it's been underway since the advent of the so-called Great Migration (a.k.a. the Great Plague of Locusts)...