People who don't believe in climate change, why don't you believe in it?

Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


I think they do, but are denying it simply along partisan lines. Would have to be the world's biggest fools not to believe your own eyes.
Believe what? What do you think you have? Please I'm curious
Obumble said Climate Change is the greatest threat to our future so it must be true. Our only hope is to create carbon taxes and penalties on companies and countries which may reduce global temperature increases. Or it may have no effect at all, nobody knows for sure that is why we must act now. Do I have that about right Warmers?
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?


I think they do, but are denying it simply along partisan lines. Would have to be the world's biggest fools not to believe your own eyes.
How do you account for the 400 ft rise in sea levels that occurred before man built cities?

How about coming out of an ice age... (those who do not know history are doomed to be ignorant of it and Morons..) and you are dealing some of them..
Why do you think accepting AGW means one believes that no changes took place in the Earth's climate prior to the Industrial Revolution?

No mainstream scientist ever gave you that idea.

PS: a 400 foot rise would be from melting ice. A larger version of what looks to now be unavoidable within the next century... And much faster and with a hell of a lot more people's homes and infrastructure destroyed than happened in prehistoric times.

Low solar output is going to be your undoing.. Love that prediction..Just two years from now your prediction will be shown wrong..
Obumble said Climate Change is the greatest threat to our future so it must be true. Our only hope is to create carbon taxes and penalties on companies and countries which may reduce global temperature increases. Or it may have no effect at all, nobody knows for sure that is why we must act now. Do I have that about right Warmers?
There is a difference in not believing in climate change and not believing in human driven climate change. It is not the result that I struggle to believe, but the causes. It has become a political weapon and it is now impossible to see the situation with no bias.
It changes. But not because of some human actions. And nowadays we have too many opinions and too many social problems so the humanity would be better to stop trying to regulate the climate change because it's useless.
Obumble said Climate Change is the greatest threat to our future so it must be true. Our only hope is to create carbon taxes and penalties on companies and countries which may reduce global temperature increases. Or it may have no effect at all, nobody knows for sure that is why we must act now. Do I have that about right Warmers?
There is a difference in not believing in climate change and not believing in human driven climate change. It is not the result that I struggle to believe, but the causes. It has become a political weapon and it is now impossible to see the situation with no bias.
Why has it become political?

Answer: because it is ALL about politics (not science)....and the elites who advocate for it offer the solution of ever expanding centralized government. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Renewable energy tends to be de-centralizing. That is one of the reasons I like it.

Probably, and it is logical, human waste and excess is causing undesirable changes in the environment and should be corrected. This is for aesthetic, health and economic reasons. 'Nature' doesn't care, and, besides, we are nature, aren't we? Or did humans drop in from some other dimension?
Whether or not mankind is causing global warming is almost beside the point. The question is, what does it serve to excessively and uselessly consume energy and eject trash?
Renewable energy tends to be de-centralizing. That is one of the reasons I like it.

Probably, and it is logical, human waste and excess is causing undesirable changes in the environment and should be corrected. This is for aesthetic, health and economic reasons. 'Nature' doesn't care, and, besides, we are nature, aren't we? Or did humans drop in from some other dimension?
Whether or not mankind is causing global warming is almost beside the point. The question is, what does it serve to excessively and uselessly consume energy and eject trash?

The hard part is defining "excessively." I think it's excessive to fly a jet over 1000 miles to make a speech about reducing fossil fuel consumption when that same speech could have been made at the White House. I think it's wrong to put an artificial limit on what regular people can consume while exempting governments from those limits.

How much fuel consumption do you think is excessive?
And yet if he convinces a small percentage more people to conserve, he can easily overcome the carbon 'cost' of flying that jet and have a much larger effect down the road.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

Your question is the wrong one. Climate change happens all the time. The question is, do you believe man is causing climate change. And another is, Do you believe man can stop climate change.
Perhaps man has a small effect on climate change but I doubt it. But if you believe man can stop mother Nature you are brain dead.
The Netherlands does it. Everyone in climates to cold for naked humans does it. Everyone in climates to hot for naked humans does it.

And if man made it warmer, man HAS "stopped mother nature".
Obumble said Climate Change is the greatest threat to our future so it must be true. Our only hope is to create carbon taxes and penalties on companies and countries which may reduce global temperature increases. Or it may have no effect at all, nobody knows for sure that is why we must act now. Do I have that about right Warmers?
There is a difference in not believing in climate change and not believing in human driven climate change. It is not the result that I struggle to believe, but the causes. It has become a political weapon and it is now impossible to see the situation with no bias.

That's not true. The man caused global warmists have made it political. They abandoned science a long time ago. The facts are the climate changes, and has always changed. It is entirely natural and man has no effect on the global climate.
Really? And the AGU, the GSA, and the American Institute of Physics agrees with you, correct? No, not correct at all. These Scientific Socities say you are completely full of shit.
And what would be your answers to those questions?

Yes, and NO!

That would be yes, you believe man is changing the climate but no, he is unable to stop "Mother Nature".

So, Westwall, you believe man is changing the climate. How is he doing that?

That would be NO, man has NO influence on the climate and you had better watch your step buster. Misrepresenting what I said is against the rules as you very well know.
Really? And the AGU, the GSA, and the American Institute of Physics agrees with you, correct? No, not correct at all. These Scientific Socities say you are completely full of shit.

I don't care what those money grubbing silly people say. I'm a scientist, not a welfare recipient.

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