People Within the FBI Need to Go to Prison

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday defended Rod Rosenstein after a handful of right-wing Republican lawmakers who zealously back President Trump moved to impeach the deputy AG.

“My deputy, Rod Rosenstein, is highly capable. I have the highest confidence in him,” Sessions said during an appearance in Boston, before essentially thumbing his nose at the 11 Republicans who launched the effort.

die-hard trump deranged traitors are slowing being isolated. :eusa_clap:
Sessions fought the release the documents to the People and should be fired.
Why did they break the law getting the warrant then lie about using the unverified dossier?
We know why.

On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves. Now that we can see it all in black and white — mostly black, as they are heavily redacted — it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.

Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

This sensational allegation came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy. The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified. To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

What ‘Verify’ Means

Consider this: The representation that the FBI’s verification procedures include sending the application to “appropriate field offices” is standard in FISA warrant applications. It is done because the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) mandates that the bureau “ensure that information appearing in a FISA application that is presented to the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] has been thoroughly vetted and confirmed.” (See House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes March 1, 2018, letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, embedded here.) The point is to assure the court that the FBI has corroborated the allegations in the warrant application in the usual way.

A hypothetical shows how this works. Let’s say that X, an informant, tells the FBI in Washington that Y, a person in St. Louis, told him that Z, the suspect, is plotting to rob the bank.

X’s story is unverified; he doesn’t know anything firsthand about Z — he only knows what Y has told him. Obviously, then, the FBI does not instantly run to court and seek a warrant against Z. Instead, the bureau sends an investigative “lead” from headquarters in Washington to the FBI field office in St. Louis. FBI agents in St. Louis then go find and interview Y. Based on that interview, the FBI gathers supporting information (perhaps physical surveillance of Z, scrutiny of available documents and records about Z, etc.). Only then, after debriefing the witness with competent knowledge, do the Justice Department and FBI seek a warrant against Z from the court. In the application, they explain to the judge that they have verified X’s information by interviewing Y and then corroborating Y’s version of events. In fact, if they get solid enough information about Z from Y, there may be no reason even to mention X, whose tip to the FBI was sheer hearsay.

But that is not what happened with the Carter Page FISA warrants.

Were the allegations thoroughly vetted and confirmed by proof independent of Steele before being presented to the FISA court? No, they were not.
The FBI presented the court with allegations posited by Steele. He is in the position of X in our hypothetical. He is not the source of any of the relevant information on which the court was asked to rely for its probable-cause finding that Page was a clandestine agent of Russia. In this context, source means a reliable witness who saw or heard some occurrence on which the court is being asked to base its ruling.

Steele has not been in Russia for about 20 years. In connection with the dossier allegations, he was merely the purveyor of information from the actual sources — unidentified Russians who themselves relied on hearsay information from other sources (sometimes double and triple hearsay, very attenuated from the supposed original source).

Keep reading…

Sadly, no one will ever go to prison for this. Plenty of republicans are as invested it wrecking Trump as Democrats are.
You may be correct. the Deep State is deep.
So, how deep is it? LOL

What conspiratorial gibberish. Your savior Trump is a compromised, corrupt miserable little man. All your denial and deflection does not change that in the least.
Imagine if, after 9/11, the president had said that the World Trade Center and Pentagon could have been attacked by “China” or “lots of other people.” Imagine if he had dismissed claims of al-Qaeda’s responsibility as a “hoax” and said that he “really” believed Osama bin Laden’s denials. Imagine if he saw the attack primarily as a political embarrassment to be minimized rather than as a national security threat to be combated. Imagine if he threatened to fire the investigators trying to find out what happened.

Imagine that the same group of people who fantasized about a new Pearl Harbor as an excuse for endless war managed to get themselves in power and suddenly their wildest dreams came true

Imagine that there have been only 3 skyscrapers in history that managed to fall in their own footprint as a result of fire and it all happened on the same day, in the same place

Imagine that the FBI guy in charge of that investigation is the same guy who now says the Russians did it

Imagination is a wonderful thing

Why did they break the law getting the warrant then lie about using the unverified dossier?
We know why.

On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves. Now that we can see it all in black and white — mostly black, as they are heavily redacted — it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.

Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

This sensational allegation came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy. The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified. To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

What ‘Verify’ Means

Consider this: The representation that the FBI’s verification procedures include sending the application to “appropriate field offices” is standard in FISA warrant applications. It is done because the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) mandates that the bureau “ensure that information appearing in a FISA application that is presented to the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] has been thoroughly vetted and confirmed.” (See House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes March 1, 2018, letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, embedded here.) The point is to assure the court that the FBI has corroborated the allegations in the warrant application in the usual way.

A hypothetical shows how this works. Let’s say that X, an informant, tells the FBI in Washington that Y, a person in St. Louis, told him that Z, the suspect, is plotting to rob the bank.

X’s story is unverified; he doesn’t know anything firsthand about Z — he only knows what Y has told him. Obviously, then, the FBI does not instantly run to court and seek a warrant against Z. Instead, the bureau sends an investigative “lead” from headquarters in Washington to the FBI field office in St. Louis. FBI agents in St. Louis then go find and interview Y. Based on that interview, the FBI gathers supporting information (perhaps physical surveillance of Z, scrutiny of available documents and records about Z, etc.). Only then, after debriefing the witness with competent knowledge, do the Justice Department and FBI seek a warrant against Z from the court. In the application, they explain to the judge that they have verified X’s information by interviewing Y and then corroborating Y’s version of events. In fact, if they get solid enough information about Z from Y, there may be no reason even to mention X, whose tip to the FBI was sheer hearsay.

But that is not what happened with the Carter Page FISA warrants.

Were the allegations thoroughly vetted and confirmed by proof independent of Steele before being presented to the FISA court? No, they were not.
The FBI presented the court with allegations posited by Steele. He is in the position of X in our hypothetical. He is not the source of any of the relevant information on which the court was asked to rely for its probable-cause finding that Page was a clandestine agent of Russia. In this context, source means a reliable witness who saw or heard some occurrence on which the court is being asked to base its ruling.

Steele has not been in Russia for about 20 years. In connection with the dossier allegations, he was merely the purveyor of information from the actual sources — unidentified Russians who themselves relied on hearsay information from other sources (sometimes double and triple hearsay, very attenuated from the supposed original source).

Keep reading…

Sadly, no one will ever go to prison for this. Plenty of republicans are as invested it wrecking Trump as Democrats are.
You may be correct. the Deep State is deep.
So, how deep is it? LOL

What conspiratorial gibberish. Your savior Trump is a compromised, corrupt miserable little man. All your denial and deflection does not change that in the least.
The only thing compromised is the sanity of the Left.
So, how deep is it? LOL
What conspiratorial gibberish. Your savior Trump is a compromised, corrupt miserable little man. All your denial and deflection does not change that in the least.

And who would YOU say would have been better? Hillary, the Angel?
A few more terms for Obama? (Not even a smidgen of corruption)
So, how deep is it? LOL
What conspiratorial gibberish. Your savior Trump is a compromised, corrupt miserable little man. All your denial and deflection does not change that in the least.

And who would YOU say would have been better? Hillary, the Angel?
A few more terms for Obama? (Not even a smidgen of corruption)
Trump should have the IRS go after everything related to the Dem Party now that we know no one will even get fired let alone go to prison.
The only thing compromised is the sanity of the Left.

I don't think it's just the Left. Examples: Paul Ryan and before him John Boehnor. (RINO's ?)
The government is corrupt. I don't see any path to righting the ship. Just going to get worse and worse over time.
We may be too far along to stop what appears to be coming.
If they could pass Obamacare, the Patriot Act, Civil Forfeiture and warrantless searches......we're done.
The Constitution is meaningless for all intents and purposes. Look at the FBI.

We The People now have a very long history of failure to act when we should have.
There is no Congress, no Court and ultimately, no Constitution in the way of evil men IMO.

It is true that Trump is no savior. Elected officials cannot be. He may be doing things in Americas best interests, but he is essentially skipping over restoring what's good specifically for the American people. Don't you find that odd?

Where's that wall? Look closely and we see that ultimately, he's doing as told. Business as usual. His Kavanaugh pick for SCOTUS is pro Deep instructed.
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Why did they break the law getting the warrant then lie about using the unverified dossier?
We know why.

Back in the USSR, they didn't even put up with this shit.

Dr. Michael Savage has called Robert Mueller "the Beria of America". If you'll remember Beria was the hyper partisan ultraliberal leader of the NKVD (the USSR's version of the FBI) who said "show me the man, I'll show you the crime"

Beria was brought up on charges and was sentenced to be shot within 24 hours and he was.

Why should America put up with the modern Beriaites?
So, how deep is it? LOL
What conspiratorial gibberish. Your savior Trump is a compromised, corrupt miserable little man. All your denial and deflection does not change that in the least.

And who would YOU say would have been better? Hillary, the Angel?
A few more terms for Obama? (Not even a smidgen of corruption)
Trump should have the IRS go after everything related to the Dem Party now that we know no one will even get fired let alone go to prison.

The President should really break up the IRS. Obama political operatives like Lerner have ruined that system.
The President should really break up the IRS. Obama political operatives like Lerner have ruined that system.

"Should" but won't. Why? That's what you have to keep asking yourself.
The President doesn't have as much leeway or power as we think.
That included Obama who would have done MUCH worse if he had been fully unleashed.

Control of this nation now rests in the hands of extremely powerful, deep pocketed elitists.
They are why we peasants are at each others throats (diversion).
They are why there will be no wall. They are why our elected officials seem to defy logic and never do what's best for the American people EVERY time.

And their grip is tightening. Examples - Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller for starters
Recall that we were just as dissatisfied with the same officials under Obama.
The game is always the same. Only the names change.
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WOW, send the law enforcers rather than the law breakers to jail. Welcome to the new conservatism.

Lying to a Judge to obtain a warrant is a crime, Shitforbrains.
no one lied, but your liar n chief and his lap dogs, nunes, gaetz, gowdy, jordan etc.....

the 400 page Fisa warrant has a hell of a lot more in it than a 36 page dossier....

and a full page is dedicated to explaining the dossier as opposition research.... :rolleyes:

yeah yeah.... Trump told you not to believe what you see and hear and read, only believe him! And you follow him like a good little minion!
The President doesn't have as much leeway or power as we think.
no one but the mindless thinks the President should have that power.... he/the executive is only 1 part of the 3 branches of government created by our founders!
no one lied, but your liar n chief and his lap dogs, nunes, gaetz, gowdy, jordan etc.....
the 400 page Fisa warrant has a hell of a lot more in it than a 36 page dossier....
and a full page is dedicated to explaining the dossier as opposition research.... :rolleyes:
yeah yeah.... Trump told you not to believe what you see and hear and read, only believe him! And you follow him like a good little minion!

Stop it.
The exact same garbage took place under Obama as it would have under Hillary.
They've got you right where they want you. Believing ONE SIDE is on your side.
no one but the mindless thinks the President should have that power.... he/the executive is only 1 part of the 3 branches of government created by our founders!

True. that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.
But you haven't noticed the imbalances lately? Congress with virtually no subpoena powers? A Supreme Court that twists interpretations to enable unlawful edicts? Presidents that over step executive privileges? Judges that legislate from the bench?

Too many people may be so busy whooping it up for the side they believe is aligned with their ideals that they fail to see the bigger picture. EXACTLY as planned.
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no one lied, but your liar n chief and his lap dogs, nunes, gaetz, gowdy, jordan etc.....
the 400 page Fisa warrant has a hell of a lot more in it than a 36 page dossier....
and a full page is dedicated to explaining the dossier as opposition research.... :rolleyes:
yeah yeah.... Trump told you not to believe what you see and hear and read, only believe him! And you follow him like a good little minion!

Stop it.
The exact same garbage took place under Obama as it would have under Hillary.
They've got you right where they want you. Believing ONE SIDE is on your side.
I have a mind of my own, and have eyes that can read and I can discern what I see and read.... I don't need to make up bull crud lies, like your beloved Russian and Right Wing media and handful of congress critters in bed with Trump....

try it some time.... think for yourself.... go through the 400 page FISA yourself.... think of what is behind all of those classified blacked out lines, that the Judge got to see...
I have a mind of my own, and have eyes that can read and I can discern what I see and read.... I don't need to make up bull crud lies, like your beloved Russian and Right Wing media and handful of congress critters in bed with Trump....

try it some time.... think for yourself.... go through the 400 page FISA yourself.... think of what is behind all of those classified blacked out lines, that the Judge got to see...

You have a mind of your own you say.......
But you really believe Russia is the big threat? Seriously?

Poor little America.....that big mean Russia (with an economy the size of Italy's) is running our country.

So who are all the other Congress critters in bed with?

T-H-I-N-K. That's all it takes. But you must first remove the blinders.
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WOW, send the law enforcers rather than the law breakers to jail. Welcome to the new conservatism.

Lying to a Judge to obtain a warrant is a crime, Shitforbrains.
Hey Dumbass here is a link, and real news, that can explain the Steele Dossier and its links to the Mueller Investigation that even you may be able to understand.

Trump Says The Steele Dossier Launched The Mueller Probe - It Didn't

George Papadopoulos Case Needs a Closer Look | National Review
...try it some time.... think for yourself.... go through the 400 page FISA yourself.... think of what is behind all of those classified blacked out lines, that the Judge got to see...

Try to think about black lines, if you do it long enough you'll realize that the Russians did it.....


Congress with virtually no subpoena powers?
they do have subpoena power, but they do NOT with opened and on going official investigations, until after the investigation is complete.

They will get their chance after the on going investigation is completed.

THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN the rules and regs and protocol.

What these congress critters are doing, breaks all rules and protocol, and is bordering on obstruction of an official investigation.

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