Per Capita Taxes Have Nearly Doubled Since JFK


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK
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One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK
careful where you go weather. LOL
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK
careful where you go weather. LOL
A. The lower half pays no taxes.
B. It is obvious the middle class is bearing the load of Federal taxes and regulations.
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK

What a load of bullshit - Revenues are a proxy to economic activity, the reason there are more taxes collected per person is because the economic activity is so much greater per person, even while Federal tax rates are way lower compared to 1960s.

In 1961 MINIMAL tax bracket was 20% , even if you made just 1 dollar, and top marginal tax was 91%, with a gradual increase in between.
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK

What a load of bullshit - Revenues are a proxy to economic activity, the reason there are more taxes collected per person is because the economic activity is so much greater per person, even while Federal tax rates are way lower compared to 1960s.

In 1961 MINIMUM tax was 20% , even if you made just 1 dollar and top marginal tax was 91%, with a gradual increase in between.
Dufus moron thinks people paid 91% in taxes, ignoring the fact there were so many loopholes and write offs they hardly paid any taxes.
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK

Move along citizen or there will be no bread for you.
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK

What a load of bullshit - Revenues are a proxy to economic activity, the reason there are more taxes collected per person is because the economic activity is so much greater per person, even while Federal tax rates are way lower compared to 1960s.

In 1961 MINIMUM tax was 20% , even if you made just 1 dollar and top marginal tax was 91%, with a gradual increase in between.
Dufus moron thinks people paid 91% in taxes, ignoring the fact there were so many loopholes and write offs they hardly paid any taxes.

Dufus moron you haven't addressed anything.
Every time the government "shuts down" does anyone notice?

lol Yes, dummy, people do tend to notice total dysfunction.
What was dysfunctional in the last government shutdown? Besides the Park Service paying rangers overtime to block off areas outside of national park property that is?

You are such an idiot I don't even know where to begin to explain to you all the shit that would hit the fan if government truly would shut down fully for even a week.

But I will put it to you in terms of politics - Republicans would be out of office so fast it would make your head spin.
Every time the government "shuts down" does anyone notice?

lol Yes, dummy, people do tend to notice total dysfunction.
What was dysfunctional in the last government shutdown? Besides the Park Service paying rangers overtime to block off areas outside of national park property that is?

You are such an idiot I don't even know where to begin to explain to you all the shit that would hit the fan if government truly would shut down fully for even a week.

But I will put it to you in terms of politics - Republicans would be out of office so fast it would make your head spin.

Really? Because Harry Reid would refuse to play ball and then blame Republicans and the media would parrot whatever he said. Yet somehow, the Republicans now control the house and senate as well as the administration and 33 governorships and state legislatures. Tell us again how your scenario hurts Republicans.
One of the major reasons millennials are having such a difficult time getting ahead. Then there’s all the regulation. If the 1961 town fathers of Gardendale, Alabama had proposed requiring teenagers to get a “business license” before cutting grass they’d have been run out of town on a rail — perhaps literally.

Real federal taxes per capita have more than doubled since John F. Kennedy served as president — and argued for lower taxes.

In 1961, the fiscal year Kennedy was elected, the federal government collected about $94.388 billion in taxes, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The population that year was about 183,691,481, according to the Census Bureau. That meant federal tax revenues equaled about $514 per capita — or $4,121 in 2016 dollars.

By 1965, the fiscal year Lyndon Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, the federal government collected about $116.817 billion in taxes from a population of about 194,302,963. That year federal taxes equaled about $601 per capita — or $4,578 in 2016 dollars.

In fiscal 2016, according to OMB, the federal government collected about $3.268 trillion in taxes. That equaled about $10,114 for each of the 323,127,513 people in the country.

Per capita federal taxation in fiscal 2016 was 121 percent more than it was in 1965 and 145 percent more than it was in 1961.

Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK
careful where you go weather. LOL
A. The lower half pays no taxes.
B. It is obvious the middle class is bearing the load of Federal taxes and regulations.
No, the middle class dos NOT carry the load of federal taxes on their shoulders, the upper class carries the burden federally....

In State taxes, the lower and middle class carry the tax burden....
We are paying more of federal taxes if you included social security taxes, because Social security and medicare taxes near doubled under Reagan's tax plan, vs in the 1960's

Also, Corporate taxes are half the tax rate of what was collected in the 1960's and with all the Republican tax cuts for corporations over the decades, the individual income taxes had to pick up what corporations are no longer contributing in federal income tax.
No, the middle class dos NOT carry the load of federal taxes on their shoulders, the upper class carries the burden federally....

In State taxes, the lower and middle class carry the tax burden....

What's your cut-off for middle class? Even after socking away $24,000 in a 401k just before retirement at the end of January the wife and I will be paying almost that amount in federal taxes this year. That's a healthy chunk to us and I have no class.
We are paying more of federal taxes if you included social security taxes, because Social security and medicare taxes near doubled under Reagan's tax plan, vs in the 1960's

Also, Corporate taxes are half the tax rate of what was collected in the 1960's and with all the Republican tax cuts for corporations over the decades, the individual income taxes had to pick up what corporations are no longer contributing in federal income tax.
They are still the highest in the industrial world.

This is an interesting article regarding corporate taxation.

A New View of the Corporate Income Tax

"While economists still believe that the bulk of corporate income taxes is paid by the owners of capital, in recent years they have come to believe that workers ultimately pay much of the tax in the form of lower wages. This results from lower capital investment due to a higher cost of capital, which reduces productivity and hence wages, and because capital investment moves to other countries where corporate income taxes are lower.

Economists have known about these effects for a long time; the trick has been estimating the effect precisely enough to incorporate the burden of the corporate tax into distribution tables. The Joint Committee on Taxation now believes that it understands the incidence of the corporate income tax well enough to do so and issued a study explaining its new methodology on Oct. 16.

The table shows the impact on the distribution of aggregate taxes, including the payroll and other taxes, by including the corporate tax, which was previously excluded from the calculation. The new methodology increases the overall tax burden by $216 billion, the revenue raised by the corporate income tax — an increase of 10.4 percent overall."
No, the middle class dos NOT carry the load of federal taxes on their shoulders, the upper class carries the burden federally....

In State taxes, the lower and middle class carry the tax burden....

What's your cut-off for middle class? Even after socking away $24,000 in a 401k just before retirement at the end of January the wife and I will be paying almost that amount in federal taxes this year. That's a healthy chunk to us and I have no class.

Upper Middle Class
Approximately 25.2% of the U.S. population lives in a upper middle class household, or a household with an annual income between $75,000 and $150,000.

Lower Middle Class
The second most common household income level is lower middle class with approximately 23.5% of Americans living in a household earning an annual income between $25,000 and $50,000.

Which Income Class Are You?

So your income is in the very upper bound definition of middle class.
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No, the middle class dos NOT carry the load of federal taxes on their shoulders, the upper class carries the burden federally....

In State taxes, the lower and middle class carry the tax burden....

What's your cut-off for middle class? Even after socking away $24,000 in a 401k just before retirement at the end of January the wife and I will be paying almost that amount in federal taxes this year. That's a healthy chunk to us and I have no class.

Upper Middle Class
Approximately 25.2% of the U.S. population lives in a upper middle class household, or a household with an annual income between $75,000 and $150,000.

Lower Middle Class
The second most common household income level is lower middle class with approximately 23.5% of Americans living in a household earning an annual income between $25,000 and $50,000.

Which Income Class Are You?

So your income is in the very upper bound definition of middle class.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Amazes me that a family bringing in $75,000 would be considered Upper Middle Class. I imagine folks with a couple of kids would have to be living paycheck-to-paycheck bringing home that amount. Seems to me we're becoming Mexico.

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