Perseid Meteor Shower tonight and tomorrow

Predicted cloud cover in the northeast but I'll get up to try and see them anyway.
Last year I spent an hour looking out of the window for meteors at the peak time. All I saw was one bright one, and one faint one. Hardly worth the time, and getting a stiff kneck.
Was driving home about 1:30am and pulled over to take a gander (and to take a piss LOL).

Orange crescent moon setting was lovely. Waited about 10 minutes- nuttin'.
We got up at 0400 and went to a local dark spot by the lake. Saw a few before the clouds and sunrise drowned them out.
One year I took a boat out and saw "flaming swords"

Much like this:

There's been a gorgeous crescent moon in the evening sky lately.
It will be set long before midnight. At least at this latitude.

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