Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Same old same old. Unpleasant Facts are presented, so the conspiracy crowd goes into overdrive to deflect.

Lethal heat wouldn't just be a problem in Mecca. This map shows worst-case projections for a century from now. With a 12C rise, the midwestern USA (the purplish areas) would be seeing days where any human who can't get into air conditioning dies.


And even if you can put the humans in air conditioning, you can't air condition the livestock. So all the animals die. Not to mention that such heat would also kill the crops.

But hey, no big deal, right? It's would only make a quarter of the USA uninhabitable. Only dirty liberals would think that's some kind of a problem, even though it's the conservative part of the nation getting baked.

With a 12C rise

Wonder how much grant money that cost?

So you believe it is bad science to study what a change in climate can do? Really? The people are this board are nuts.

I believe that when a government grant is given to a group of scientists and the instructions are to prove there is global warning and it is implied that more money will come your way when you do is bad science.
Earth is a giant rock on fire in the middle spinning thru space around a bigger ball of fire. you think you gonna affect it because you drive a Prius?

Just because you're too stupid to understand the science, logic, history or ethics, you shouldn't assume anyone else shares your intellectual and moral failings.

Remember, the world isn't laughing at you because of a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot aligned against you. The world is laughing at you because you've sworn blind allegiance to a kook conspiracy cult.
Captain Obvious strikes again........he and Mamooth ranting last week about the link between the refugee crisis and climate change.:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Ummm........its a fucking desert assholes!!! Hot as shit...........always has been.:rock::rock::up:
Earth is a giant rock on fire in the middle spinning thru space around a bigger ball of fire. you think you gonna affect it because you drive a Prius?

Just because you're too stupid to understand the science, logic, history or ethics, you shouldn't assume anyone else shares your intellectual and moral failings.

Remember, the world isn't laughing at you because of a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot aligned against you. The world is laughing at you because you've sworn blind allegiance to a kook conspiracy cult.

"k00k conspiracy cult"?

Whatever you say s0n!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


Who is the world laughing at??:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
And if humans were to keep increasing CO2 emissions exponentially, it's definitely a possibility a century from now

A century out. don't worry about it. you will die of lung cancer from bad air before 12C from "exponential" added CO2.

Agreed, it would not be good to be "wrong" for the Children of planet. you got any real numbers? see me in 25 years and lets see if the old Sun turned back around for us. If not. Sorry I was wrong.
How come none of the AGW mental cases can post up one single link showing us how/where the science is mattering in the real world!!:bye1::bye1:

But skeptics are a "conspiracy cult"!!!

These people are such social oddballs that they don't even realize they are being publically humiliated.

Driving around Manhattan early this morning saw some guy on a corner on 5th avenue chanting some shit about ISIS and 9/11 and the end of times.......shouting at the top of his lungs. No clue he's one of the lost among us. AGW nutters.......same thing but its just done on the internet.:fu:
And if humans were to keep increasing CO2 emissions exponentially, it's definitely a possibility a century from now

A century out. don't worry about it. you will die of lung cancer from bad air before 12C from "exponential" added CO2.

Agreed, it would not be good to be "wrong" for the Children of planet. you got any real numbers? see me in 25 years and lets see if the old Sun turned back around for us. If not. Sorry I was wrong.

Does this 20yr graph show anything? took me about 4min to find.
The earths temp has been bouncing around forever? correct? Now suddenly you say CO2 causing faster hot change only? how many 100s' of years sample do they have to show to us?

I found 20 yrs. I not alarmed by that one?
I got to go drive the truck down to my dump and check on the fire. I am burning old tires and paint cans down there with brush and dead hogs.

just kidding.......
Does this 20yr graph show anything? took me about 4min to find.

No doubt, given that denier propaganda floods the internet. Meanwhile, here's a more recent graph, showing the constant strong warming. And it leaves out 2015, which is the hottest year of all.


The world is warming strongly. Nobody tries to deny that any more, except for the most devout cultists who say all the data is faked. The rest of the deniers have moved on to "well ... it's a natural cycle!" or "but warming is good!", as the "no warming!" claim is completely ridiculous.
Does this 20yr graph show anything? took me about 4min to find.

No doubt, given that denier propaganda floods the internet. Meanwhile, here's a more recent graph, showing the constant strong warming. And it leaves out 2015, which is the hottest year of all.


The world is warming strongly. Nobody tries to deny that any more, except for the most devout cultists who say all the data is faked. The rest of the deniers have moved on to "well ... it's a natural cycle!" or "but warming is good!", as the "no warming!" claim is completely ridiculous.

The world is warming strongly.

That's awful! What is the perfect temperature for the world? How do you know?
"climate simulation shows"

More propaganda put out by the leftist, Maybe some kind of muslim outreach:razz:

:lol: 98% of Republicans serving in congress & Republicans presidential candidates signed Grover Norquist’s pledge. Norquist’s Islamic Free Market Institute accepted at least $20,000 from Abdurahman Alamoudi, who raised money for Al Qaeda and is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence on terrorism charges.

Which, if true, means al Qaeda has $20,000 less with which to operate but I see no substantiation of that claim nor do I see why Alamoudi would choose to give to the Islamic Free Market Institute.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows
Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

According to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions would create conditions in the Gulf where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain a normal body temperature.

“Our results expose a specific regional hot spot where climate change, in the absence of significant [carbon cuts], is likely to severely impact human habitability in the future,” said Jeremy Pal and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers believe that the Gulf’s geographical position will result in such unlivable moist-but-hot conditions. Authors said that under these circumstances, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would become life-threatening and almost impossible to undertake by the year 2100.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Edit: NYT article:

Well, maybe they'll breed less and islam will become extinct?

Someone needs to hire a human editor and quit relying on spellcheck:

"where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain " :)
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

We know what the area was like back during the holocene optimum when it was quite a bit warmer than it is similar is the historical fact to the computer generated projection?
"climate simulation shows"

More propaganda put out by the leftist, Maybe some kind of muslim outreach:razz:

:lol: 98% of Republicans serving in congress & Republicans presidential candidates signed Grover Norquist’s pledge. Norquist’s Islamic Free Market Institute accepted at least $20,000 from Abdurahman Alamoudi, who raised money for Al Qaeda and is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence on terrorism charges.

Which, if true, means al Qaeda has $20,000 less with which to operate but I see no substantiation of that claim nor do I see why Alamoudi would choose to give to the Islamic Free Market Institute.

You are a total retard who worships your dear leaders shit regardless of how vile.
Same old same old. Unpleasant Facts are presented, so the conspiracy crowd goes into overdrive to deflect.

Lethal heat wouldn't just be a problem in Mecca. This map shows worst-case projections for a century from now. With a 12C rise, the midwestern USA (the purplish areas) would be seeing days where any human who can't get into air conditioning dies.


And even if you can put the humans in air conditioning, you can't air condition the livestock. So all the animals die. Not to mention that such heat would also kill the crops.

But hey, no big deal, right? It's would only make a quarter of the USA uninhabitable. Only dirty liberals would think that's some kind of a problem, even though it's the conservative part of the nation getting baked.

How much of a reduction in CO2 to bring the planet back to it's "normal" temperature?

What's the "normal temperature" anyway?

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