Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

"climate simulation shows"

More propaganda put out by the leftist, Maybe some kind of muslim outreach:razz:

:lol: 98% of Republicans serving in congress & Republicans presidential candidates signed Grover Norquist’s pledge. Norquist’s Islamic Free Market Institute accepted at least $20,000 from Abdurahman Alamoudi, who raised money for Al Qaeda and is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence on terrorism charges.

Which, if true, means al Qaeda has $20,000 less with which to operate but I see no substantiation of that claim nor do I see why Alamoudi would choose to give to the Islamic Free Market Institute.

You are a total retard who worships your dear leaders shit regardless of how vile.

Your sophomoric response is noted, as is your failure to provide any proof that Alamoudi gave $20,000 to IFMI (not that such a use of al Qaeda cash is all that bad).

I am forced to conclude you are a lo-info, simple-minded, loony lib who has imbibed a bit too much of that Kool-Aid.

Thanks for playing. Now back to your sandbox.

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