Personhood Loses For 3rd Time

Would Dems agree to a personhood title when women want their babies and lose them because of some criminal or drunk driver? Shouldn't that be considered quite a loss for them instead of a nothing? Some women have lost their babies in accidents or due to attacks when they were near delivery time. Are you willing to dismiss that as the same as a voluntary abortion?

It might be a fine line, but for those who believe that the baby they are carrying is a life worth something, it's a different matter. If a murderer kills a pregnant woman, I think it should be considered a double homicide.

I suppose only the mother can say whether a life is worth anything or not. All depends on how wanted it is.
Abortion does not occur 'near delivery time.' Why don't you just take care of your own body and let others take care of theirs? "Eighty-nine (89) percent of abortions occur at 12 weeks (3 months)" That's six months before 'near delivery time.'

You didn't address anything I said. I was talking about wanted babies being killed near delivery time and the person responsible not being held liable. This has happened when women have been in accidents or when they were assaulted. Can you understand the difference between a woman losing a wanted baby because she was a victim or those making a choice to kill it? I have been to a funeral of a couple who were killed in an accident by a drunk driver. The woman was 8 months pregnant. It was sad to see her holding the baby in her arms in the casket, yet there were only two manslaughter charges for the man who ran into them.

There are late term abortions and that is wrong. If the true reason is that the mothers life is in danger, then it makes no sense because the woman has to start with a regular delivery and the doctor stops halfway through to kill the baby. It puts the woman's life at more risk because it takes longer. And there are those who decide late in the game that they don't want the baby. Late term abortions for convenience are just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.

I doubt if the law will ever change on abortions and you need to accept that some will always find it incredibly disturbing and wrong. And not all women believe that abortion is the most important issue. Democrats act like it's the only thing that defines us women and that is really insulting.
Your points about a wanted child killed in a accident or attack are irrelevant to this discussion.

Late term abortions are only done when the mother's life is at risk or the child is morbidly deformed and life for it would be nothing more than pain and misery. Late term abortions have absolutely nothing to do with convenience: educate yourself.

Those who are against abortion are so for their personal religious beliefs. That has nothing to do with the rest of us. US=religious freedom. You are free to believe what you want and so is everyone else.

That's one of the problems. Conservatives don't believe that everyone else is free to believe and live as they choose. Conservatives want to force people to live as the conservative lives.

Their idea of freedom is everyone is free to believe and live just as conservatives do. No other beliefs of lifestyle is allowed.

It's one of the reasons they use such ridiculous words as murder and pre born. It's one of the reasons why people like the one you replied to try change the subject to something it's not.

They scream about freedom and liberty yet are extremely fast to take that freedom and liberty from everyone they disagree with.
Colorado rejected the conservative personhood bill again for the 3 time today.

When will those who want to take reproductive rights from women learn that they can't win when you face the voters?

You're in the minority in this nation. Stop trying to make women second class citizens by taking their reproductive rights from them.

If you believe a fertilized egg is a human fine. Stop trying to force it on everyone else.

If you want to believe that contraception is abortion fine. Stop trying to force that lie on everyone else.

Women will always turn out and vote to keep their rights. You will always lose.
It was a far right wing proposal that should never have seen the light of day. Furthermore, it probably would have not survived a challenge in the courts.
Colorado rejected the conservative personhood bill again for the 3 time today.

When will those who want to take reproductive rights from women learn that they can't win when you face the voters?

You're in the minority in this nation. Stop trying to make women second class citizens by taking their reproductive rights from them.

If you believe a fertilized egg is a human fine. Stop trying to force it on everyone else.

If you want to believe that contraception is abortion fine. Stop trying to force that lie on everyone else.

Women will always turn out and vote to keep their rights. You will always lose.
Let's imagine for a moment here...

Describe your unborn child's citizenry.

Now, describe your unborn child's abortion.

A first-person narrative would be appreciated.

Go ahead and pretend. Run with it.

Just for fun. :thup:
One issue I must address. If a pregnant mother is the victim of a violent crime, and her fetus dies, in many states that suspect can be charged with murder.
What say you?
A zygote born from a drunken encounter after closing hours between two strangers is much better off being considered a cluster of cells than a pre-human. Since a zygote cannot have awareness, terminating a potential lifetime of suffering on a level too excruciating for many of us to even consider, let alone live through, is the prudent thing to do.

Later on it's another story. But you don't mandate implantation when morning after pills can stop a cluster of cells from implantation.

Give it a rest. You're not going to get any votes with this topic. Most of the middle bloc are folks that don't want to be saddled with or put children through the lifetime of torture known as "an unwanted pregnancy"..
Would Dems agree to a personhood title when women want their babies and lose them because of some criminal or drunk driver? Shouldn't that be considered quite a loss for them instead of a nothing? Some women have lost their babies in accidents or due to attacks when they were near delivery time. Are you willing to dismiss that as the same as a voluntary abortion?

It might be a fine line, but for those who believe that the baby they are carrying is a life worth something, it's a different matter. If a murderer kills a pregnant woman, I think it should be considered a double homicide.

I suppose only the mother can say whether a life is worth anything or not. All depends on how wanted it is.
Abortion does not occur 'near delivery time.' Why don't you just take care of your own body and let others take care of theirs? "Eighty-nine (89) percent of abortions occur at 12 weeks (3 months)" That's six months before 'near delivery time.'

You didn't address anything I said. I was talking about wanted babies being killed near delivery time and the person responsible not being held liable. This has happened when women have been in accidents or when they were assaulted. Can you understand the difference between a woman losing a wanted baby because she was a victim or those making a choice to kill it? I have been to a funeral of a couple who were killed in an accident by a drunk driver. The woman was 8 months pregnant. It was sad to see her holding the baby in her arms in the casket, yet there were only two manslaughter charges for the man who ran into them.

There are late term abortions and that is wrong. If the true reason is that the mothers life is in danger, then it makes no sense because the woman has to start with a regular delivery and the doctor stops halfway through to kill the baby. It puts the woman's life at more risk because it takes longer. And there are those who decide late in the game that they don't want the baby. Late term abortions for convenience are just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.

I doubt if the law will ever change on abortions and you need to accept that some will always find it incredibly disturbing and wrong. And not all women believe that abortion is the most important issue. Democrats act like it's the only thing that defines us women and that is really insulting.
Your points about a wanted child killed in a accident or attack are irrelevant to this discussion.

Late term abortions are only done when the mother's life is at risk or the child is morbidly deformed and life for it would be nothing more than pain and misery. Late term abortions have absolutely nothing to do with convenience: educate yourself.

Those who are against abortion are so for their personal religious beliefs. That has nothing to do with the rest of us. US=religious freedom. You are free to believe what you want and so is everyone else.

Wrong. How can a person be charged with murder if they murder a non-person?

You are making a lot of assumptions. It's the left that doesn't tolerate those with religious views, unless they are Muslims.

I didn't say one way or the other whether abortion should be legal. I am saying that without some form of law regarding unborn babies as people, a person cannot be charged with murdering one when the mother wanted it.

Late term abortions have been done for convenience. You should learn how they are performed. If the mother's life is in danger, clearly the child needs to be taken by C-section or inducing labor. What shows that some are merely for convenience is the fact that no attempts are made to save the baby after it's removed. Obama supports late term abortion for convenience.
Would Dems agree to a personhood title when women want their babies and lose them because of some criminal or drunk driver? Shouldn't that be considered quite a loss for them instead of a nothing? Some women have lost their babies in accidents or due to attacks when they were near delivery time. Are you willing to dismiss that as the same as a voluntary abortion?

It might be a fine line, but for those who believe that the baby they are carrying is a life worth something, it's a different matter. If a murderer kills a pregnant woman, I think it should be considered a double homicide.

I suppose only the mother can say whether a life is worth anything or not. All depends on how wanted it is.
Abortion does not occur 'near delivery time.' Why don't you just take care of your own body and let others take care of theirs? "Eighty-nine (89) percent of abortions occur at 12 weeks (3 months)" That's six months before 'near delivery time.'

You didn't address anything I said. I was talking about wanted babies being killed near delivery time and the person responsible not being held liable. This has happened when women have been in accidents or when they were assaulted. Can you understand the difference between a woman losing a wanted baby because she was a victim or those making a choice to kill it? I have been to a funeral of a couple who were killed in an accident by a drunk driver. The woman was 8 months pregnant. It was sad to see her holding the baby in her arms in the casket, yet there were only two manslaughter charges for the man who ran into them.

There are late term abortions and that is wrong. If the true reason is that the mothers life is in danger, then it makes no sense because the woman has to start with a regular delivery and the doctor stops halfway through to kill the baby. It puts the woman's life at more risk because it takes longer. And there are those who decide late in the game that they don't want the baby. Late term abortions for convenience are just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.

I doubt if the law will ever change on abortions and you need to accept that some will always find it incredibly disturbing and wrong. And not all women believe that abortion is the most important issue. Democrats act like it's the only thing that defines us women and that is really insulting.
Your points about a wanted child killed in a accident or attack are irrelevant to this discussion.

Late term abortions are only done when the mother's life is at risk or the child is morbidly deformed and life for it would be nothing more than pain and misery. Late term abortions have absolutely nothing to do with convenience: educate yourself.

Those who are against abortion are so for their personal religious beliefs. That has nothing to do with the rest of us. US=religious freedom. You are free to believe what you want and so is everyone else.

Wrong. How can a person be charged with murder if they murder a non-person?

You are making a lot of assumptions. It's the left that doesn't tolerate those with religious views, unless they are Muslims.

I didn't say one way or the other whether abortion should be legal. I am saying that without some form of law regarding unborn babies as people, a person cannot be charged with murdering one when the mother wanted it.

Late term abortions have been done for convenience. You should learn how they are performed. If the mother's life is in danger, clearly the child needs to be taken by C-section or inducing labor. What shows that some are merely for convenience is the fact that no attempts are made to save the baby after it's removed. Obama supports late term abortion for convenience.
You are ignorant of the law as well as being ignorant about late term abortions. Educate yourself.
When will those who want to take reproductive rights from women learn that they can't win when you face the voters?

Reproductive rights?

You're speaking of the RIGHT of a woman to choose with whom, when and where she engages in coitus? Which is sustained by the responsibility to choose wisely, and only where she is prepared to bear the consequences relevant to such?

LOL! Who's trying to take THAT valid right away?

In 54 years, I've never heard a single person so much as SUGGEST a desire to do so.

Of course, in reality, the advocacy in the OP is not for a valid right, it is a subjective perversion of the concept 'right'; an irrational interpretation which rest entirely upon the subjective need of those claiming the right to murder their own pre-born child, on the grounds that they'd be inconvenienced if they were to bear their inalienable responsibilities which otherwise require them to raise that child.

They're claiming the right to murder... . Not only does such a right not exist, there is no POTENTIAL for a right TO exist.

Abortion is a medical term.

Murder is a legal term.

Wherermykeys is not a law.

Simply more of his Christian fascism.
Colorado rejected the conservative personhood bill again for the 3 time today.

When will those who want to take reproductive rights from women learn that they can't win when you face the voters?

You're in the minority in this nation. Stop trying to make women second class citizens by taking their reproductive rights from them.

If you believe a fertilized egg is a human fine. Stop trying to force it on everyone else.

If you want to believe that contraception is abortion fine. Stop trying to force that lie on everyone else.

Women will always turn out and vote to keep their rights. You will always lose.
Let's imagine for a moment here...

Describe your unborn child's citizenry.

Now, describe your unborn child's abortion.

A first-person narrative would be appreciated.

Go ahead and pretend. Run with it.

Just for fun. :thup:
If you want to keep your pregnancy and carry the child to term, then raise it for 18+ years, you are free to do so. I really have little patience for men who insert themselves into this debate when they are not the ones who get pregnant, have to carry a child to term, then raise it for 18+ years. You go through what a woman goes through, then we'll talk.

No one is stopping you from living your life according to your religious beliefs, just don't impose them on others. And, BTW, how many guns do you own, Mr. Right to Life, who considers all those children gunned down at school nowadays as simply collateral damage?
Esmo the Lezbo speaks. :slap:

I was a "Mr. Mom" performing any and all duties other than childbirth and breastfeeding.

My first wife wanted to kill our first born. How do you think that made me feel, bitch.
Colorado rejected the conservative personhood bill again for the 3 time today.

When will those who want to take reproductive rights from women learn that they can't win when you face the voters?

You're in the minority in this nation. Stop trying to make women second class citizens by taking their reproductive rights from them.

If you believe a fertilized egg is a human fine. Stop trying to force it on everyone else.

If you want to believe that contraception is abortion fine. Stop trying to force that lie on everyone else.

Women will always turn out and vote to keep their rights. You will always lose.
Let's imagine for a moment here...

Describe your unborn child's citizenry.

Now, describe your unborn child's abortion.

A first-person narrative would be appreciated.

Go ahead and pretend. Run with it.

Just for fun. :thup:
If you want to keep your pregnancy and carry the child to term, then raise it for 18+ years, you are free to do so. I really have little patience for men who insert themselves into this debate when they are not the ones who get pregnant, have to carry a child to term, then raise it for 18+ years. You go through what a woman goes through, then we'll talk.

No one is stopping you from living your life according to your religious beliefs, just don't impose them on others. And, BTW, how many guns do you own, Mr. Right to Life, who considers all those children gunned down at school nowadays as simply collateral damage?
Esmo the Lezbo speaks. :slap:

I was a "Mr. Mom" performing any and all duties other than childbirth and breastfeeding.

My first wife wanted to kill our first born. How do you think that made me feel, bitch.
You are such a sweet person.:badgrin:
Would Dems agree to a personhood title when women want their babies and lose them because of some criminal or drunk driver? Shouldn't that be considered quite a loss for them instead of a nothing? Some women have lost their babies in accidents or due to attacks when they were near delivery time. Are you willing to dismiss that as the same as a voluntary abortion?

It might be a fine line, but for those who believe that the baby they are carrying is a life worth something, it's a different matter. If a murderer kills a pregnant woman, I think it should be considered a double homicide.

I suppose only the mother can say whether a life is worth anything or not. All depends on how wanted it is.
Abortion does not occur 'near delivery time.' Why don't you just take care of your own body and let others take care of theirs? "Eighty-nine (89) percent of abortions occur at 12 weeks (3 months)" That's six months before 'near delivery time.'

You didn't address anything I said. I was talking about wanted babies being killed near delivery time and the person responsible not being held liable. This has happened when women have been in accidents or when they were assaulted. Can you understand the difference between a woman losing a wanted baby because she was a victim or those making a choice to kill it? I have been to a funeral of a couple who were killed in an accident by a drunk driver. The woman was 8 months pregnant. It was sad to see her holding the baby in her arms in the casket, yet there were only two manslaughter charges for the man who ran into them.

There are late term abortions and that is wrong. If the true reason is that the mothers life is in danger, then it makes no sense because the woman has to start with a regular delivery and the doctor stops halfway through to kill the baby. It puts the woman's life at more risk because it takes longer. And there are those who decide late in the game that they don't want the baby. Late term abortions for convenience are just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.

I doubt if the law will ever change on abortions and you need to accept that some will always find it incredibly disturbing and wrong. And not all women believe that abortion is the most important issue. Democrats act like it's the only thing that defines us women and that is really insulting.
Your points about a wanted child killed in a accident or attack are irrelevant to this discussion.

Late term abortions are only done when the mother's life is at risk or the child is morbidly deformed and life for it would be nothing more than pain and misery. Late term abortions have absolutely nothing to do with convenience: educate yourself.

Those who are against abortion are so for their personal religious beliefs. That has nothing to do with the rest of us. US=religious freedom. You are free to believe what you want and so is everyone else.

That's one of the problems. Conservatives don't believe that everyone else is free to believe and live as they choose. Conservatives want to force people to live as the conservative lives.

Their idea of freedom is everyone is free to believe and live just as conservatives do. No other beliefs of lifestyle is allowed.

It's one of the reasons they use such ridiculous words as murder and pre born. It's one of the reasons why people like the one you replied to try change the subject to something it's not.

They scream about freedom and liberty yet are extremely fast to take that freedom and liberty from everyone they disagree with.
That's hysterical.
Liberals are the ones mandating small sodas, gun control, government schools, min wage laws, etc etc. They are completely the unfreedom party. The only freedom they believe in is the freedom to kill babies. That's sacrosanct.
No conservative wants to deny a woman a right to an appendectomy, hysterectomy, boob job or anything else that actually concersn her own body. It's when someone else's body is involved that someone needs to protect it.
Good. It is a stupid proposal.

The question is not when life begins. That just obfuscates the real issues.

The fundamental issues are:

  • When does pregnancy begin?
  • Does personhood begin at conception? Is a fertilized egg, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus aperson with rights that trump those of the woman upon whose body it depends?
  • Do women need “evidence” that if they are pregnant, odds are they are going to have a baby?
  • Do women have the moral agency and fundamental rights to decide whether or not to commit themselves not only to the development of a life within their own bodies, but to a lifelong tie to another human being once a child is born?
Pregnancy begins at implantation. Human life has to begin with conception, but conception is not the same thing as pregnancy, the latter of which reason, science, and medical evidence agree begins when a fertilized egg successfully implants in the uterus and develops into a healthy embryo. Fertilized eggs take between six to 12 days to implant in the uterine lining. There simply is no pregnancy until this happens, which is why any method that prevents fertilization or implantation can not cause an abortion. A large share of fertilized eggs never successfully implant to establish a pregnancy: Between 50 and 80 percent of fertilized eggs never successfully impant and end in spontaneous miscarriage (and before a woman even knows she is pregnant) because of insufficient hormone levels or an non-viable egg or for some other reason.

Life Begins At Conception. That s Not the Point

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