Pete Buttigieg just found out being gay isn't enough to get away with massive incompetence

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Dems and Reps going after him for the Southwest disaster over Christmas.

As with the deranged luggage thief, Biden needs to learn that hiring people because of their skin color, genitalia, or sexual preferences is never a good idea. Hard to believe people need to be told that, but then again, we're talking about leftist DemoKKKrats, some of the dumbest people on earth.

Dems and Reps going after him for the Southwest disaster over Christmas.

As with the deranged luggage thief, Biden needs to learn that hiring people because of their skin color, genitalia, or sexual preferences is never a good idea. Hard to believe people need to be told that, but then again, we're talking about leftist DemoKKKrats, some of the dumbest people on earth.

LOL! Cult member bodecea downvoted members of his own party criticizing Buttplug! Hahahaha!
Petey isn't the only incompetent sexual deviate in the Biden Regime. How is his Health Secretary Levine and Energy Undersecretary Brinton doing? That White House spokesbabe who replaced Peppermint Patty is an LGBTQ+ who is fucking up as well.

Shows the problem that people have when they choose their staff because of their sexual practices instead of the quality of their work.
Dems and Reps going after him for the Southwest disaster over Christmas.

As with the deranged luggage thief, Biden needs to learn that hiring people because of their skin color, genitalia, or sexual preferences is never a good idea. Hard to believe people need to be told that, but then again, we're talking about leftist DemoKKKrats, some of the dumbest people on earth.

How gay did you become when you found out you were incompetent?
Petey isn't the only incompetent sexual deviate in the Biden Regime. How is his Health Secretary Levine and Energy Undersecretary Brinton doing? That White House spokesbabe who replaced Peppermint Patty is an LGBTQ+ who is fucking up as well.

Shows the problem that people have when they choose their staff because of their sexual practices instead of the quality of their work.
The last admin was straight and crooks
Dems and Reps going after him for the Southwest disaster over Christmas.

As with the deranged luggage thief, Biden needs to learn that hiring people because of their skin color, genitalia, or sexual preferences is never a good idea. Hard to believe people need to be told that, but then again, we're talking about leftist DemoKKKrats, some of the dumbest people on earth.

I heard the SW CEO apologize for the problems. It's not like they give a rats ass whether Pete said or did one thing or not. Not long ago some knucklehead R lifted the fine on Wells Fargo. And that bank is still crooked as hell. Either the big fascists get regulated or people get fucked.
Taking a stiff dick in the ass does not equate to competence. Who knew?

Our non-biologist scotus addition is already making news as "even dumber than the wise latina". Both of them should be scrubbing shitters in a truck stop, not making decisions that effect the quality of my life.

But without identity politics and division the dims would cease to exist. Well, that and stealing elections.
Petey isn't the only incompetent sexual deviate in the Biden Regime. How is his Health Secretary Levine and Energy Undersecretary Brinton doing? That White House spokesbabe who replaced Peppermint Patty is an LGBTQ+ who is fucking up as well.

Shows the problem that people have when they choose their staff because of their sexual practices instead of the quality of their work.
like everyday Americans give a rat's ass about someone's sexual preferences... except that some of us do. We don't like perversion w hatever name is slapped onto it

and again (3rd time today I've written this) The Bible says that sin causes the mind to be dimmed (paraphrase)
Who would have thought a fudge packing queer who couldn't tell you the difference between a Learjet and a jetski could fuck up being the transportation secretary.

If he'd get his boyfriends dick out of ass long enough to actually THINK, maybe he could do something.
Who would have thought a fudge packing queer who couldn't tell you the difference between a Learjet and a jetski could fuck up being the transportation secretary.

If he'd get his boyfriends dick out of ass long enough to actually THINK, maybe he could do something.
I don't like the graphic words but LOL

glad to see some here at the forum aren't afraid to say or imply that homosexual acts are... uh... at best, not too kosher
Who would have thought a fudge packing queer who couldn't tell you the difference between a Learjet and a jetski could fuck up being the transportation secretary.

If he'd get his boyfriends dick out of ass long enough to actually THINK, maybe he could do something.

I can understand why Sleepy Joe wanted to reward his friends, but he should have given Petey a job that he would enjoy that is closer to his level of competence. Maybe Ambassador to Greece?
Is America masochistic?

looks like it

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