Pete Carroll denies he is leaving Seahawks

I doubt he will retire, I do think they stepped back this year and I think the 49ers and the Rams will be better next year. So, It would be a good time to leave.
lol What a limp dick way to end the season. 2 minutes to go and he calls 3 running plays to setup a near 50 yard field goal. Miss! Lose. Bye.

I been saying ever since he made the most retarded call in NFL history calling for a pass instead of using Lynch to run the ball in for the winning score AFTER he was running over all the patriot players in the superbowl and he unstoppable against them,that this guy is a criminal who throws football games for payoffs.

Lynch wisely left the team knowing he threw that game and cost him the chance to have the winning touchdown. same thing is happening in seattle that happened in new england,the players stopped playing for him because they lost confidance in him. pete the cheat knows they have lost confidance in him ever since he threw that game and nobody wants to play for that criminal anymore so seeing how he lied about staying at USC,i see him doing the same thing again. the players see how he throws games now and dont want to play for him anymore.

I saw the monday night game against the falcons this year and sure enough,a big game with lots of money on the line with national attention,he threw that one as well just as i KNEW he would that night.i told all my friends that night before the game he would throw it and make another retarded call again and sure enough,he came through.:up:

He came through when instead of kicking a field goal towards the end of the first half,he called to throw the ball to a WHITE BOY wide receiver who was so as hell to begin with,to run the ball in for a touchdown.:rofl:

the slow white boy of course got tackled immediately at that point when he caught the ball. He didnt call to throw it to tyler locket who is one of the fastest men in the NFL,noooooo, he had wilson to throw to a slow white boy who is the slowest player on the team.:lmao:

If I was a seahawk fan i would be calling the owner to bring back Holmgren.Now HOLMGREN was a class act.

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