Peter Thiel

Speaking of Peter Theil ---- Didja see the Pro Publica revelaton that he has $5 billion (with a 'b') in his Roth IRA?

If true, well I'll be gobsmacked!

In my opinion, rules for Roths that allow such an accumulation need to be changed.

America receives no tax revenue from that pile of money.
So the legitimate question arises is Peter Theil paying his fair share to participate in our nation and culture?

Years ago, I had read that much of Mitt Romney's and his wife's wealth was in their Roths.

It is a device that was intended to help middle-class Americans accumulate capital to fund their retirements. It was an answer to the reality of many American business firms eliminating their pension programs.

But, as is the reality in many such tax programs....we get 'unintended consequences'.
So, for Roths we see venture capitalists who stuff their Roth IRA with cheap-as-dirt stock shares of companies they are about to take over, or start....strongly suspecting....knowing.... that these shares are gonna skyrocket in value and they will be protected from taxation by being inside a Roth.

In my opinion, Roths are a good thing. Both my wife and I enjoy the benefits. However, there need be caps on the amount that can be accumulated in that tax-protected device.

Speaking of Peter Theil ---- Didja see the Pro Publica revelaton that he has $5 billion (with a 'b') in his Roth IRA?

If true, well I'll be gobsmacked!

In my opinion, rules for Roths that allow such an accumulation need to be changed.

America receives no tax revenue from that pile of money.
So the legitimate question arises is Peter Theil paying his fair share to participate in our nation and culture?

Years ago, I had read that much of Mitt Romney's and his wife's wealth was in their Roths.

It is a device that was intended to help middle-class Americans accumulate capital to fund their retirements. It was an answer to the reality of many American business firms eliminating their pension programs.

But, as is the reality in many such tax programs....we get 'unintended consequences'.
So, for Roths we see venture capitalists who stuff their Roth IRA with cheap-as-dirt stock shares of companies they are about to take over, or start....strongly suspecting....knowing.... that these shares are gonna skyrocket in value and they will be protected from taxation by being inside a Roth.

In my opinion, Roths are a good thing. Both my wife and I enjoy the benefits. However, there need be caps on the amount that can be accumulated in that tax-protected device.

In a Roth IRA.....

Contribution limits on a Roth IRA per month;

  • Age 49 and under: $6,000
  • Age 50 and over: $7,000

So for your post to be true, Mr. Theil had to be contributing for 833,333 months. That's 69,444 years.

I'm not saying you're a liar, just that you're a fucking retard who takes whatever Nazi propaganda you see on a hate site and vomit it out here without a single thought.
I understand Thiel also made a pretty nice loudspeaker.

Whoopty doo, another do-nothing tech billionaire sponsoring other tech million/billionaires for office.
Whoopty doo, another do-nothing tech billionaire sponsoring other tech million/billionaires for office.
Tissue big boy? :laughing0301:

Tissue big boy? :laughing0301:

Tissue? Why would I need a tissue to point out the obvious. Tell me what's so great about this guy, he comes from a board of directors of one of the most prolific instruments of censorship in modern times, and he's sponsoring rich tech cronies for political positions, hence more RINOs. No, anybody foolish enough to vote for the stooges people like this sponsor are the ones who need a tissue when they get fucked up the ass without lube as these people line their pockets and laugh.
In a Roth IRA.....

Contribution limits on a Roth IRA per month;

  • Age 49 and under: $6,000
  • Age 50 and over: $7,000

So for your post to be true, Mr. Theil had to be contributing for 833,333 months. That's 69,444 years.

I'm not saying you're a liar, just that you're a fucking retard who takes whatever Nazi propaganda you see on a hate site and vomit it out here without a single thought.
Incorrect. Get informed.

How Peter Thiel turned $2,000 in a Roth IRA into $5,000,000,000​

Last Updated: June 24, 2021 at 3:22 p.m. ET
First Published: June 24, 2021 at 12:16 p.m. ET

Alessandra Malito

His account jumped more than $3 billion in just three years, even though he didn’t contribute money to his Roth after 1999​

How Peter Thiel turned $2,000 in a Roth IRA into $5,000,000,000
"Incorrect. Get informed."
Thank you, poster Gipper for helping the forum.
I like posts that serve as 'value-added'
A hat-tip.

To be clear, that's no dis on those posts, and posters, who merely entertain.
Some serve as excellent examples of a bad example. In short, they offer us all an opportunity to feel superior.
So, I guess, that could be seen as 'value-added' too?

Kinda sorta like the following:'re a fucking retard who takes whatever Nazi propaganda you see on a hate site and vomit it out here...."
Speaking of Peter Theil ---- Didja see the Pro Publica revelaton that he has $5 billion (with a 'b') in his Roth IRA?

If true, well I'll be gobsmacked!

In my opinion, rules for Roths that allow such an accumulation need to be changed.

America receives no tax revenue from that pile of money.
So the legitimate question arises is Peter Theil paying his fair share to participate in our nation and culture?

Years ago, I had read that much of Mitt Romney's and his wife's wealth was in their Roths.

It is a device that was intended to help middle-class Americans accumulate capital to fund their retirements. It was an answer to the reality of many American business firms eliminating their pension programs.

But, as is the reality in many such tax programs....we get 'unintended consequences'.
So, for Roths we see venture capitalists who stuff their Roth IRA with cheap-as-dirt stock shares of companies they are about to take over, or start....strongly suspecting....knowing.... that these shares are gonna skyrocket in value and they will be protected from taxation by being inside a Roth.

In my opinion, Roths are a good thing. Both my wife and I enjoy the benefits. However, there need be caps on the amount that can be accumulated in that tax-protected device.

Thiel is one of the very few billionaires not allied with the DemoKKKrat party and, as you can see from the post above, they are DESPERATE to pin anything on him to discredit and defame him.

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