Philippine Muslim rebels hand over weapons in push for peace


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
SULTAN KUDARAT, Philippines (AFP) – The Philippines’ largest rebel group retired nearly 150 guerrillas and handed over 75 firearms for decommissioning Tuesday to encourage parliament to pass a proposed law giving minority Muslims self-rule.

President Benigno Aquino visited the headquarters of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to witness the weapons handover, the first concrete action by the organisation to abandon a decades-old rebellion that has claimed more than 100,000 lives.

Aquino and senior MILF leaders both said the largely symbolic activity was intended to spur parliament to pass a delayed proposed law giving Muslims self-rule in the Catholic nation’s south under the terms of a 2014 peace treaty.

“This is one of the most difficult decisions we have made so far in more than 40 years of struggle,” chief MILF peace negotiator Mohaqher Iqbal said in a speech. “We want to show the world that the MILF will always comply with its obligations set forth in the signed agreement,” Iqbal added. Aquino, who ends his six-year term in a year’s time, wants the Muslim self-rule bill to be passed soon, fearing that his successor may not pursue the peace initiative.

“Let us show them that we are worthy of their trust,” Aquino said in his speech.
Philippine Muslim rebels hand over weapons in push for peace - Borneo Bulletin Online

Let's see how long this lasts. I doubt that it will make it until July 27.
SULTAN KUDARAT, Philippines (AFP) – The Philippines’ largest rebel group retired nearly 150 guerrillas and handed over 75 firearms for decommissioning Tuesday to encourage parliament to pass a proposed law giving minority Muslims self-rule.

President Benigno Aquino visited the headquarters of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to witness the weapons handover, the first concrete action by the organisation to abandon a decades-old rebellion that has claimed more than 100,000 lives.

Aquino and senior MILF leaders both said the largely symbolic activity was intended to spur parliament to pass a delayed proposed law giving Muslims self-rule in the Catholic nation’s south under the terms of a 2014 peace treaty.

“This is one of the most difficult decisions we have made so far in more than 40 years of struggle,” chief MILF peace negotiator Mohaqher Iqbal said in a speech. “We want to show the world that the MILF will always comply with its obligations set forth in the signed agreement,” Iqbal added. Aquino, who ends his six-year term in a year’s time, wants the Muslim self-rule bill to be passed soon, fearing that his successor may not pursue the peace initiative.

“Let us show them that we are worthy of their trust,” Aquino said in his speech.
Philippine Muslim rebels hand over weapons in push for peace - Borneo Bulletin Online

Let's see how long this lasts. I doubt that it will make it until July 27.

The Philippines could take a lesson from the nation MALDIVES---which as a muslim majority country passed a law stating that ALL CITIZENS muslim be muslim. Logically the Pnillipines----a Catholic Majority country could pass laws disenfranchising muslims ----thus ridding themselves of the "MORO" problem.

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