Photo Shows Father & Daughter Drowned Crossing The Border. The Story Behind The Image

I believe Trump Won the popular vote, minus the illegal vote...…….
Sure and Clinton won the electoral, vote minus the Russian vote.
I understand thatg you assfucks love the odea that Russia helped elect vTrump.

But the Russian interference could easily have led Trump to winning some States he would not have without it.

Just look st these three states won by less than a percent. PA, MI, WI

Try and explain how one single vote was changed you ignorant lying ass Tard....

Because there are many people as stupid & gullible as you & when fed misinformation they chose to vote for Trump.
But staying in a dangerous place is good parenting.
Then apply for ASYLUM as Citizenship BY OUR LAWS, YOU ANARCHIST!

It is LEGAL to come here & apply for asylum you fucking moron. You can cross the birder anywhere & ask for it with any border guard.

That is OUR law.

My God you people are dumber than shit.
If you come from another country NOT MEXICO your place to declare for ASYLUM is the NEXT COUNTRY YOU COME TO....YOU COCKSUCKING DUMB COMMIE BASTARD!...For you, the terminally stupid that would be Mexico if coming from Latin America!
you have to care about the law, first.
Tell that to a lawless court that thwarts Trumps every Constitutional move, you leftist hack!
Name one.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
What you don't want to get is that they have no right to be here.
More than you. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
“It’s a bunch of different policies and decisions that have added up to a significant shift,” said Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. “I think one reason the slowdown in legal immigration hasn’t gotten as much attention is because it’s not just one big newsworthy change, but rather a bunch of clever, smaller changes that have added up to a large impact.”

What’s Behind the U.S. Legal Immigration Slowdown?

Trump reduced legal immigration by 12% from 2017 tp 2018.

Then even you must know Trump wants to stop immigration from "shithole" countries, end the lottery immigration, and end Chain immigration.

But hey, how would you know...with your head up Rush Limbaugh's ass.

I knew you wouldn't put your money where your mouth is at on your lying ass media.....

I know deep down even you know you are full of Shit.....

Right leaning news media is the REAL NEWS.

Rush is one of the best sources for the TRUTH.

I said Trump was making legal immigration more difficult.

You threw yourself on the floor & pounded your fists & whines & cried and had a tantrum.

I posted an article explaining how Trump has made more difficult, reducing legal immigration.

Were you too stupid to read it???? Rush Limbaugh in an uneducated, druggie who makes millions duping people like you.

Where are you at, you lying ass Tard?

I guess you are on google looking for some made up story

that can be verified by your lying ass snopes…...
I posted proof. You call it fake news. You are hopelessly stupid.

We all know you are full of shit....

That is the only proof you have shown us....

Now shut the fluck up....
I love it,. You assfucks demand proof & then when it is provided you scream fake news & demand more proof. Loom up immigration statistics.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
They aren't immigrants liar they are illegals.
Wrong, we are; Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections.

Guatemala 1954: A CIA-organized coup overthrew the democratically elected and progressive government of Jacobo Arbenz. The U.S. justified its involvement by claiming that Soviets had an uncomfortable amount of influence over Guatemala, even though the two countries didn’t even maintain diplomatic relations. The real reason for U.S. involvement came from pressure from the United Fruit Company, whose land was expropriated by Arbenz’s progressive land reforms. The CIA action took a form that became the mold for CIA intervention in Latin America: The bribery of military officers and a propaganda campaign against the leftist government that included the resurrection of oppositional radio stations, the mass distribution of anti-government leaflets, and the anonymous submission of articles to newspapers painting the Arbenz government as communist. The U.S. also used international political clout to pressure the UN to ignore Arbenz’s request for an investigation of the incident. The coup was followed by a 40-year period of instability and brutality in Guatemala.
I knew you wouldn't put your money where your mouth is at on your lying ass media.....

I know deep down even you know you are full of Shit.....

Right leaning news media is the REAL NEWS.

Rush is one of the best sources for the TRUTH.

I said Trump was making legal immigration more difficult.

You threw yourself on the floor & pounded your fists & whines & cried and had a tantrum.

I posted an article explaining how Trump has made more difficult, reducing legal immigration.

Were you too stupid to read it???? Rush Limbaugh in an uneducated, druggie who makes millions duping people like you.

Where are you at, you lying ass Tard?

I guess you are on google looking for some made up story

that can be verified by your lying ass snopes…...
I posted proof. You call it fake news. You are hopelessly stupid.

We all know you are full of shit....

That is the only proof you have shown us....

Now shut the fluck up....
I love it,. You assfucks demand proof & then when it is provided you scream fake news & demand more proof. Loom up immigration statistics.
They're all cowards in defense of an argument they can't win.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
We are more criminal than they are for taking over their countries, economies, governments, and resources.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

Sounds like he was a dumb ass to. Fuck’em.
The Devil has taken over the Republican party and the "good Christian Right." LOl! That shit never existed.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
They aren't immigrants liar they are illegals.
Wrong, we are; Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections.

Guatemala 1954: A CIA-organized coup overthrew the democratically elected and progressive government of Jacobo Arbenz. The U.S. justified its involvement by claiming that Soviets had an uncomfortable amount of influence over Guatemala, even though the two countries didn’t even maintain diplomatic relations. The real reason for U.S. involvement came from pressure from the United Fruit Company, whose land was expropriated by Arbenz’s progressive land reforms. The CIA action took a form that became the mold for CIA intervention in Latin America: The bribery of military officers and a propaganda campaign against the leftist government that included the resurrection of oppositional radio stations, the mass distribution of anti-government leaflets, and the anonymous submission of articles to newspapers painting the Arbenz government as communist. The U.S. also used international political clout to pressure the UN to ignore Arbenz’s request for an investigation of the incident. The coup was followed by a 40-year period of instability and brutality in Guatemala.
Fake news.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
What you don't want to get is that they have no right to be here.
More than you. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
More lying from the trolls.
Lost the popular vote by biggest margin ever

Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than any president in US history
Tell us Mr. Butthurt, when has the popular vote ever elected a president? Seriously, you people are insane. You keep regurgitating total nonsense over and over. When as the popular vote ever elected a president? NEVER!
Tell us Mr. Butthurt, when has the popular vote ever elected a president? Seriously, you people are insane. You keep regurgitating total nonsense over and over. When as the popular vote ever elected a president? NEVER!
The popular vote determined who became POTUS in every election except five; why do you thing the LOSER deserves respect?

Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than any president in US history

"Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November."
Millions of cheating votes does not always make a winner. And Hillary knows it despite those votes. Of course the 2018 election put a lot of people into the congress that really lost.
Millions of cheating votes does not always make a winner. And Hillary knows it despite those votes. Of course the 2018 election put a lot of people into the congress that really lost.

Top Republican Official Says Trump Won Wisconsin Because Of Voter Suppression ID Law – The Commoner Call
Only a fucking fool thinks so called “gerrymandering” is on sided... So shut the fuck up you fucking retard
Tell us Mr. Butthurt, when has the popular vote ever elected a president? Seriously, you people are insane. You keep regurgitating total nonsense over and over. When as the popular vote ever elected a president? NEVER!
Tell us Mr. Butthurt, when has the popular vote ever elected a president? Seriously, you people are insane. You keep regurgitating total nonsense over and over. When as the popular vote ever elected a president? NEVER!
The popular vote determined who became POTUS in every election except five; why do you thing the LOSER deserves respect?

Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by more than any president in US history

"Only five US presidents in history have been elected despite losing the popular vote: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald Trump this November."
Millions of cheating votes does not always make a winner. And Hillary knows it despite those votes. Of course the 2018 election put a lot of people into the congress that really lost.
Millions of cheating votes does not always make a winner. And Hillary knows it despite those votes. Of course the 2018 election put a lot of people into the congress that really lost.

Top Republican Official Says Trump Won Wisconsin Because Of Voter Suppression ID Law – The Commoner Call
Only a fucking fool thinks so called “gerrymandering” is on sided... So shut the fuck up you fucking retard
He is doing what they all do. Spreading lies and disinformation to sway the election.
Ed the Red Commie thinks this should be changed so his Socialists can turn us into Venezuela!

The real divide in this country has nothing to do with race, financial placement anyone finds themselves in. It is rural and urban neither of which have any of the same needs and wants.

A pure popular vote(mob rule) would without doubt, disenfranchise rural America all together.
It would be pointless for rural America to even vote in a pure popular vote for presidential elections.
It would be just like Russian elections, It would be fixed every time because rule America would lose every time… the numbers are not there.
Without the electoral college there is no America... fact
I believe Trump Won the popular vote, minus the illegal vote...…….
Sure and Clinton won the electoral, vote minus the Russian vote.
I understand thatg you assfucks love the odea that Russia helped elect vTrump.

But the Russian interference could easily have led Trump to winning some States he would not have without it.

Just look st these three states won by less than a percent. PA, MI, WI

Try and explain how one single vote was changed you ignorant lying ass Tard....

Because there are many people as stupid & gullible as you & when fed misinformation they chose to vote for Trump.

It’s you Tards eating up all the FAKE NEWS SHIT sandwiches’

You know it to be true because you are SCARED to put your money

where your lying mouth is at.....

You are an idiot for all to see...
I knew you wouldn't put your money where your mouth is at on your lying ass media.....

I know deep down even you know you are full of Shit.....

Right leaning news media is the REAL NEWS.

Rush is one of the best sources for the TRUTH.

I said Trump was making legal immigration more difficult.

You threw yourself on the floor & pounded your fists & whines & cried and had a tantrum.

I posted an article explaining how Trump has made more difficult, reducing legal immigration.

Were you too stupid to read it???? Rush Limbaugh in an uneducated, druggie who makes millions duping people like you.

Where are you at, you lying ass Tard?

I guess you are on google looking for some made up story

that can be verified by your lying ass snopes…...
I posted proof. You call it fake news. You are hopelessly stupid.

We all know you are full of shit....

That is the only proof you have shown us....

Now shut the fluck up....
I love it,. You assfucks demand proof & then when it is provided you scream fake news & demand more proof. Loom up immigration statistics.

How many times do we have to prove you are Full of Shit?
I said Trump was making legal immigration more difficult.

You threw yourself on the floor & pounded your fists & whines & cried and had a tantrum.

I posted an article explaining how Trump has made more difficult, reducing legal immigration.

Were you too stupid to read it???? Rush Limbaugh in an uneducated, druggie who makes millions duping people like you.

Where are you at, you lying ass Tard?

I guess you are on google looking for some made up story

that can be verified by your lying ass snopes…...
I posted proof. You call it fake news. You are hopelessly stupid.

We all know you are full of shit....

That is the only proof you have shown us....

Now shut the fluck up....
I love it,. You assfucks demand proof & then when it is provided you scream fake news & demand more proof. Loom up immigration statistics.
They're all cowards in defense of an argument they can't win.

The insane Tards and their projections...

Psychiatrist have a name for it...

Trump Derangement Syndrome......

You Tards have no idea how Nutty you appear to the sane.
This was not a family turned coldly away as it fled violence and oppression. They were not turned away at all. They simply grew impatient waiting for the bureaucratic wheels to turn. Indeed, family members confirm that the family was not being persecuted in its home country:

Oscar worked at a Papa Johns pizza restaurant, where he was earning $350 a month.

They lived off his wage, limiting themselves to $10-a-day, because Tania had already quit her job as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant to care for Valeria, their only child.

...They were not fleeing violence, Tania's mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.

Their plan was to spend a few years in America to save up enough money to eventually return to El Salvador and buy or build their own house.We have stretched the concept of "persecuted on account of race, religion, or social group" into meaningless if we include those who are (understandably) distressed by low wages. If you blame the terrible deaths of Oscar and Valeria Ramirez on Trump, you must be arguing that the President should have personally moved the Ramirez family to the front of the asylum line. Or else that he should have instated a general policy that grants immediate asylum to anyone in the world who wants to come here for a few years to make some money and then return home. This would be absurd, of course.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Neither “facts” nor “truth” are relevant to America’s liberals. They have an agenda, and will make up their own “truth” as necessary. In my day, we called them liars.

What people don't get is most of these illegals are cutting the line. There are people from Africa, Asia, etc waiting to come here but don't have the luxury of walking North and crossing the border illegaly.
Trump has made it so difficult to immigrate here. Quit pretending it is about waiting in line.
It needs to be hard to migrate here. That way we don't get the criminals we have here now.
A wall would help make it more difficult. Mining other parts of the border would also serve as a clear deterrent not to cross our border. Oh, yeah, let's cut off the freebies. No documentation, you go into a holding facility until we can arrange your return trip home. If you manage to stay, you receive no subsidies for housing, food, or medical. And, unless you can prove proper vaccination and other pertinent documentation, your spawn don't get into our public schools.
It would be a lot cheaper to fine the bejeezus out of those who employ them here. No jobs, no illegals. End of story.
I'd agree to that, but in addition to the other measures. OK, maybe not the minefields, too tough on the livestock and wildlife, but definitely a wall. And no social "safety net", either.
I said Trump was making legal immigration more difficult.

You threw yourself on the floor & pounded your fists & whines & cried and had a tantrum.

I posted an article explaining how Trump has made more difficult, reducing legal immigration.

Were you too stupid to read it???? Rush Limbaugh in an uneducated, druggie who makes millions duping people like you.

Where are you at, you lying ass Tard?

I guess you are on google looking for some made up story

that can be verified by your lying ass snopes…...
I posted proof. You call it fake news. You are hopelessly stupid.

We all know you are full of shit....

That is the only proof you have shown us....

Now shut the fluck up....
I love it,. You assfucks demand proof & then when it is provided you scream fake news & demand more proof. Loom up immigration statistics.

How many times do we have to prove you are Full of Shit?
Where did you provide proof?

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