pic of cat holding coffee mug: "Before coffee, I hate everyone. After coffee, I feel good about hating everyone LOL


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I saw pic of a cat holding coffee mug (some ad on the internet):

caption on pic

"Before coffee, I hate everyone. After coffee, I feel good about hating everyone"


I heard somewhere that cats hate everyone. That's a little bit of an exaggeration but it is kind of the reason I like cats (dogs, not so much). Cats don't run up to you and lick you and put their damn muddy paws all over you when all you want to do is grab a good book, turn on Newsmax and... well, whatever

So yeh, about the coffee mug and etc

I often feel I hate everyone also. I love everyone but sometimes I hate them as well. (I was a cat in my previous life?)

I hate a lot of posters here

I realize this is a problem, esp with my Best Friend Jesus who... sigh .. said to love our enemies

But I can't help it, so I just solve the problem with the Ignore button

I realize this is a problem, esp with my Best Friend Jesus
I saw pic of a cat holding coffee mug (some ad on the internet):

caption on pic

"Before coffee, I hate everyone. After coffee, I feel good about hating everyone"


I heard somewhere that cats hate everyone. That's a little bit of an exaggeration but it is kind of the reason I like cats (dogs, not so much). Cats don't run up to you and lick you and put their damn muddy paws all over you when all you want to do is grab a good book, turn on Newsmax and... well, whatever

So yeh, about the coffee mug and etc

I often feel I hate everyone also. I love everyone but sometimes I hate them as well. (I was a cat in my previous life?)

My cat greets me at the door, puts her paws on me till I pick her up, and licks my face when I rub her belly...
My cat greets me at the door, puts her paws on me till I pick her up, and licks my face when I rub her belly...
that cat would never belong to me

I hate animals licking on me. I'm kind of germphobe and stuff

But most cats don't do that.... I hope
Hate fucking... It's a thing...
I am normal sexually so I guess that's why I don't get it

Actually, I am asexual at this time and probably always will be... slim pickins doesn't begin to say it (in my world)

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